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Iv'e been hunting around for food for Sway to use whilst attempting to train her :laugh: She can now sit! :rofl:

She isn't keen on devon, bacon pieces, liver or beef treats.

And on my internet travels i see alot of clickers pop up. Now im asuming instead of food you click?

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The advantage with the clicker is that it is the same every time (where our voices and tone can vary) and it is easy to do immediately

Bugger hadn't thought of that. best i go buy one :laugh: Any chance to buy something new for her.

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Had a thought :laugh:

What happens if i don't have the clicker one day and she does something good?

No problem, you simply praise and treat or just praise. Same as you would do now if she does something good and you have no treat, you say "Good girl" and give her a pat or tummy rub.

No stress.

Also, clicker is for training and refining behaviours, it is then phased out once the dog has the behaviour down pat :rofl: You don't want to have to click a good sit forever.

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I use both the clicker and yes so that yes is still ok if I don't have the clicker

But the clickers are small enough that you can carry them around too, and I put one on a hairband around my wrist if we are out training so it is close

Edited to say what Monir said, that you only use the clicker while teaching the behaviour :laugh:

Edited by shoemonster
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hehehe I am clicker nuts I did have 3 until recently when I donated one to my friend. One for the car, one for the handbag and one for the kitchen bench. Always had one handy :laugh: Now just one in the handbag and one on the bench.

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Ok i bought one off ebay :laugh: Ultra quick, and dirt cheap to $7 something.

Ok so click verbal praise and treat. Shite think i should become a dog :mad

Does a clicker work on kids? :rofl:

Nope she doesn't like cheese, just tried that.

Bacon piece maybe :rofl:

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personally I don't use a verbal praise when also using the clicker. Just click then treat. Then when phasing it out I'll add a verbal praise instead of the click or mix it up a bit until I am just using verbal praise and no click, or if you don't want to use verbal praise then don't. Up to you.

Think of the clicker as a camera, it needs to 'capture' the behaviour you want. So you need to work on your timing. There are games where you can practice this, I'm sure I have a link somewhere.

I actually used to use dinner times as training times. Both of my boys spent the first few months of their lives with us earning each and every spoonful. It works, that's for sure. I still use dinner times as training sessions, but now all they have to do is one really good stay or a perfect recall and they get the whole bowl.

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Darn, can't find the clicker games, but did rediscover this site. It's a goodun: http://www.clickertraining.com/home/

T practice your timing, get someone to throw a ball in the air and the second it hits the ground you click. Keep practicing your click until you are spot on. Now this is an easy task cos you have warning that it will hit the ground soon. You don't get warning with your dog, you have to be ready ALL the time.

Good luck. It is a lot of fun.

And congrats on teaching her to sit already :laugh: Nice work!

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Just another thought - I am assuming that your dog is a pup by the picture..... are you training your dog when it is hungry?? ie: lloong time before dinner? usually that will get dogs to train at their best and work for their food. I agree with another poster - use their dinner to get them to work. Only unlike them, I still get my boy to sometimes work for his meal - but then he'll work for dry food!!!

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