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Everything posted by Odin-Genie

  1. I have an Outback and my dogs always travel in the back seat, their harness clipped into the seat belt. That way, if I need to do shopping or carry stuff, that can go into the boot area.
  2. I am pretty certain these are illegal in NSW. Section 16 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 No 200 states it quite clearly: Schedule 1 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (General) Regulation 2006 list the devices that are illegal. They include: However, I am sure a lot of people still use them in NSW. I am not personally against them. But I wouldn't use them if they are illegal.
  3. It sickened me too. I am not a dog trainer so can't comment on the usefulness of his methods with problem dogs. All I know is that anyone who trains like him is not coming anywhere near my dogs. Also, I agree that a lot of people try and use his methods on perfectly well behaved dogs. Someone once suggested that I should regularly alpha roll my dog in the middle of the dog park while other dogs move around him to ensure he knows who is the boss I told that person to stay away from my dogs!!! My dog is a perfectly happy, non-reactive dog. I would've lost all trust with him if I had ever done something like that.
  4. I find it extremely offensive. Human beings are the greatest contributors to pollution. Should "educated people" make a conscious choice of not having babies?? I think this person is quite ignorant and is probably reacting to his personal irritation at some dog in his neighbourhood.
  5. I voted BARF since the majority is Dr B's BARF patties. They also get some kibble mixed with human grade lamb or turkey mince. One of my dogs is on Holistic Select Anchovy formula. The other is on Canidae Salmon.
  6. I feed my dogs human grade mince, usually lamb or turkey. But I do feed them Dr B's BARF patties, which would have pet mince in them.
  7. I've seen two dingos at my local dog park. Very well behaved. Don't bother other dogs. And quite good looking.
  8. I agree with this: Some unfenced dog parks are right next to a parking lot. I would never let my dogs offleash if there is any possibility of traffic nearby, even if it is a designated offleash area.
  9. My elkhound does exactly the same thing. If, while playing fetch, his toy lands anywhere in the vicinity of the poo area, he would turn away and expect us to fetch the toy for him
  10. It is 'hear hear'. This phrase originated in the British parliament in the 18th century as a contraction of 'hear him, hear him'.
  11. Here here !!! Another pedantic editor here: It's 'hear hear', not 'here here' :D
  12. It is totally unreasonable to blame either the boy or the dog. And the fact that his father may have been involved in drugs does not decrease the value of this boy's wellbeing. The police is clearly to blame here and they should at least have to pay the medical bills!! How can they let a dog trained to attack go offleash and not ensure that an innocent person (a kid in this case) does not enter the area.
  13. Just curious, how many generations of breeding true is required for a cross to be identified as a breed?
  14. When I got my second dog (a puppy), my first dog (then six months old) actually became more relaxed, better behaved and much more affectionate. It has stayed that way.
  15. This is what would worry me too. Rangers aren't usually qualified to read a dog's body language. If a dog runs up to them happily, they might qualify it as rushing and decide to destroy it :p I'm all for stopping people from letting their dogs roam, but accidents do happen. 48 hours is just not enough.
  16. That's so horrible. Even if there was nuisance barking, it should have been taken up with the council. Why do people think they have a right to take the law into their own hands? I know that the council may not always act promptly, but that's no excuse to act illegally. Also, what kind of person can stab a helpless dog???
  17. My goldie is broken She'll be three soon and has no intention of growing up!!!
  18. Thanks goldielover. Do you always put sunscreen on your goldy's nose when you take her out? Are there doggy sunscreens?
  19. I do think that's the biggest difference. I have been very close to both goldies and labs and they are very similar in most other traits. To me goldies seem a bit more vulnerable and sensitive.
  20. Thanks. That makes me feel so much better. Also, my goldy's nose has turned completely pink. Is that normal? I researched snow nose but hers doesn't go back to a darker shade in summer. Are there any creams etc to bring it back to its original black?
  21. Mine is not even three years yet. She's still a baby!! Why would she be going grey?
  22. My goldy has a lovely coat. However, she has about five or six black hair spread randomly on her body. Is that normal?
  23. I wouldn't! The reaon why is because I have seen it several times turn a bad situation worse. IME a dog that is already excited is quite likely to be tipped over threshold if they see someone pick up a small dog. My dog isn't small, but when a dalmatian tried to attack him, and wouldn't stop lunging at him, the only way my OH could keep him out of the way is to pick him up and hold him high in the air while I kicked at the attacking dog since this dog's owners just stood there. For me, the priority is to get my dog out of harm's way.
  24. I use this website to buy Holistic Select and ZiwiPeak regularly. They are very good. Excellent service and prompt delivery. If something is out of stock they go out of their way to help you find an alternative.
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