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Everything posted by shmoo

  1. the owner of this dog came in and asked me just to give the dog a tidy. when i felt the dog i said "im sorry, but its all going to have to come off VERY short"... she proceeded to tell me, that she brushes him everyday and couldnt understand why I needed cut it all off.
  2. im such a tool i only just noticed this thread! i will do my best to get there for the Sept one. I will bring both my boys, but pending how my rescue boy goes he might have to sit it out.
  3. Im really starting to get sick of the amount of Oodle breeds we are having come into the salon looking like this ..... he was such a lovely boy while i did all this.
  4. i find that unless a goldie is grooming regularly (bathing, racking and blasting the hair out) they will just shed alot! seems you need to keep on top of that dead hear coming out. same for corgis. but this is just my opinion.
  5. oh man here we go again. i was recently talking to a representative of the company in regards to PETA. The Iams company asked for a PETA member to come work at the Iams factory to see what they do and show them they were doing nothing wrong. So a member came and worked and sabotaged the clinic and took footage of a pound and claimed it was the Iams testing facility (the beagle footage you have linked us to). im so over PETA.
  6. i had a small strawberry plant once... i came home to find it stripped of all its strawberrys! my boys ate them!
  7. last night one of my boys ate the boiled brocolli and califlower from my dinner! i was interested to see if he would like it and he did. there was no sauce or spices added on it. (btw he didnt eat much)
  8. these are some really good points keep 'em coming!
  9. im a vego, and some people argue that because i still feed my dogs meat, that i am not a vego at all. but it doesnt seem right to me to take meat out of a dogs diet. i came across this V-Dog. Any thoughts or anybody have any stories?
  10. There are a few good washes out there for flea treating dogs. A strong one you can get from the vets is Permoxin. You dont need much and it kills all the fleas on the dog. Combined with flea treating all their bedding (Permoxin can be used as a spray also) and flea bombing the house, then using Frontline/Advantage etc you should not see a flea again! Keeping in mind Frontline kills all fleas on the dog, but by the 4th week it is weakend and takes longer. So you might be seeing fleas on your dog, but generally the Frontline takes up to 6 hours to kick in and kill them. Frontline seems to work better on some dogs and Advantage on others. Ive only heard good things about Advantix, so maybe give that ago. In regards to your 6 months worth of Advantage, you could sell it on ebay or send it to a rescue org if you didnt want to continue using it
  11. i call dry food and canned food "junk food" i often have a can of "My Dog" or "Natures Gift" handy for those nights when the family (my bf, and our two dogs and cat) have a "junk food" night the animals love this stuff, but its no where near as good as BARF!
  12. here is a good list of things NOT to feed your dogs: Items to avoid - Reasons to avoid Alcoholic beverages Can cause intoxication, coma, and death. Baby food Can contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs Can also result in nutritional deficiencies, if fed in large amounts. Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system. Cat food Generally too high in protein and fats. Chocolate, coffee, tea, and other caffeine Contain caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline, which can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous systems. Citrus oil extracts Can cause vomiting. Fat trimmings Can cause pancreatitis. Grapes and raisins Contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys. Hops Unknown compound causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures, and death. Human vitamin supplements containing iron Can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs including the liver and kidneys. Large amounts of liver Can cause Vitamin A toxicity, which affects muscles and bones. Macadamia nuts Contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscle. Marijuana Can depress the nervous system, cause vomiting, and changes in the heart rate. Milk and other dairy products Some adult dogs and cats do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose in milk. This can result in diarrhea. Lactose-free milk products are available for pets. Moldy or spoiled food, garbage Can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhea and can also affect other organs. Mushrooms Can contain toxins, which may affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death. Onions and garlic (raw, cooked, or powder) Contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions. Persimmons Seeds can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis. Pits from peaches and plums Can cause obstruction of the digestive tract. Potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves; potato and tomato stems Contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. This is more of a problem in livestock. Raw eggs Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella. Raw fish Can result in a thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe cases, death. More common if raw fish is fed regularly. Salt If eaten in large quantities it may lead to electrolyte imbalances. String Can become trapped in the digestive system; called a "string foreign body." Sugary foods Can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly diabetes mellitus. Table scraps (in large amounts) Table scraps are not nutritionally balanced. They should never be more than 10% of the diet. Fat should be trimmed from meat; bones should not be fed. Tobacco Contains nicotine, which affects the digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heart beat, collapse, coma, and death. Yeast dough Can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.
  13. I was just wondering, does anybody have any links or reliable information on how good or bad canned food is for dogs and what the nutritional difference is between each brand? Ive heard that "home brand" canned food is pointless and has no nutritional value, but i dont understand how they can still sell it if this is so.. ? Ive also heard that "My Dog" is full of crap making it about as good as us living on macdonalds everyday. Im just interested to know how good (or bad!) canned food really is! Any opinions or stories appreciated edited to add: i feed my dogs natures gift as a treat sometimes because i find this the best canned food also. my dogs wont even eat "bushs" "chum" or anything like those brands, i know this because my housemate feeds her dogs those things. they eat it, but they will eat pretty much anything. my housemate thinks that all canned food is the same... but i certainly dont think so. i guess i am just looking for some proof for myself! also, ive noticed the cans of "science diet" list the first ingredient as water.
  14. so these brushes are made for humans? ive never heard of them :s
  15. shmoo


    this is my first post in here... and its sad. my family dog of 15 years passed away on saturday. im doing ok but my mother is a mess. she just needs some time. she was a great little dog and companion to my whole family. i remember when i was a kid and i dressed her up in dolls clothes she always put up with whatever us kids were doing. she would come dirt bike riding with me and sit between my legs when i was riding. she loved to chase cows and demanded a walk everyday, typical Jack Russell! im going to miss her dearly, but i will never forget her. her ashes will be returned to us in a lovely box this coming saturday.
  16. i find when travelling with dogs, the ones that are drolling big time are pukers. all the dogs i have taken in my car and have drolled alot have vomited. just my experience.
  17. tiger balm. makes them drop off straight away. ticks hate the stuff. just rub some in his ears.
  18. o0o0oo0o yes i do! can you give me the details of that supplier??
  19. ive bought some thin frankfurts at $4.99 a kilo and a kilo of devon at $1.99..that isnt bad. so i will see how they like those.
  20. no worries!! i think its going to be a case of my running out everytime as it is!!
  21. hmm im thinking i will try roast chicken and cabanossi!! hopefully they wont be latched onto my treat bag thou
  22. Now that i have a new treat bag coming my way im wondering what treats everybody else uses and finds the best? my boys dont like schmackos, but they like the liver treats, but they can get expensive when constantly buying them. does anybody feed hooman meat? like devon pieces or salami or something? im just wondering what i should try for my GSD (mainly, he needs the training the most!) and my other swfs!!
  23. it woulod be interesting to know what they do tell people who are boarding their dogs. if somebody wants to pm me i will give them the number and they can call and pretend to be enqireing about boarding there.. ask what they will get fed.
  24. well, the big dogs sometimes get just dry food to eat. which i wouldnt be happy about if that was my boys. the small dogs get the cat food, or if they are really fussy they get cooked chicken (no bones), but they only seem to be fussy when they are new and dont want to eat cause they are scared.
  25. the boarding kennel i work at they only feed the dogs Whiskers cat food. And some dry dog food. Is this ok and normal?!?! some of these dogs are there for months and only eat tined whiskers cat food and the odd chicken neck.
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