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Everything posted by frenzied1

  1. Shaz there is the fattest Blue ACD but not on this week's list, he is a fatty boomba I think Yard 21
  2. Just thought I would give everyone the heads up. There are 20 dogs due this week at DAS. Everyone has decided to dump their dogs before the holidays. When the rangers have asked them to hold off to give them a better chance they will not. Lots of smalls and lots of hand in rehomers.
  3. When I became a foster carer 8 years ago I actually volunteered with the group before actually fostering a dog. I would help out at the pound temperament testing, I would help with transport etc. When I realised that I enjoyed the processes particularly when I adopted a dog from the group, I knew I wanted to step up to become a foster carer. I have found it fun and very rewarding. Our group has a process as do a few others in Canberra that I know if that ensure that the new foster carer is given a mentor and is given help with their foster dogs throughout the whole process. New foster carers are asked to fill out a detailed form of application and then a yard check is done and an induction. We always ensure that the right dog is matched with the right carer. Anyway that was my experience and what happens now.
  4. Yes in Canberra I told the nurse about PACERS, she just texted and said that the owner had been allowed home to feed the dog, I don;t quite get it but there you have it.
  5. One of our lovely carers is a nurse and one of her patients has their dog at home. The RSPCA said they cannot help with Pet Support as it is the long weekend. Is anyone able to tell me if this is something PACERS could help with or any other ideas? Carer isn't sure if we would be allowed to just rally round and do the feeding etc.
  6. We have a potential forever home and was wondering if there were any rescuers that lived near here that could do the check for ARF? Cheers
  7. I was only talking abpout Dulcie yesterday. Gorgeous girl
  8. That is great I remember her in the pound and she was and is so so pretty
  9. I got the email about him today and he sounds WONDERFUL
  10. Spoke to the lady about the Staffy on Sunday but she unfortuntely did not send me the details via email as I asked. I hope the poor darling pooch gets something.
  11. Well said, the only person that would put the stop on me fostering would be my husband if we kept lots of fosters. I have a FF and she is great with any other foster I have.
  12. ARF did a media release and thankfully it helped lots got picked up.
  13. I'm sure she'd love them! Will pm you my email if that's ok. All good
  14. Not sure if it is because of Skyfire but the pound has gone from 19 dogs last week to now 51 My list for temp testing is 26 long currently so think of us if you have a rescue space or even are looking for a new family member.
  15. Oh I loved loved loved him he was such a good boy at temp testing. Would your friend like the pics I took at DAS of him?
  16. This girl's owners have handed her into the Pound as not suitable for rehoming so she will be PTS
  17. I have been contacted by a guy that needs to rehome his GSP male, who is 18 months old. He recently got him from a Tasmanian rescue and he has shown some food guarding and had a snap at one of the man's kids. Could someone let me know who I could contact please, our rescue is FULL. I have emailed the emails I had for Gun dog reascue and GSP Rescue but have heard nothing back. Thanks in advance.
  18. I have to back that up Rae Malcolm is an absolute gem, you both also do a lot of temp care also. I have to now acknowledge my hubby who agreed to take 'just this one foster' 6 years ago and we have now fostered nearly 50. He loves them and cares for them, he always sets up the crates to be ultra luxurious. He helps with every aspect of fostering. To my gorgeous hubby Jez I love you and thank you. I also have to thank my 4 kids who also help with the fosters and love going to the pound and helping the needy hounds.
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