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Molly's Eyes


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I'm sitting here stressing

Molly has had 2 operations fro extra eyelashes, last one about 4 weeks ago

Now this mornign she's woken up and can't open one eye properley and its all red and horrible

I've rung the emergency number for the eye specialist ad they're gonna see her at 11, so I'll stay home til then, cos she is rubbing at it and annoying it more

:cry::eek::) Poor Molly, this is awful

Edited by shoemonster
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Obviously there are pros and cons to each option but in my reasonably extensive experience they tend to come back every time the dog recoats. My main issue with the operation is firstly there is a considerable time lag between when you first notice the eyelash and when it is operated on, the dogs is in pain the entire time, if you are plucking it out it takes 2 seconds. Secondly I can't justify putting the dog under anaesthetic for something like this. By plucking it out it will definately come back but once again quickly dealt with.

I am not saying you have done the wrong thing by operating, I have heard of it working permanetly for some people

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awww poor baby,, hope u get some answers. you have done everything u can for her shoey dont feel bad. guess id be questioning the specialist tho, if it has happenend this soon again.. but i guess its something they cant put a time frame on either..

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Poor molly

i sympothise with her, i get an eye lash that grows into my eye.

so i know how she is feeling :eek:

Hugs for Molly

and sounds like shoemonster needs one too :cry:

Edited by lea
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Well, I'm at work at Molly is still there

She is having another op

The lash that I could see was massive, and has given her an ulcer on her eye, it seems to be the lash that they plucked out at the last checkup, which was a loose one at the time

I am in tears, but I think I am doing the right thing in this circumstance

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Thanks Simone

I know this is not life threatening and she'll be ok but its still awful for her, she's such a happy girl, she bounces back everytime and wags her tail off at everyone, even when they are hurting her

She's got the best little personality and loves everyone no matter what

Sorry now I'm being soppy lol

I think these things scare you cos if this is hard, how do we deal with the really bad stuff? I guess we just have to appreciate every second we get with them, and never take them for granted

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Big hugs to both of you.

eye lashes can be nasty and i think plucking is only a temp solition, poor Molly :thumbsup:

But hopfully this time the damn things dont grow back.

what did they think of her fance dress.. ?

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