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Everything posted by Tatelina

  1. Agh! My girls has just shown signs of dandruff after nothing changing throughout over a year.. interesting. I wonder why. Do you just add any type of EPO to their food? Is oily sardines just as good?
  2. Good on you for wanting to be prepared though!
  3. Took me a while to get through all the info and links but I did it! Good thread! Thanks for clearing it up!
  4. :rolleyes: *sending virtual hugs to you* You couldn't have done anything. And you said it yourself...she wasn't stressed. So she wasn't in pain.
  5. Have PMd you kavik. Thankyou. Any other responses? (thanks Shell)
  6. Does anyone know of any grooming places in Sydney that need workers? Preferrably in the Inner West or City? I know we've got a few groomers lurking around... Do you need to be qualified to open up a grooming business? (not that I want too...just curious). If one works at a grooming place do they need any qualifications? Or just experience washings dogs?
  7. Ah thanks for all that info! Now all I need to do is get fit. :s
  8. And how long is this test? I mean...how long do you cycle for?
  9. I want to do agility!!! Where can I do it in Syndey if I'm in Burwood??
  10. So how do people go about training their dogs so they don't a-run under the wheels b-keep swapping sides of the bikes c-run away after distractions. :D Heh..my lot in life.
  11. If I was a dog and I had the option of a new unused sterile bed or the place where my owner sits... I would definetly choose the one that smells like my owner. :D
  12. How clever is she :D :D It reminds me of Carolyn Scott & Rookie the Golden Retriever dancing to the Grease theme. There's not many that get to that standard. Oh yeah I remember seeing that one!! That was great!! How do you teach dogs to do stuff like that? Is it an advancement to agility?
  13. Ooooo I'm interested!! (although slightly mortified at the thought of one of my girls running off after a bird and pulling me + bike after her) What and where are these endurance tests?
  14. Wait...why is that a myth???? My favourite is 'they know they've done wrong'... stupid people.
  15. Oh wow. Why on earth has this dissapeard into the depths of DOL? (and don't ask me how I came across it either.. I can't remember. *blush*) BUMP! Thanks for posting! Edited to say: Heh! Didn't even notice it's a pinned topic. *blush*
  16. I'd be too paranoid that they would get caught under my wheels and make me crash. As it was I was walking with one off lead and she walked RIGHT into a slow cycling pedestrian. *blush* whoopsie.
  17. Randomly found a helpful website! http://www.dogs4sale.com.au/About.htm http://www.agilityability.com/agility_explained.htm
  18. At the risk of sounding schoolmarmish I do tend to remind handlers that their dog's name is not a cue. It's great if you've taught the dog to look at you when you say it's name but for many dogs names are just white noise. Work on your recall and say Jeddah... when the dog looks.. lure if you have to but get the dog to come. When the dog is coming add "come" or "quick" or whatever word you want and say it ONCE. Anything after that is just "pleading". So it's JEDDA... dog looks.. QUIIIIIIICK.. and verbally encourage them in... yay... good dog.. REWARD!!!!! Sometimes handlers forget that the dog actually coming towards you needs to be praised as much as it arriving. Don't forget that a visual cue eg. outstetched arms can help the dog when it's at distance. I'm a huuuge whistle fan though. No no you're giving good advice!! Thanks! Yeah that's an obvious point which I've forgotten... Jedda really doesn't mean much. And PAX thanks for explaining the restrained call...have never heard of that either.
  19. I've been wanting to make a thread on recall for ages!! I've got two 2ish year old girls who are usually very good at coming back when they hear me call but as soon as they are distracted they don't listen at all. Very irritating to be shouting 'Jedda. Jedda! Jeeeeedda. JEDDA! JEDDA!!' while she gleefully crash tackles into another unappreciative dog/person on the other side of the field that I didn't notice in time...and then casually when she feels like it (or when I start running away) she chases after me...
  20. Peakhurst and Centennial park might.. They have a dog club in the middle of the city!?
  21. That's very interesting...But I have no advice to give you. :rolleyes: Good luck with everything!
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