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Everything posted by Andisa

  1. Good luck - maybe this would suit someone but personally I would not get involved with this type of situation. I think you are setting yourself up to get burnt bad - I certainly would not be allowing anyone else to be caring for a dog I am legally responsible for - especially a Rottweiler.. Each to their own.. eta: and I sure would not be taking on a dog that I thought would be removed from me for what ever reason - I just would not do it - sorry.. Many breeder do co ownership without issues - but they don't all work out.
  2. I plan on having at least one Rottweiler for as long as I can handle them. I will always have some Pugs - but I promised myself many years ago that my retirement dog(s) will be retired/reject greyhound(s) from GAP - this is the only thing I look forward to when I am OLD.... can't slow down the aging process, but do look forward to a greyhound or two :D.
  3. A new heated twin tub is ~$2500+ (~$2700), so I think you could expect to pay ~$1000 - $1500 for a heated twin tub in good condition - more if in really good condition and hardly used (private home and not a business). Ring the manufacture and ask for prices so you know what to expect to pay if buying a new one and when you go to see secondhand baths you can always make an offer if you think their asking price is too high. If you can get a good twin tub for under $1000 - bargain . I have a Liberty twin tub and love it. I bought it ~10 yrs ago and it has never been a problem. Original heating elements and pump still working as good as new. The only repair it's had was for a cracked drain pipe, I removed the bath from the trailer to clean the trailer out and didn't secure the bath properly and it fell over. It needs doing again now after many years but since I am no longer mobile I just use towels, it's not bad. Will have it fixed again one day. Good luck.
  4. I would not do a back to back if a c section was done regardless of the reason for doing it - one year later yes - but not a back to back. My Rottie bitch had an em c section and the vet said she could be bred again the next yr but does not recommend a back to back if they have c sections. As it was she had another em c section anyway the following year so retired after that. My pug bitch had an em c section on her 2nd litter and she is now spayed. When I had my own em c section the Dr's strongly advised me to wait at least 2 yrs before having another baby due to the scar being a crappy one, was told it would split if I was pregnant sooner - I never had another baby, wasn't going to risk it . Is there any reason why you can't wait until next year for the mating to allow plenty of time for healing?
  5. I have no problems taking on older dogs, most of our dogs were "second hand" when I was growing up and they were great. Our very first family dog as a kid was an adult Aussie Terrier who's elderly owner was in very ill in hospital - his dying wish was to my aunt to find his little dog a new home, so we got him. When my parents bought the farm it included several working dogs and a Dobermann bitch who was the biggest gem of all. Years later I found a Dobermann bitch advertised in a paper and went to see her, she was living in a tiny pen and was very skinny - there was something in her eyes that made me take her with me. When my father took one look at her he said there was something wrong with her - he was right but she had a couple of great years with us. She took a bit to settle in but it was soon obvious that someone had loved her once and spent a lot of time on her training. If she didn't work out I would have had her pts - but I was not leaving her there. My hubby already had a GSD x Collie Rough, he got her as a pup but was 2 yrs when we met, she was our kids first dog - best kids pet you could wish for :D. We adopted an adult Maltese, he was going to be sent to the pound but I took him sight unseen (I worked with his owners sister, got his full history) to help James get over his fear of small fluffy dogs from when he attacked at 4yrs old by my sisters SWF and was terrified of them. He was not in good condition when we got him - only 2.2 kgs and heavily matted coat, riddled with fleas, I clipped him off, wormed him and fattened him up to a whopping 3.5 kgs - best of all, he helped James overcome his fear of small fluffy dogs. I got Piper (Rottweiler) at 17 months old from her breeder and she was great. I have rehomed Rotties at 5 - 8 months old and one came back almost a yr later, she was later rehomed again around 2 yrs old. Hamish left at 5 mths and came back at 15 mths old and staying, can't part with him again . Lizzy (Pug) was rehomed early this year and I brought her back home after 3 months, she stayed with me for a few more months and has recently been rehomed again - her new family adore her. They called me yesterday (updates weekly, sometimes more :D )and love how well adjusted she is, she has 2 Staffford buddies who have accepted her like she was always there. I am going to see her in 2 weeks and so looking forward to it . I don't plan on taking on any more adults for a while - but have future plans for retired or reject greyhounds through GAP - although I have a feeling I will have 2 of them but that will be a long way off. Recycled dogs can make great pets but get as much information on them as possible to make sure you can chose the most suitable dog to suit your needs and experience. Good luck with your search for your next dog(s).
  6. Was this the little blue stafford with the massive price tag and riddled with mange? Did you get a full refund? Contact the CCCQ and ask them how to go about putting in a complaint - it will cost you $$$ though . Keep it well detailed especially any vet records that you had while the pup was with you and ask your vet if they could write a letter detailing the condition the pup was in and their recommendation that the pup never be used for breeding and anything in writing from the "breeder" stating that he/she was well aware of the condition that the pup was in. Good luck, it is breeders like them that make the rest look bad .
  7. I would really love to see this link for the Leerburg formula pinned for easy access. Leerburg / Bottle Feeding Puppies has a wealth of information on feeding puppies. Give the mother this milk and it will help increase her own milk supply. You should see a difference in milk supply on the Fenugreek powder and Metomide in a few days - I give the Leerburg formula to the bitches several times a day, they love it. Good luck!
  8. When I was about 14 my horse kicked me in the face, I was very lucky he was still quite young and no shoes or he could have killed me. My face was fractured and had a scar about the size of a 50c piece under my eye and black eyes, it was bloody awful. Only a few weeks later the local Sergent came in to the bakery to tell me that a local girl of similar age was not so lucky, she died soon after. I grew up hearing all the time how dangerous horses were, one of my father relatives was killed from a horse kicking him in the stomach. Actually I know of more accidents from horses than dogs. A friend was almost killed when her horse bolted and she smashed her head on a low bridge, had it not been for the helmet the Dr's said she would have died. I had more than my own share of injuries from horses in almost 20 yrs of having them - have had dogs much longer and never bitten from them. Had a few bites from the horses though. So I suppose we best round up all the gee gees too....
  9. Andisa


    Once upon a time breeders used to cull and for what ever reason they stopped and the pups were placed in pet homes. The question would be WHY? - One of my old breeding books has a line in it that still makes my skin crawl but very true to the time it was written. It was similar to *if a breeder can't bucket a puppy at birth then perhaps they shouldn't be breeding*. Breeders used to cull to control numbers and cull any who didn't fit the purpose, I don't know at what age but many used to keep tight control on quality. Imagine the out cry from the public if that was still happening. So who is really to blame when so many dogs are placed in pet homes? Back then it was not for the money as they were still cheap or free to good homes so would it have been from public pressure and then opportunists who saw the opening for big $$$$. Both of my grand parents used to be breeders, my mothers father used to show and breed a few different breeds while my fathers mother used to have Corgis, I only remember her having a few litters but don't remember if she had a prefix - maybe the old girl with the highest morels known to man kind was a BYB . ed: sp?
  10. Sorry can't help with a vet in your area but as for vets who are good with Brachy breeds I feel more comfortable knowing the vet is experienced with Brachy breeds especially for surgery.. One of my pug pup owners in Tassie called me when her boy was 1 yo - new vet wanted to do nasal surgery, he said "It's so bad that it's a wonder he can breath - very typical of the breed", I told her not to agree to anything and take him to a vet who deals with Brachy breeds - surprise - surprise. There was NOTHING wrong with the pug - nothing and he lives a very active life with a Stafford. On a different issue was the litter mate at 18 mths old in VIc who was told that her pug pup had HD so bad that they were looking at BOTH hips in need of desperate surgery with a bill around $5000. The pups left on a health insurance plan and they kept it going so money was not the problem. Again I told them to find a specialist and what do you know - again NOTHING wrong with the pup apart from some bruising from rough play. I am glad that you are searching vets who are experienced with Brachy breeds and as always if they are talking about surgery always get another opinion. Good Luck! ETA: Call some local Pug breeders and ask them what vets they recommend :D . Plenty listed on DOL.
  11. Will be interesting to see what her cycles are like then. Since you don't want 6 mth cycles she probably will .
  12. I hope not! She had her first season only 5 months ago so I am praying she isn't a bitch who cycles so frequently! Thanks for the reply everyone, will work with her slowly. We aren't going back to club for awhile as we have weekend away shows coming up so she won't associate it with bad things when we go back. She might be a soft bitch coming in to season. Keep a diary on what she is like to give you something to look back on, this might be normal for her when her seasons are getting close and would be due in a month anyway. My young Rottie bitch gets soft just before she comes in season and has the worst phantoms you can imagine, I dread the thought of her going through it again like last time. She gets all sooky and dug a bloody great hole under my grooming shed, she sounded like a bitch in whelp, had imaginary pups and was looking everywhere for them, had milk and she was not even mated. I will try her on hormone drops next time and see if that takes the edge off her. She gives me the shits at times being demanding but I would rather her a bit soft that aggressive like some can get with their seasons.
  13. Don't mean to be picky but perhaps it would be a nice gesture to remove the link in your siggy too until you get the go ahead to use it.
  14. No Matthew, the point is that pitbulls have been banned and eradicated in various jurisdictions over the last 20 years or more. As best as we can determine, not a single bite has been prevented using this strategy. What do you say to that? The breed needs to be eradicated until it ceases to exist. Simple. It can't attack/kill you if it's extinct. Then what do we do with every other breed or cross that attacks someone ? Continue to blame the breed or cross untill there are none left ? Yep - that is the logic that he comes across with.....so what is he doing on a dog forum?
  15. I thought the reason behind using the dog fight photos was because they mentioned that any dogs who showed human aggression in the pits were culled. To me it seems like a logical argument in trying to get the message across that there was no place in the breed for human aggression. edited: just had another look and must have confused it with other clips I have seen over the last couple of days. One or two pics in the pits with people along their side would have been enough if they had to be included at all. But yes - awful photos...
  16. That's a good idea. I might walk around next weekend and see what is on right at the beginning of the show and well after the Goldens. We are normally judged just before lunch. That could be a problem - Pugs are usually just before or after Lunch too.. still worth finding out though. Would he be able to manage picking up a pug and placing it on the table, they are small dogs but can be pretty heavy for the smaller kids to manage but I have seen them get help if they need it. Another idea would be a smaller framed dog like at Chi or Yorkie (grooming might be fun ;)) - at least they are early and later in judging so you would have a better chance of them not clashing with your Goldens.
  17. What about a Pug - group 1 takes forever to get to the Pugs. Good chance that the Goldens would be over and done with well before the Pugs go in the ring. They do clash with the Rotties most of the time though . If you were in Vic I would be happy to give him a go with Charli to see how he went. Why not ask around and see if someone would allow him to show some smaller breeds for the experience and find a breed that suits him best. Good luck :D
  18. No need for gundogs either Matthew.... shooting game is banned in most states. And as they bite kiddies, best we be rid of them. OMG, another nasty Labrador attack - read the excuses made for the dog And another!! Holy cow Labs are dangerous Its clear this breed attacks kids with no good reason. Best we kill them all now. Poodlefan - Credit where due, for someone who has no vested interest in large powerful dog breeds I am grateful that you have given up so much of your own time trying to educate those who either have no idea or simply don't care about anything that does not affect them TODAY..
  19. Andisa


    I think he did a great job Teebs and his dog did his part too . His name is Brad Griggs. I don't know him personally but have heard a bit about him - hopefully other trainers will get out there and try to promote the importance of FORMAL TRAINING WITH REPUTABLE DOG TRAINING CENTERS and to AVOID BYB dogs.
  20. I feel the same Raz - what sort of dog attacks and kills the moment it escapes it's yard? What ever excuse the owner has about the dog it will never undo the damage done. A small child has been killed, another seriously injured as well as an adult - if that was one of my dogs I would kill the bastard myself and would expect to be well and truly in the shit for failing the dog so bad that it was such a danger to society. That dog would have shown signs of being dangerous and should have been house accordingly - in a secure fully enclosed dangerous dog enclosure not regular house/yard fencing and managed in a safe and responsible way. The dog was let down by it's owner and an innocent family has paid the highest price possible, my heart goes out to them. So much for migrating to a safer place . Tougher laws will only make it harder for good genuine owners to own some breeds but it will not stop those who should never have them - get them.. Please be careful what you wish for - supporting the banning of one breed will open the flood gates to ban many - many more...
  21. I would still be asking about cancer regardless of his age - a few yrs ago one of my grooming clients lost a 12 month old GSD to spinal cancer, don't want to panic you but still worth checking. Good luck, hope he is back to normal soon - what a worry not knowing what's going on.
  22. I think enough can go wrong with a perfectly fit and healthy young maiden so would not even consider anything older than 5 years old having a first litter. Just not worth it. Having said that I am sure there are some out there who do it - but personally if I had not found a suitable mate when she was younger I would not do it. Her health would be more an issue than a litter at that age. I have a lovely young Rottweiler bitch that I have put off breeding, she will be 3 in October and I have decided if she is not bred by 4 1/2 yo then she won't be. I think just by asking you already felt she was too old anyway. Sorry you were not in a position for her litter when she was younger.
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