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Everything posted by westiemum

  1. Wow he is just gorgeous!! ;) :D What a sweetie *Sigh... as she adds yet another breed to the ever growing list of doggies westiemum must have before she falls off her twig...*
  2. Can't wait - my new camera has hit Oz - its in Victoria as of 1 pm this afternoon! Hopefully I'll have it for the weekend!
  3. Hi All, Thanks to kja, I'm in the market for a Canon Powershot S90. Its the ideal camera for me I think - point and shoot but with more manual control and features. Have been surfing around the US and Oz, including procegrabber in the US and other shopping sites in Oz to find the best value deal I can including postage. Amazon seems to win hands down - even with expensive postage. So I'm seriously considering this Amazon bundle here or even this one here The cheapest site I've found in Oz is 460.00 + shipping for the camera only but ships out of HK (which worries me), going up as high as over 700.00 for the camera only. (BTW the US warranty issue doesn't worry me). So: 1. What do people think of the two Amazon bundles? 2. Where do people buy their cameras from? 3. What accessories do you consider necessities? (bearing in mind I'd prefer to pay the one lot of shipping so would prefer to buy them all at once if possible). Thanks for your help and advice
  4. Hi Westlover - happy New Year! The photos are gorgeous - my old camera is on the way out so I'm in the market for a new one - if you don't mind me asking where did you buy yours from? When i get the camera sorted I'll post a few more too.
  5. Thanks DDame - reposting my last post from the other thread... Hi kja OK have done the research and the S90 it is - thanks tons for the suggestion. It looks to be the perfect camera for what I need. In terms of price - Amazon seem to win hands down and they will ship Canon to Oz - Amazon price USD is 399.00 for the bundle or 405.79 for the bundle plus extra battery (+ shipping of course). Link here Other prices vary from 507.00 for a dodgey brothers ebay deal from HK, up to 649.00 at Ted's. Tempted to go with the Amazon 405.79 deal - what do you think? Is there any reason I shoudn't buy this sort of equipment from Amazon? (I can't think of anything but I might be missing something amd their return policies are great) Thoughts kja? Anyone? QUOTE (kja @ 2nd Jan 2010 - 09:12 AM) * The S90 is an awesome camera and you can't go too wrong with it. Another choice would be the G series, but it's way bigger. I say go for it and have fun!
  6. One of my staff has very kindly offered me roo tail for the first time - so i think I'll go and speak kindly to my butcher... :) I'm not one for an axe much...
  7. Must admit I find that funny - I've occasionally forgotten appointments with friends, hair appointments - but never a vet appointment! And I don't remember being late either - whereas I've been late for my last two hair appoinments but I've always rung to let my wonderful hair dresser know. EFS Most of ours who don't turn up have genuinely forgotten (not sure how, but anyway) we usually do a phone call if they are good clients to see if they want to rebook.
  8. Definitely an appointment girl here for all the reasons people have given, except for emergencies. As I raced Sarah in with what turned out to be HGE, the vet nurse said to one or two people in the waiting room that there would be a delay and they could wait or re-book. I think most people understand if that happens - and like to know the same service will be available for them should it ever happen to them. Mac is very sociable with other dogs and loves to say hello but that doesn't mean they all love him - so I prefer 'minimal company' in the waiting room. EFS
  9. Thanks persephone - yes I think he looks great too - and yes he'll eventually look like a westie again - and I just can't get over how well he has healed - particularly considering it was a 4 hour op and accompanying GA - really quite remarkable. Apparently it caused quite a stir at the vets since it was such major surgery.
  10. Hi Everyone, Just wanted to show you Mac's post operative progress. I think he's doing brilliantly - no post surgical complications at all - and he is so much happier - and 'bouncey'! . These photos were taken this afternoon - 3 weeks and 5 days post op. He had a clip on Christmas Eve - and we decided to 'even him up'! So now he looks like a schnauzer or a white version of a scotty!! But I think he's still a very handsome boy!! Thanks again to everyone for your interest, support and good wishes, during what has been a very long journey since January this year Cheers, Westiemum and Mac.
  11. Excellent work beenie - thats exactly the way I got my Sarah to tolerate the car. Although a five minute drive might be too big a step - maybe try 1 minute there and one mninute back = 2 minutes in total and build by a couple of minutes... I felt like a real turkey driving this dog such short distances but that, combined with the Blackmores and elevating her on a hard foam cushion on the front seat (tethered of course) really did the trick. She quickly realised we went nice places in the car - not just to the vet! Good luck and have a great trip.
  12. Fantastic - always great when things work out so well - they are both just the cutest - and if you're anything like me you'll have a puter full of photos toprove it! Have a wonderful Christmas. That is the best photo!! Look at the smiles!!
  13. Even though its a bit late to start long trip training, still start this weekend with trips down the driveway, then to the corner, then to the park (drive even if you usually walk), and get some travel sickness tablets - Blackmores with ginger worked well for me. Also see if doggie is better on a foam cushion covered with a towel (also easier to clean than car seats). My Sarah used to get very car sick - and it was only through going to places she liked, gradually increasing the distance and putting her on a thick foam cushion on the front seat where she could see out (tethered), that she was OK. She can now do 2 hour car trips without any trouble at all. I wouldn't say she likes the car but at least she can now tolerate distances and she isn't sick.
  14. Thanks Rommi n Lewis and Persephone - yes I'm so thrilled he's doing so well. Yes I said to one of my regular vets this morning to please thank the surgeon again - I think he's done a brilliant job. :p And P you're no kidding about pain and pus free days - the thought of not having to constantly pour stuff down his ear again will be a God-send for him in particluar - and me as well! ETA: One of the long standing very good vet nurses this morning said she was amazed at how well he was doing after 'such long, major surgery'. Not sure how long it took but i got the impression it took most of the morning.
  15. And another couple... I think the wound/incision is quite small considering the surgery is major and the whole ear canal and middle ear cavity were removed...
  16. Not for the squeamish... Here's the boy taken last night and this morning. The vet decided not to take the drain out this morning - possibly tomorrow. He's very well, happy in himself and although the wounds look grim, they are actualy very clean and healing well...
  17. Thank you everyone - I had to leave for Melbourne on Tuesday afternoon after Mac had his surgery on Monday morning and came back last night. My mother very kindly picked Mac up from the vet late yesterday afternoon and he was home when I got home from the airport two hours later - and we were so pleased to see each other!! (I genuinely don't know who was more pleased...) - anyway he is on Tramal drops for pain relief, some covering antibiotics, and Metacam, an anti-inflammatory. The dog-sitting mother was unavailable this morning so Mac came into the office with me for the morning and attended a major project meeting! He was a very good boy. He is certainly improving really rapidly - much brighter eyed, eating and weing well and not letting me out of his sight (that's not unusual) He has gained a few more Aunties and Uncles in the office many who offered to babysit him... Will post some photos in the morning... now I've got over what he looks like, it might be useful for anyone else facing the same thing. Thanks again for your support and kindness - much appreciated. Now we're all off to bed!
  18. Thanks ridgiemum, I've rung the vet this morning and he's flat but fine, as to be expected after major surgery and a GA and on track to come home tomorrow. Thanks for all of you encouragement. I'm sure he will be much better with the pain ultimately gone and me not chasing him around the house with a syringe full of drops 2-3 times a day. My first ridgeback had both ears done, she was great after, a bit deaf, but otherwise fine & no more annoying infections.
  19. Thanks oakway and everyone - just heard from the surgeon - Mac is waking up from the GA, very groggy, all went well, the facial nerve seems fine on initial indications (he's blinking), the ear canal has been removed and the putrid middle ear cavity drained. He has a drain in, is on big-time pain killers, they are culturing the pus from the middle ear cavity (it was full of it) to see if some antibiotic treatment will help and he'll be at the vets for a couple of days. I would love to go and see him but I think he'll be too distressed when I leave so I'll just see him when I collect him. This is one very relieved westiemum!
  20. Thanks - do you mind telling us what you paid? I usually get mine online as I've found its usually cheaper online - but there's always a first time!
  21. Thanks RL - your good crossing of everything worked! They are finishing up the surgery now - all went well and he's fine - apparently the ear was unbelievably putrid... just waiting on a call from the vet or the surgeon... will let you know the details after I hear. Thanks tons for all your good wishes.
  22. Hi PW, I feed Barf patties 'cos my guys do soooo well on it. If expense is an issue, there are a few raw feeders on DOL who make their own Barf mix cheaply, quickly and easily - if I can find the links tonight I'll post them for you. Personally, I'd try reducing costs by making my own barf before I switched to cans (which IMHO are not always cheaper anyway) - and I really want to know whats in my dogs food and I can't do that with cans. But bear in mind I'm a biased raw/barf feeder... Hope that helps
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