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Dogs Howling.


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Rocca my 7mth old new boy from a rescue group has started howling.He started yesterday and its usually early in the morning.He has just started and its only 4:38.Ive growled at him saying "No"each time.Why is he doing it?Hes a de-sexed male.Is it a part of seperation anxiety?Since we have had him he usually follows us everywhere and can get underfoot.He has my other dog for company as well as us.We dont always have both dogs inside either.I know from the previous owners(was surrendered to the rescue due to young baby)and they had him as an inside dog,also his foster carer kept him inside too.What should I be doing if he howls again? :laugh:

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You haven't had him very long, he does not feel very secure in his new home yet. It probably still feels new and strange. He has always been inside, now he is outside. Which is a big change, and probably, in his eyes, a bad change. He may think he is being punished.

When he wakes up, he is lonely and probably doesn't feel too secure in his new home, so he howls as a means of expressing his lonliness and unhappiness.

He will probably get over it when he is a little more settled, and accepts that this is his home now.

It takes a while for a dog to settle into a new home. He had his home, was settled, went to rescue, and was settling and was uprooted and went to a third home.

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