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Yeah it's always hard before you know people to start picking too much!

Everyone feel free to let me know things that you noticed about Ed and I please :laugh:

Yeah Roxy had lightening fast recall and Ed's was disgusting! ;) Lots more work needed on his recall now!

Oh and Jesomil, I'll be at the one this Sat at Kcc for sure, as we will be there for the show that day anyway ;)

Edited by shoemonster
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Yes Jules, but I dont want all the other dogs to be on lead with handlers there. He wont break a stay under those circumstances. I think what I do need to do, is a formal stay with another handler hiding behind him ready to pounce!

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Hi Shoey ;)

Lived in the Northern Suburbs most of my life, dont think I could change, so I will continue driving down your way for the KCC run throughs later this year.

I live in a fast developing area, so things will eventually change. There are a number of very large non VCA affiliated clubs around here, and that is half the problem. They have huge membership numbers, but none of them are encouraged to trial.

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Yeah just teasing! At the moment we live 20 min or so from the city, so could meet you closer to your place sometimes if you wanted? But we would need others too as a 2 dog group stay with 2 entire males may not be ideal! Though Ed was not really too fazed by Oscar which was good, Oscars such a gorgy boy

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Hi Shoey,

We had a great weekend at the yard dog trial. My boy came 2nd in his class (97/100) which i was thrilled about. We only lost points because of me making a dumb mistake but he was perfect ;) . I am so proud of him. He is such a great dog.

We are looking forward to meeting everyone on Sat :laugh:

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Hey all,

Thanks for Monday.... sorry about Roxy being a feral bimbo though. The aimless barking was what was truely driving me nutso!!!

Having her tethered was a great test, and I expected some barking with that. But it was her barking at nothing that really sent me around the twist..... she's not normally like that, she must have been having a really bimbo day!!!

Thanks for the comments on the recall. We have been working on it. But I just need to harness that enthusiam. Roxy is a dog that is either completely "on" or totally "off". A formal recall is where she is normally "on", but in some ways she can be too quick, and can over-shoot me... or just be so excited the she completely runs past me, but definately something we are working on!!

I guess that's where a lot of our issues come from though, she has a huge amount of drive, but I don't know how to harness it. Hopefully there will be a K9 Force seminar on Drives in the near future..... this is definately something we can benefit from. And this would also help by removing treats (my next main focus).

She was just acting like a lunatic on Monday, so hopefully she will be better next week!!! Fingers crossed!!!!

Edited by roxy's mum
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Hey WMR, have you got any articles about 100 pecs heeling that we can give to Roxy's mum? I was telling her I think it would help her get Roxy off the food dependance in her heeling

Thanks for that.... was trying to remember yesterday, but my brain was fried!!!!

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roxy your in cranbourne why dont you come over to frankston one day and 'll teach you how to harness the beast within lol

my fav dogs to work with are those high in drive she sounds amazing and full of potential.

I dont have much in the way of articles at present most got lost last time the pute crshed but if your willing to meet down here i can go through some stuff with you

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