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  1. Koko's screen test for the first in the trilogy. RIP KOKO. Great dog.
  2. If humans respond to you like a little puppy making a whiney sound then you should probably get better humans, MrsRB. I wonder if any Dolers know who the breeder of the pups was.
  3. I really liked the first one. I thought it was a very well put together movie, but the prequel trailer looks great. Baby Red Dog NAWWW. Very cute puppy.
  4. Looks even better than the first in the trilogy.
  5. I love the superbowl ads!
  6. I have no words. So sorry kirty
  7. I'd probably flirt. That cop was pretty hot.
  8. Maybe, or maybe as you said she was just having a really bad day. Lovely little pug.
  9. Jesus christ she's in serious need of psychiatric treatment. I was expecting some crazy old bag lady, not a young woman.
  10. Poor little girl, and the other kids who witnessed it.
  11. hey you be quiet. I got the best runt in the world. She turned out to be a mini mastiff. Best attitude of any dog I have ever seen, and much loved by her owners.
  12. This is terrible. Do you have compost that they can access in the yard? My dogs got into it a few years ago and all ended in emergency as well. Its horrible. Fingers crossed for you Kirt, and full recovery for the little onesy
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