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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. And no one wants the dog punished aka rehomed or worse because the humans arent managing correctly this works both ways . You cant watch every minute & if your child is unable to not touch then you need to set up a safe zone for the dog & this will likely be required in the years to come as your child gets older . The walk part isnt a factor sleeping anything disturb gets annoyed,Humans will often tell someone with colourful language to bugger off & dogs react with there mouth . If your little one slapped your face whilst asleep you would not be happy so puppy needs the same consideration . Your better to manage this now with a safe zone than set the dog up to feel it needs to react
  2. I'm looking for someone who keeps the litter with the mother for 12 weeks rather than 8. If the above is a requirement in thinking the pup is better off with its mother longer then you will need to be more on top off what enrichment,training & independence training the breeder does. Are they lead training,exposing to car drives,teaching grooming skills ,how to enjoy there own company & being confidient thinkers on ther own (if being left with litter mates become more reliant on there company or as a source of confidence it can take longer to re adjust into your home ) Most bitches by 10 weeks have very little to do with there pups from 8 to 12 weeks its up to the breeder to ensure there covering very important life skills during this period if hanging on to them longer by choice or because a puppy owner thinks there better off .A mother will interact here & there those sharp teeth trying to drink doesnt equate to a happy mum so infact this is the age where human intervention is soo important . If the breeder is doing nothing then it will be more work for you . As this is a purebreed forum people wont have breeders to suggest
  3. One off our puppy buyers is a Big Wig Contract Lawyer & yes they are very enforceable .
  4. Breeders have been fighting legislation very hard,problem is pet owners do bugger all except support the concept off Stop Puppy farm bills which targets everyone & dont understand that the bill also affects aspects of pet ownership so infact many pet owners who complain about there pet owning rights dont care about the Govt aspects. It has been brought up on many forums about understanding any bill for its entirety & doing submissions but most dont think it applies to them . Most Govt bills will mean the puppy farms thrive as its a business & they will pay the requirements . Already in some States is mandatory spaying unless your a member of a certain org,have your vet to say its not in the best interest & prepared to pay the fees your local councils will charge . Basically what councils will deem is if you own an entire dog you will be treated as a breeder & have to meet the tick box requiremnts IF granted permission to have an entire dog
  5. Well if this is your reply as a wannabe breeder that god help us .I would imagine you will get lots of Nos based on attitude alone . And buy the way good breeders dont want your money ,they want a great home for the animal they have bred & are liable for for life and ensuring they are placing out there blood,sweat & tears to a home that will show it forever love & be an important family member . Selling puppies is not a business unless you plan to be a puppy farm that doesnt give a stuff . Selling puppies comes with a life time committment of care,respect & help. Selling on spay contracts has been norm for many years . With varying new govt rules WHAT you think your entitled to do may become a shock unless you meet the requirements.In this day & age the Govt will have more rights on what you have to do with your dog & what hoops you will have to jump through . A breeder is the seller of the goods & they can place restrictions on there pups whether it be limited,mains,spay,not for breeding & why a good breeder knows which animals at times should never ever be bred from or especially done so by people who think there dog they can do what ever which sends Scary red flags on the ethics of what they would bred with . DNA testing may return results that make a dog never ever suitable to be breed with . Just because it has reproduction bits doesnt mean it should ever be bred with . If your family where registered breeders than you should have more empathy in your post about selling living creatures
  6. I would suggest making sure you understand the pros/cons as should any person thinking there doing a favour housesitting a dog they have no knowledge about . Whilst the dog is in your care you are liable for any issues.You take on ownership during that time . So anyone house sitiing would need to be fully prepared to pay upfront vet bills especially after hr bills. As someone who operates a boarding kennel i can tell you without having signed documents that the dog is in your care that getting vet treatment is very difficult when you havent given authorization to the care giver to legally treat & having a contract for covering vet bills & making difficult decisions . House sitters that do it as a business generally have insurance coverage that covers there business which is a big deal if you decide to sue the care giver or the care giver decides to pursue there client . Keep in mind pet sitting is much more than i will look after your dog especially if not set up to safely house unknown dogs from fighting ,letting offleash if never trained to do so(liabilty) ,freaking out,jumping the fence ,house visitors who may not respect these unknown dogs in closing doors etc etc etc etc. Uninsured pet minders can open themselves up to an expensive cheap option
  7. Old age & restless ,quite normal but jumping up on a bed is a big deal for any old dog & can be a game changer off uncertainty for them when there normal is no longer normal. Arthritis,vision a couple attempts of failure can affect there confidience so yes they will annoyingly ask for help . Look at adding an access ramp up to your bed to allow more independance,offer a bed solution on the floor & reward & yes go to the vets
  8. Any breed that has some guarding instinct will require you to train it to know right from wrong , that doesnt equate to socializing it as a dog with a tendancy to be aloof wont want to meet every Tom,Dick & Harry thats not how they work . Some breeds due to there guarding aspect dont want to share with other dogs as you may want . I think you need to seriously decide what you really want from this dog & what will best fit into the already established household ,the humans in the house & there ability to control said dog & expectations & how much work you want to put in time ensuring its brain is stimulated well in job mode & pet mode .Guards dogs dont just laze around they need there outlet just as much . If you want guarding then you need to accept what comes with that & and if the GSD or Rotti intimidate you a dog in guard mode will probably freak you this will be important in your ability to control a dog . German wirehaired Pointers are good alert dogs & very loyal to there humans . The biggest factor is most crimes these days dont get fazed with dogs especially the routine dog that charges to the fence & can be wacked with a 4x2 or eat what is thrown to them to be baited . I had a GSD who was one off the few that actually did his guarding correctly & we had a dog handler from the Army who was scared off him because he worked correctly ,as he said a lost art to witness a dog safe guard itself & leave the human second guessing what its plan was .
  9. I groomed a BRT lovely dog with a very savvy owner who respected what he was. I have watched BRT at shows be feral whether breeding or lack off owner respect in setting up the dog for success i dont know . There coat is work even if you wish to keep it short it took me as a professional 3 hrs to do a pet length groom aka Beach length . A giant Schnauzer may be a more practical choice out off the 2 . A giant breed is only as fun as the effort put in , i have boarded a few Newfs & groomed them who are just trainwrecks that the owners cant enjoy as they never too k teaching them manners as pup seriously . I have over the years helped show Newfs & well trained are lovely but yes there size is a massive factor not only for home life even too the car one owns,they need regular brushing & the collect will collecet everything & anything in the bush . Bullmastiffs we have boarded & they have all been gems,lived a good age ,fit in there senior years & they where all family dogs . Loving breeds & what is reality is very easy to narrow down a breed doesnt want you as an owner because you love it ,the breed wants you as an owner because you respect it for all the pros/cons that come with them Strangely enough i would sooner walk into a yard witha Mastiff than a Rough Collie meet to many nippy ones & wouldnt trust them .
  10. There listed on the breeders list so just contact them yourself
  11. To be recognized by MDBA they had to change names for there foundation registry .
  12. Whilst they dont bark there yodelling can wake the dead ,that is next level noise
  13. Testing is very available in Australia . As to whom may sell it will be a case off just contacting everyone but given the breed is easily homed here exporting is generally not considered for pet homes plus on not where where Cavies stand on the snub nosed breed flying issue
  14. Sadly many are great at business i wouldnt base my decision on a breeder on this .
  15. As someone who is heavily involved in breeds where colour variety is norm & handling Labs Colour absolutely can have different temperaments . I prefer yellows then Black & then Choc
  16. Maybe look into Prime100 air dried I personally hate foods where the catch cry line is If you feed this your vet bills will disappear . Diet is such a personal thing with lots of factors . I couldnt feed this too one of my dogs
  17. I would first research what restrictions the retirement villages currently have on sizes etc etc in the area . We have had to help rehome 2 dogs this year as they didnt meet the village rules or set up . Before anyone says Crap owners these 2 homes where amazing owners & they needed to go into a suitable retirement set up for there future ,the ones they could enjoy living at had dog size restrictions & serious barking rules .The owners did the right thing even though it broke there hearts & the dogs had to go through significant change . I will say both owners said they wished they thought about retirement home restrictions earlier . So keep in mind if planning to take everywhere it may not do well when left alone . I would say once you have an idea off potential restrictions then look at what will suit the criteria
  18. We use Healthier brand its tinned powder so you just make it up as needed when we bottle feed babies . Fab product .Most health food shops sell it or buy online . Goats milk can be seasonal & at times hard to source even long life & more so when covid hit . Chemist warehouse do a powder goats milk but it didnt agree with our pups .
  19. Unless there IATA approved they cant be used as flying crate.
  20. Any idiot can train a a dog to be blunt . The issue is most people cant be bothered to put the time in,pick a breed that will never suit there lifestyle or people arent honest about how time poor they are or honest about how much they want to spend with the dog each day so the dog misses out . ACD can be great dogs they can also be a pain in the arse when not trained,not given quality mental enrichment & dont thrive sitting in the backyard looking at the fences all day ,can become yappy,nippy(breed trait as its part of there job& if not given the training & outlet becomes bad anners) . So the biggest question is you promised a dog what promise is the daughter & yourself making too the dog 7 days a week ,find the right answer & then find the right breed & keep mind long term ,training never stops & age stages require new boundries & manners spend in 4/5 yrs time what is daughters plan & your s ?
  21. First off your dog is hurting others ,his behaviour can have a lasting effort on the poor dog being pinned and growled at and your dogs behaviour is escalating and will result in heart ache for another dog . Dog parks are not fun nor do they teach social skills there generally an easy option for the owner to let there dogs run feral without much effort and they go home . You have a bunch off over stimulated dogs whose owners do nothing until it gets bad . I would be giving the park a Miss and doing activities that come with rules and teach acceptable life skills . It may well be the herding side coming through but a dog not taught the boundaries will become a nightmare moving forward . Time for training and management
  22. Papers mean so many things to breeders . Are they an ANKC /Dogs Australia breeder ,MDBA or one off the other registeries. As for stud work just buying a pup & saying hey he has testicles is far more than that . These things should haave been discussed with your breeder who may have considered the choice off pup differently . Where parents tested ? Is pup clear by parentage for certain issues? Why did this pup get selected ? Does it represent the breed well at this stage. Is its mouth good,construction good And who will do the stud work ??As a stud dog owner its not a case of the birds & the bees just happen ,some dogs need manual work & thats your job as part of your stud fee unless you pay for a stud master at your own expense .
  23. If its stones it needs dealing with sooner than later ,remember whilst your nervous this isnt fun for the dog Get the ball rolling on what it may be & just deal with from there including diet assessment if stones . Whether it is worse case or simple case the knowing will give you a path moving forward
  24. As a dog groomer im going to just say it our worst clients are Hair dressers for knots & the likes . The mobile dogwash world is very competitive . So research the area you want to cover . Understand the council rules for parking your vehicle & trailer on the road ,verge also factor in the noise that your dryers will make in areas & with the council Look at the local area as to how easy it will be to park,reverse & the vehicle you plan to use What is your plan for rescheduling in extreme heat & winter storms Ie Your daily schedule at some times off the year will have to be very flexible . Will your trailer or van be air con set up or using the wheel out & in bath option . Many mobile dog washes are having to drastically review there prices with the petrol costs so if your area has a few DIY bath options that are cheaper people do use them . A number off grooming salons offer bath only so factor that into your research . If your on your local Facebook community groups pay attention to Dog wash posts What are your animal handling skills like .Keep in mind dogs dont just walk in the bath that often it comes with drama,tantrums,nervous,snappy so safety set up a must whether in trailer or just in a bath wheeled out on front lawn Will you be a big or small dog person ? Dog grooming means your a dog groomer ,mobile dogwash is exactly that just wash some do nails etc etc so decide also what services you can offer or not offer Are you capable off getting a stubborn dont want a bath dog in ? Do you have back /shoulder issues as this job is hardwork on the body . It can also be a great career BUT its not easy ,its not always fun having awesome animal handling skills goes a long way for your own safety & doing hands on courses on how to bath correctly ,when to say no to a coat so matted bathing will cause even more issues underneath . Its not an easy career bathing or grooming & you del with alot of dogs with behavioural issues,challenges & no life skills taught what so ever Do your area research wisely some have winter jobs to make up for the lower income .
  25. if spaying watch out for spay coats
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