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Everything posted by Dracdog

  1. But on the other subject, puppies are registered into the name of the breeder first in Tasmania as well. The breeder then signs them and gives/forwards to the purchaser for re-registration in whichever State that they reside in. Why on earth should I go to the hassle of registering the ENTIRE litter on Limited Registration, then have to write letters and actually apply to have my OWN puppies upgraded to Main Registration at a later date when I can simply hold off on registering the puppies until I decide and then register them all at the one time on whichever register I deem them to be? Besides, under the rules of the ANKC, a breeder has up to 18 months in which to initially register a litter anyway so a breeder is NOT breaking any rules by not handing over registration papers at the time of sale. The ruling is, I believe, that the registration papers should be handed over within 14 days of registration OR sale whichever is first. In Qld you can register the pups straight into the new owners names saving yourself a transfer fee. For pups that are already registered it is the breeders/current owners responsibility to ensure the transfer is done.
  2. I was talking to a friend of mine who is a Club sec she told me that apparantley after Qld sucessfully negotiated the distance down to 500Km it has been put back up to 1000Km for Nationals approved after May this year.
  3. There is a further release on the Dogs Qld site http://www.dogsqueensland.org.au/News.aspx?id=218
  4. Mabye if they are caught doing it they should be made to wear one of those bright yellow saftey vests do the scooping for the whole of the day for everyones dogs? It would embaress the hell out of them and make sure they didn't do it again. It would also have the effect of making everyone else think twice.
  5. http://www.cccq.org.au/ its on their website New Website is www.dogsqueensland.org.au
  6. Dogs Qld have put this Media release regarding this on their website under Latest News on the Home page. Media Release - When is a Pit Bull not a Pit Bull? 7 April 2010 Dogs Queensland Media Release 7th April 2010 When is a Pit Bull not a Pit Bull? The Honourable Justice Martin, when considering the evidence presented in the Supreme Court of Queensland yesterday, in the application brought by Ms Kylie Chivers in respect to her dog “Tango” against the Gold Coast City Council, decided that her American Staffordshire Terrier (commonly called an AmStaff) is in fact an American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT). Pedigreed, registered dogs owned and bred by Dogs Queensland members include AmStaffs and these dogs have many generations of recorded registered pedigree data and are bred specifically for improving type and temperament. These dogs are now far removed from what the community considers to be the typical Pit Bull. The Australian Government decided to restrict the importation of APBTs in 1956 as many had been bred to work and in some instances (particularly in the United States) that included fighting and it was believed that these dogs would therefore constitute a greater risk to people. This decision has been the subject of much criticism by dog enthusiasts over many years because it is generally believed that breeds should not be banned but the actions by small numbers of aggressive dogs should be penalised. In other words, ban the deed and not the breed. AmStaffs, whilst originating from a similar genetic background, were developed with an entirely different objective. That objective was to produce a well socialised sound dog suitable to urban living. Our responsible Dogs Queensland member / breeders have worked tirelessly over many years to achieve this objective working at all times within a clearly defined breed standard. The American Staffordshire Terrier breed is recognised internationally and this unexpected decision seems to be contrary to all of the evidence that Genetic Technologies Ltd (a well respected and highly regarded Human Forensic and Animal Genetics & Diagnostics firm) has collected. GTG maintains that “they are confident and can conclude that the breed signature for APBT is different to that of the AmStaff.” This decision has significant and far reaching implications for our responsible AmStaff member breeders and exactly how this decision will affect our members and their internationally recognised breed of pure bred, registered dog is still unclear. CCC (Q) t/as Dogs Queensland is seeking urgent talks with the relevant State Government Minister(s) to discuss the possible ramifications of this Supreme Court decision. We are confident that those talks will result in a positive and manageable outcome for our members and their pedigreed registered American Staffordshire Terrier dogs. Issued by: Rob Harrison Secretary / General Manager CCC (Q) t/as Dogs Queensland PO Box 495, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Phone (07) 3252 2661, Fax (07) 3252 3864 Email: [email protected]
  7. If there have been spayed Bitches titled then they should have their titles stripped and be suspended. Would you prefer to have an inexperienced judge judging your dog for it's title? Open shows are used for the same purpose the only differance being that you don't have to qualify in one to enter a Champ show.
  8. I tried looking up the details as to when it would be on but they don't have it. Suppose I'll have to watch it every day.
  9. Complain to them, If enough of their members do they will have to take a second look.
  10. I don't think it is just Qld that won't be running it a friend of mine in NSW has told me that they aren't going to run it either. on the show entry forms there are neuter classes listed I think they are 15-18 but not many clubs run them. Mayde if more clubs did the CC's may change their minds.
  11. I hope you sent them to Dogs Qld and not me.
  12. The Criteria and Entry form are on the Website in the Whats On section.
  13. Has anyone entered the Dogs Qld Photo Comp yet? I am going to but I am having trouble picking the one or two best ones to enter. The Outlaws are comming over for dinner tonight so I'll get them to help. I am also hoping that they are after natural shots not Show poses as I don't have any of those. It gets a bit boring after awhile looking at them. Show Poses in my opinion don't show the true nature of the dog.
  14. You should wear them more often hiding legs like yours should be deemed a criminal offence.
  15. There was an artical on the news the other night about a bloke in Qld who is now exporting Cane Toad parts to the Chinese for the dinner table. Mabye it is the replacement for Dog & Cat.
  16. That would be great if you get a chance Well then, I must have missed it I have only been a CCC member for just over 12 months and don't recall seeing it any DogWorld in that time. But thanks. Ok, thanks. Interesting. I'm not quite sure I can see the point of it. I found it in an old DW You need 25 points, there is no fee you just fill in the form and send it in. The point of it is according to the blerb to encourage entries and support Judges Training. There is also a special section of the EKKA that you can compete in.
  17. From memory it has been around for a couple of years, you need to get 25 or 30 points I think at Open shows and send the application in. I actually don't think it costs anything. Check with them cause I could be wrong. I will go back through my Dogworlds and check when it started if you would like
  18. Ive been having a look the Rule book in under Member info, New Member Info
  19. Just rang Dogs Qld (CCCQ) to get some forms sent out and was told that the new website is up & running now. I had a look and it is 1000% better than the old one. The photo comp Idea is a good one might even send a couple in. For those who want to have a butchers the new site address is www.dogsqueensland.org.au
  20. My brother in NSW rang Dogs NSW before Christmas to find out if there was any clubs near him that ran it and if there was any comps. He was told what I stated in my earlier post. I rang him last night to find out more he said that it was under the ANKC policy on attack training. Tried to look it up but for some reason I can't get onto their site
  21. ANKC regulation that it is not to be done and that any club or person found to be doing it is in breach of the regulations and can be kicked out.
  22. I rang them yesterday to mention the adds and was told that they had tried to get rid of them but they kept comming back. They also said that the new site should be up hopfuly this week as there had been some problems with it that needed to be ironed out before it was set.
  23. Aren't These idoits listed as a Terrorist group in the states. If this is true then they should treated the same as the rest of them and not be allowed to set up shop here.
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