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Everything posted by laeral

  1. Thank you for your reply. Would a pinched nerve cause pain at the site though? I can run my hands down her back, legs, hips etc with no obvious pain. She couldnt get on the bed again last night. I think I need a chiro or a vet visit. Anyone reccomend a good chiro in NE Vic or Northern Melbourne?
  2. I am house sitting at my mothers house and moved in there last night. She has a rather high bed in her spare room. Mica is allowed to sleep on the bed with me when we are there, so she was invited up last night. Much to my distress my poor girl couldn't jump onto the bed. She paced around crying and sort of half crouched like she wanted to jump up but couldn't. I tried to get her to lift her front paws onto the bed and lift her back end, but she yelped when i went to lift her She ended up having to sleep on the floor near the bed. I didn't sleep much last night as I am now majorly stressed that she has something really wrong with her Mica is a 4 year old GSD. She unfortunately is a not from a registered breeder and I am worried that maybe its her hips. For the last few weeks she has been holding her tail a bit funny sometimes as well, like she will carry it off to one side. Sometimes it hangs quite limp which is unlike her and will flop between her legs as she runs. She seems to have a slight aversion to sitting as well and it can take her a few seconds to get comfortable. Other than that she seems fine. She is still extremely active and is running and walking fine, no limping, has no sore points when I touch her along her legs and back. Oh and she jumped into the back of my 4WD yesterday afternoon just fine which is way higher than the bed Does anyone have any suggestions what symptoms like this could mean? I am praying that it is not her hips and that she has tweaked her back or something.
  3. Hi GoldenGirl85, I have a large k9pro crate for my GSD. She had a good go at scratching the mesh when i first got it and made a little tear but they are really durable. I find mine heaps easy to set up. It is a ball and socket sort of set up, but it slides into place easily and I have never caught my fingers in it. I move mine around a fair bit and find it very light weight, and it only take seconds to set up. I LOVE this crate and would highly reccomend it, I think they look great too and come with two storage bags. It can open at the front, side and top which i find handy. I must put in a disclaimer that I havent had a soft crate before this one, so am not able to compare with other crates, but if I needed another crate I wouldnt hesitate to buy another one of these.
  4. Im still waiting for mine to shut up Give him time to settle in. Reward the behaviour you want, and ignore the behaviour you dont. Just remember he is a baby puppy that has been taken away from the security of his litter. He will be feeling scared and insecure.
  5. Im with Jeff, I havent treated my k9pro leash with anything I did get it wet with salt water once and rinsed it but thats about all. If you want you can treat it with a leather conditioner though. I use neatsfoot oil or leather phane on my leather horse gear,as it gets sweaty. You can get them at any horse shop. Just want to add that I too love my leash its beautiful leather.
  6. Matt, not sure that I am any help to you as my GSD puppy would scream and howl when I left for work. I would drive down the driveway in tears some days! I learned quickly to give her breakfast when I left to distract her from the intitial leaving part, she never cried after that. Mica learned quickly the routine of me going to work in the morning and your little girl will to. Does she like kongs or other toys? Just a question, how old is your little girl? I am assuming only 9ish weeks? I didn't leave Mica alone in the yard until she was a bit older, but others may be able to advise you better on this as i live in the country and my yard was a bit big and daunting for a new baby puppy. ETA Welcome to DOL and pictures of the new addition are a must!
  7. No bloods were taken. He based his diagnosis on symptoms and faecal smear that had some blood in it. She is certainly not gravely ill, just quiet. Maybe they dignosed her wrong??? Either way Im glad she is not as sick as they are supposed to be when they get this illness! She may just enjoy a small amount to eat Pers. It has been 2 days since she has eaten, aside from a bite of boiled chicken and rice last night.
  8. laeral

    Dogs Seized

    That is all kinds of wrong. So councils can just come and take your 'property' without your knowledge or due process? Wheres the proof, or at least some sort of investigation?
  9. Very clever boy. And hes gorgeous as well! Sometimes my girl does things that I ask her even though she hasnt been taught to. For example when she was a baby she was outside eating a bone. i had left the back door open and soon enough she trotted inside with the bone and dropped it on the ground. I casualy said to her take your bone outside. She picked the bone up and took it outside! I was pretty stunned. She hadnt been taught the words bone or outside yet. Sometimes Im sure she understands more of what i say to her than i think What kind of dog are you raising? neglecting his duties like that!
  10. The vet did a faecal smear. Didnt send it away though as they studied it on site??? Fifi, the vet said her colour was good and she was showing no signs of dehydration so didnt want to give her IV fluids yet. If she got any flater or stopped drinking I was to take her in and they would put her on IV fluids then. She is feeling a bit better this afternoon, even looking for food for the first time since Fri. I was advised not to feed her anything though so may wait until morning to give her a small meal.
  11. Oh really I have never had a dog with this before so dont know much about it. The vet didnt seem to concerned, said she should be fine in about 48 hours. She isnt vomiting and doesnt have much diarrhoea, just seems quiet. She still seems realitively happy though Now I am worried. I will keep a close eye on her and take her back if there are any changes. ETA have just been having a look at HGE, sounds very nasty. She definitely is not as sick as most of the symptoms seem to suggest. she has not had serious vomiting or much bloody diarrhea, just a few spots. She did vomit once but that was it. Hopefuly it was caught soon enough and is not to serious.
  12. No he didnt fifi. I meant to ask him when we were talking about dehydration but forgot Any thoughts on what would be good to add to her water?
  13. Thanks for your thoughts Persephone. She didnt get any worse overnight luckily. We have been to the vet this morning. She has haemoragic gastro, but no blockage thankfuly. She has had something to settle her tummy and some antibiotics. She is drinking well and showing no signs of dehydration, so I just have to give her some medicine three times a day and just kep her quiet. If she stops drinking or gets dehydrated he said she would need to go on a drip.
  14. Yeah Fifi I was worried about that. She had a bit of diarrhoea earlier but again not much. She had a quick run around the yard but is still too quiet. She will be going to the vet in the morning.
  15. Thanks Persephone She is drinking well but I may make some broth to encourage her to have a little more. If she was constipated would she be trying to go to the toilet often or straining? She doesnt seem to be really straining when she has tried to go and hasnt wanted to go much. Vet trip in the morning it seems. ETA I was worried about a blockage this morning as she is fed a raw diet but hasnt had her vegies for a few days. We are doing some training that requires chicken wings as a treat so she has eaten a couple of them instead. This means she has eaten a far bit if RMB for the last couple of days. Might be a bit much poor little thing!
  16. Yesterday Mica was fine, went for her usual run, helped me feed the horses no dramas. When she went to bed she was a little unsettled and changed positions more than normal but didnt seem to bad. Today she is lethargic and quite quiet. she wouldnt eat her breakfast which I have never seen her refuse before. She has been quiet all day. She has tried to poop a couple of times with not much result but I found a couple of drops of blood on the grass. She doesnt seem to be straining or anything though. My brother and his son where here today and she perked up then (she LOVES my nephew) but now she is back to her quiet self. I gave her some boiled chicken and rice for dinner to see if she would eat. She ate a couple of mouthfuls but not much. She doesnt seem to be sore anywhere just quite lethargic and mopey (sp?) As she doesnt seem to be seriously ill, I was going to wait and see if she was feeling better in the morning to take her to the vet. The drops of blood in her poop has me worried though. Ive never seen her sick before in her 4 years, which is why I am so worried but maybe I am just overreacting! Any ideas or thoughts?
  17. Now thats cute! Interesting they dont get along with each other. Maybe two dominant males?
  18. Yeah I kind of got that impression Jeff. Think Im a little old for delusions of working in the dog squad anyway (Oh that hurts to have to admit!). Id have to pass basic training first Do they have a couple of police dogs next to you poodlefan? Great to know they live happily with the Italian Greyhounds. If it was a career I would ever think about, it would probably have been a deal breaker if I couldnt have my own dog first, or have to give it up for the police dog. No matter though, as stated above I think mid 30 may a little old to even think about it
  19. Excellent! Thanks Jeff Are there many women in these roles?
  20. Thanks Dogperson. I was aware that they live at home with their handlers but wasnt sure if they were able to have another dog in the house.
  21. So I was watching Send in the Dogs tonight and it got me thinking about police dogs and their handlers. I was wondering if someone who has some knowledge in the area could answer a couple of questions, or three Realisticaly is it dam hard to get into the dogs squad? Or would it be a realistic goal for someone entering the police force. What sort of requirements are there for acceptance? Are the dogs able to live in a home with another dog? or would the handlers have to have no other dogs before joining the dog squad? What happens to the dogs when they retire? I imagaine the handlers would become really attached to them after working so closely with them for so long. Edited cos I have shocking spelling!
  22. Yes its 122cm long. My girl is 73cm tall and fits in it comfortably.
  23. I have a 122cm wire crate I am thinking of selling if you are interested. I would have to measure it and get the other measurements. I am outside of Melbourne though, i live near Mansfield. I do travel regularly to Benalla or Wangarratta if that helps.
  24. Oh poor Daisy. She does look very spaced out Glad she is home and resting. It must be very distressing for you to see her like that. Get well soon Daisy!
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