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Is It Important To Desex A Male Dog?


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Not desexing a male dog can lead to prostate problems and eventually cancer, the op itself is relatively straight forward.

You should explain to your family that it is better to neuter him rather than he be subjected to the possibility of cancer, WHICH IS MORE CRUEL?.

I have a neutered dog and he is as happy as anything, in no way has it affected his so called manhood.

We have leash free areas here as well, which include dog parks as you have in Singapore, are you 100% sure you can watch him like a hawk at the dog park.

Thanks... for assuring me that if will not affect his manhood.

By the way, i am 100% sure to follow my dog because the park is small.. i always run with him :)...

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Your boy is just beautiful. Don't listen to family and friends. At the end of the day he is YOUR dog YOUR responsibility.

Desexing him will not hurt his manhood, or doghood in his case. He will not want to roam, and the dangers of cancer and the like will be diminished, in the case of testicular cancer, gone altogether, cause so will his testicles :)

Do what you think is right. Think of the unwanted puppies and dogs in shelters that are euthanased each day because of accidental matings, and resulting puppies

He will be just as lovely, and happy as he is now, but all the better off.

Good luck with your decision

I think more or less after getting the information here.. i am quite set to desex him. I am taking a day off to bring him to vet this friday.

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Let's not talk about impregnates another dog.

I am very sure this will not happen. 100% sure.

I am in singapore. Not like u guys who live in big country have big field for your dogs to run freely. or just let your dog in out of the house freely.

Over here, i have to lease my dogs in public. If want him to run freely got to bring him to a Dog Park. And whenever I bring my dog to the park to run I am always around.

My question is.. if don't desex him, will he have chances to get cancer in old age?

I dont think it is irresponsible not to desex... that's only apply to those irresponsible owners. And i doubt so i am one of them.

FYI, most of us live in urban areas and the responsible ones do not let our dogs out of the house to roam - there are dangers, such as being hit by a car, stolen, getting lost and starving...

We also have to leash our dogs in public.

Can I ask, how large are your dog parks? Let's say you're on one side, your dog is on the other, getting himself attached to a bitch in heat. How fast could you run over to detach them? Chances are, not fast enough to prevent impregnation. Does this make you an irresponsible owner? Of course it does - you have the opportunity NOW to prevent this. If you don't take the opportunity you are irresponsible.

Please, visit an animal shelter, and see how many unwanted dogs are there due to "accidents" caused by undesexed dogs.

hmmm... the park is the size of a basketball field ;o... next time when i go there.. take a pic of it show you guys :)

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Desexing your dog is the right thing to do: for the dog, for all the bitches in your area and when you visit the dog park, and for your peace of mind. What happens if someone at the dog park likes the look of your dog? Steals him? Takes him to someone unscrupulous as their own and sells him to a puppy mill? He's then going to be used as a stud for as long as possible, not being loved or cared for as you would do, used solely to make puppies, many of which end up in shelters awaiting death, or to return to the unscrupulous breeder's stock and being inbred with their own relatives.

Dogs that still have their testicles are more inclined to escape, whether it be from your yard, your front door, or your leash at the park. They do this b/c they are driven by their hormones and they cannot reason in the way humans can.

And how do you know he hasn't already sired a litter (or more!)? The answer is you can't if he's sexually entire. He's capable of breeding...and chances are, he already has done so, or has at least tried to do so.


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Rascal is just gorgeous. And so is Cherish.

We have a little dog here who had testicular cancer when we rescued him. He is about 8 years old. He was desexed but the cancer has spread, so we don't know how long we have left with him. It is not something that I hope to see again.

Pleased that you are taking Rascal to the vet.

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I desexed one of my dogs when he was 3 years old, the only thing that changed about him was that he has become easier to train and handle.

The reason i desexed was that he wasnt going to be bred anymore so he need not have them and i didnt particulary want any health problems later.

If i wasnt showing and planning on breeding all my dogs would be desexed at 6 months.

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i really have to agree with the replies on here, and if you are going to desex him as you said you have nearly decided to do, i really think you are making the right decision. You are making a responsible decision.

My girl was desexed at 6 months my boy is too, and i wouldnt have it any other ways. There are so many things they can get sick from which are totally out of my control, BUT it is comforting to know that at least i have prevented what i can control.

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The operation doesnt take that long, and here in Australia at least, you can take the dog home the same day.

Best of luck, you've made the best decision.

Hi thanks... just abit worry... the nurse told me the doctor is on Afternoon leave. Due to he is on half day leave, he will decide if to operate Rascal ... before OPeration rascal, he got to do some blood test on Rascal make sure he is perfectly fit for operation.

I think my heart will up down up down that day :thumbsup:

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I am sure your lovely Rascal will be fine. Just remember that you are doing the best thing for his wellbeing, and he will recover in no time. I am sure the vet would not perform the surgery if he thought that Rascal was in any danger.

I always hate when my little girl has her operations (one major one last week), but I keep reminding myself that I am doing it to make her life better and the rewards when she has recovered let me know that I have done the right thing!!!

Big hugs to little Rascal and hoping all goes well on Friday. :thumbsup:

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I am sure your lovely Rascal will be fine. Just remember that you are doing the best thing for his wellbeing, and he will recover in no time. I am sure the vet would not perform the surgery if he thought that Rascal was in any danger.

I always hate when my little girl has her operations (one major one last week), but I keep reminding myself that I am doing it to make her life better and the rewards when she has recovered let me know that I have done the right thing!!!

Big hugs to little Rascal and hoping all goes well on Friday. :thumbsup:

Dear Kelly,

Thank you very much .. Definitely will give my little boy a big hug.

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yeah my girl came home the same day. she had the op in the morning and was home by late afternoon. I know that some places like to keep them overnight tho. Well maybe that is just for females. I imagine it is a bigger procedure for a female.

He will be fine, and it is obvious you love him very much, well done on being a responsible pet owner, sometimes you have to make tough decisions when you love something so much, but i really think you have made the right one...let us know how he goes, i will be thinking of you 2

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yeah my girl came home the same day. she had the op in the morning and was home by late afternoon. I know that some places like to keep them overnight tho. Well maybe that is just for females. I imagine it is a bigger procedure for a female.

He will be fine, and it is obvious you love him very much, well done on being a responsible pet owner, sometimes you have to make tough decisions when you love something so much, but i really think you have made the right one...let us know how he goes, i will be thinking of you 2

Hi there,

I just came back from the vet. Brought Rascal for Pre-checkup before the surgery on Friday. The doctor took his blood test. He will let me know the result tmr as it was too late.

Hope my boy will still be as cheerful and active as before after the op.

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Hi there from aus....

you sound very caring about your little boy. Desexing a male dog is considered to be a very simple opperation, its interestring to know that your vet does pre op check up too :(

Im sure your little guy wont change, cept his wee might not stink as much :rofl:

love the pics..

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Dont worry, in boys its a small operation.

By the way, dont give him breakfast that day in case he vomits. Some water is OK and a good dinner the night before but no food the day of the operation!

The blood test would have been to check if he can cope with the anesthetic, you have a good vet if he is so thorough! Its the easiest thing a vet can do and is he sees no problems it is a very fast thing. First he gets a needle, goes to sleep and snip snip its all over in about 5 minutes.

Remember it takes some time to come out of the anesthetic and it can linger so when he comes home:

give him somewhere warm, dry and quiet to rest. Dont be tempted to keep fussing and checking, if he comes to you for attention then give him cuddles but if he wants alone time thats perfectly normal

dont give him too much food, just some water. Give him small meal if he is really hungry, and a small breakfast the next day as they can have an irritated stomach and vomit if they eat too much.

Dont wash the surgery wound or put creams on it. It may look yucky and dry but the more moisture you put there the higher chance of infection. And any antibiotics you get from the vet make sure he takes all of them! Also make sure he doesnt lick it too much or tear the stitches out

If you notice swelling, a bad small, pus etc from the site take the dog back to the vet. Sometimes they pick at themselves and may need more antibiotics.

Really I have never seen this go too wrong. I worked at a vet clinic and helped the vet, the most problems ever from this is people that kept washing the dog every day or let the dog chew and chew the stitches. We have done baby puppies and kittens that are so tiny but wake up and start bouncing around like nothing happened!! :rofl:

Your dog wont be gay, sick, less manly etc from it, the body still produces male hormones in other parts of the body so he wont be lacking! Tell your family to check around, there are some good working dogs out there who have been desexed and they are still as tough as they were before!

It doesnt change your dogs personality except for the fact he wont seek bitches in season or have the hormonal rush towards other entire male dogs.

Good luck :( let us know how he goes!!!!!

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Hi there from aus....

you sound very caring about your little boy. Desexing a male dog is considered to be a very simple opperation, its interestring to know that your vet does pre op check up too :(

Im sure your little guy wont change, cept his wee might not stink as much :rofl:

love the pics..

Hi there ^_^

yes.. yes.. I really love my boy so much.. as we are destined to be together. Among all family members, he only react virgorously when see me home.. Sometime my mother said... how come everytime your dog see me.. as if is seeing a stranger :eek:..

he is my 2nd dog. I did not take good care of my first female maltese. There was alot of stuff i dun understand why she react in this way. Sometime keep sleeping beside her ball weeping, sometime just make those sad voice towards her toysn sometime keep digging rubbish bin. Now i try to read and ask questions, then i realise that she react this ways might due to she was going on heat/ bore/ lack of attention/lack of toys etc. I thought she was too obessed with her toys and I threw away all.. very sad .. when i realise this was too late.. she passed away at age 16 -__-

Ya .. I really likes Dr Kasey, he have been seeing my previous dog for 10yrs. This time when i got my boy, I told my hubby, Dr Kasey is my first choice vet thou the journey there is an hr. I think he is a dog lover, great passion in animal, polite and caring. Last night, he suggested i get a blood test to check his organs and heartworm because i adopted my boy and dun know his history, is good to do a checkup first :rofl:.. i think tmr he is going to clean my boy's teeth too. thou every night i clean his teeth, but the stain never gone. Guess is his ex-owner never brush his dog's teeth ;)

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Dont worry, in boys its a small operation.

By the way, dont give him breakfast that day in case he vomits. Some water is OK and a good dinner the night before but no food the day of the operation!

The blood test would have been to check if he can cope with the anesthetic, you have a good vet if he is so thorough! Its the easiest thing a vet can do and is he sees no problems it is a very fast thing. First he gets a needle, goes to sleep and snip snip its all over in about 5 minutes.

Remember it takes some time to come out of the anesthetic and it can linger so when he comes home:

give him somewhere warm, dry and quiet to rest. Dont be tempted to keep fussing and checking, if he comes to you for attention then give him cuddles but if he wants alone time thats perfectly normal

dont give him too much food, just some water. Give him small meal if he is really hungry, and a small breakfast the next day as they can have an irritated stomach and vomit if they eat too much.

Dont wash the surgery wound or put creams on it. It may look yucky and dry but the more moisture you put there the higher chance of infection. And any antibiotics you get from the vet make sure he takes all of them! Also make sure he doesnt lick it too much or tear the stitches out

If you notice swelling, a bad small, pus etc from the site take the dog back to the vet. Sometimes they pick at themselves and may need more antibiotics.

Really I have never seen this go too wrong. I worked at a vet clinic and helped the vet, the most problems ever from this is people that kept washing the dog every day or let the dog chew and chew the stitches. We have done baby puppies and kittens that are so tiny but wake up and start bouncing around like nothing happened!! :rofl:

Your dog wont be gay, sick, less manly etc from it, the body still produces male hormones in other parts of the body so he wont be lacking! Tell your family to check around, there are some good working dogs out there who have been desexed and they are still as tough as they were before!

It doesnt change your dogs personality except for the fact he wont seek bitches in season or have the hormonal rush towards other entire male dogs.

Good luck :( let us know how he goes!!!!!

Thank you very much. Your advice is very useful to me. Lucky you told me, i thought have to clean his wound everyday inorder to keep the wound out of bacteria. I think i better mop the floor with water to make sure it dun have detergent on it incase might irriated his wound.

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always welcome! Come back for any advice, you are lucky because this forum has breeders, vets, trainers, behaviourists and nutty dog people so we can help you with anything!

P.S. from your other post the little one has trouble chewing maybe ask the vet to clean his teeth while he's under the anesthetic if theyre really dirty.

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always welcome! Come back for any advice, you are lucky because this forum has breeders, vets, trainers, behaviourists and nutty dog people so we can help you with anything!

P.S. from your other post the little one has trouble chewing maybe ask the vet to clean his teeth while he's under the anesthetic if theyre really dirty.

Thank you.. ya.. i really love this forum.

I dun think my dog have chewing problem because he love to Chew his dental bone thou.. guess just fussy eater.

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