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Wish Elka Luck Tomorrow


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I also went thru this when my girl was about a year old. It got to the stage that they it was polyarthrpothy(?sp) which is an autoimmune arthritis. All it turned out to be was that she had very loose shoulder ligaments and tendons. We were referred to an animal physio for exercises to strengthen the area and she was back to normal until we discovered that she had HD as well :( But she's doing OK at the moment.

Edt: This all started just before she was one.

Edited by CavsRcute
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So relieved that Elka came through it all. I know your history with anaesthetic and how stressful it is for you, so the bad bit is over!!! I hope the tendons come good and she returns to the showring as she is a beautiful girl. Is it similar to horses doing a tendon, as many of them recover?

Hi how was the holiday

She didnt go under anesthetic as such he gave her a heavy sedative, because of the previous problems. Well now she has to go again Feb sometime for hips and elbows but at least we know the elbows are great. My horse severed his tendon it was hanging by a needle fine bit took about 18 months but is ridable again.

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Hi Isaviz,

Glad to hear Elka is OK apart from the Tendons. Someone else mentioned about a physio and I was going to suggest the same thing. Duncan went to physio for about 6 or 8 weeks after his Closing Wedge Osteotomy and it was atremendous help. Kimjim has started a support group on another site for these types of issues, might be worth finding her post about it. Kimjim works at the physio centre where I took Duncan, they have the only underwater treadmill (UT) tank in Oz I believe. The UT work was fantastic in regaining ROM after the op, of course after a full check up by the physio first. My boy's leg op was pretty major stuff and today he can run like a greyhound :( .



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I missed this thread before she went so I'm glad it went all okay :hug:
it looks as though she has done the tendons, a complete blood work has been done as well, now it is a wait and see and if it gets worse she is to go back and will start a course of injections. It looks as though the muscle wastage is from no weight bearing on the right leg

could you explain this a little more, will she be alright in terms of movement for playing and being a brat?

The only thing that stopped her playing and being a brat is when I had her locked up but it made no difference by locking her up. I am taking her back for more bowen now I know for sure what it is well when all bloods come back anyway.

:( she can run and jump like an idiot on 3 legs as well as 4, but I doubt she will have that beautiful show movement she had like when she went res in group at 6 months and 3 days. but doesnt matter as long as she is in no pain, and is my happy girl once again.

cheers all

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just saw your post isaviz, so glad Elka's condition is not too serious. How did she pull her tendons? Was that from rough play?

I don't know about Elka but when Casper hurt his back leg, he could only walk on 3 legs....but when it came to running he sped around on all 4s - you'd never know there was anything wrong!

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So pleased to hear Elka is home where she belongs and that it is only tendons.

As well as physio, chiropractic adjustments are alos helpful...favouring a leg put strain on back and pelvic region and possible also affects the neck. I have a firend whose dog had a complete knee reconstruction a few years ago...and now he is back in the show ring and winning.

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