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Everything posted by kathq

  1. I mostly like to set up with the gilrs between me and the post though it depends on what the exercise is and how the judge is working their ring. That straight line thing is important to us as we need alll the help we can get. Many moons ago when I had a boy dog and was trialling it was suggested I always stand between him and the post to cut down on any opportunity for him to lift his leg. This was in the lower classes only back then not sure if it worked or not as I alwys made sure to toilet well before going in the ring anyway.
  2. Looks like fantastic fun.. Where do you get snow like that????????
  3. Strauss is so cute. I want one, dont suppose you could just send him on over to sunny Queensland could you??? Pretty please!!!!!!!
  4. Thanks for the encouragement guys. We arent going anywhere just yet as from the way she behaves the Cocomonster is having a whale of a time. Its just me that seems to have any hangups.
  5. Directed Jumping is now becoming a problem here. Thought it was set but now she seems to think the solid jump is the only one out there SIGH. Have watched the video of her at Gympie several times and am wondering if the voice command of "over" which is what I have always used in Open has her fixating on the thing as she seems to change direction when I give my slightly off timed voice command. She is having a few days off this week and will train again this weekend and am thinking of substituting the command "jump" instead. Should I use only bar jumps as well? Or stick with both types and just do multiple repetitions? Any and all suggestions welcomed.
  6. Congratulations guys. Titles are the best fun arent they?
  7. This is the links to some of the exercises from Saturdays trial. The internet is taking forever to upload tonight and some the OH couldnt do as there was someone in the way and he was trying to hide so Coco couldnt see him. We forgot the fact that she has a nose however
  8. I give an enthusiastic verbal reward when she presents the right article then at the end of all three she might get a ball game reward.. If she brings me back the wrong one I dont say anything and get the article rescent it and do over. Probably wrong way to do it but it seemed to work for us. Just home from an excellent training session where she worked correctly with high enthusiasm unlike last weekend's trial where she was so horrible it was hilarious. Been off colour the next two days but was her normal eager beaver self today so maybe she was feeling crook on Saturday? Will never know I guess. Shall see how she goes at Toowoomba next Sunday. Seita are you going to Toowoomba?
  9. Congratulations on the titles everybody its a special feeling.
  10. We are basically doing a full run through every other day out of the back yard. It is for us a proofing thing I think - once they are doing it right in the back yard they obviously know the exercise. So I leave all the jumps in the back of the ute, home from work change, throw the dogs in the car and go to one of several parks within a 15 minute drive of us. Do a full run through and then take them home. Will do a very short light run out the day before a trial more just the scent stuff as that is the thing in my head (not necessarily the dogs) that needs to be done.
  11. May sound out there Masons mum but before I leave the girls I pat them on the chest and say sit, then do the normal stay leave your dog. It is the only time I do this signal and it seems to reinforce it for them. We had a small problem with the sit stay and this was suggested to me, go back to baby steps, very short time frame right in front and pat the chest. It worked and touch wood have had no problems since. Oh yeah try and do stays all the time, different lengths starting with short of course. By all the time I mean not just in a full training session. Do them while you are pegging out the washing, making a cup of coffee, cleaning your teeth. At anytime wherever/whatever you are doing around the house and the dog is with you. Edit for spelling and last thoughts.
  12. Thankyou I was very pleased that Ruby maintained enthusiasm with 3 trials in one day, that is quite an ask! Definitely getting to offer some verbal encouragement throughout helped with keeping that head up and tail wagging Watching those videos back, I noticed heeling around the cones in the two last runs she was anticipating a figure 8 pattern and started to take herself in that direction Things are looking good RS, So you are allowed to talk to them in Rally then?
  13. Oh yes meant to say Fable looks absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Well Coco is getting a bit better each trial I think. Last night we got a zero in the first box as she did the most beautiful straight recall It was a case of Jump? What jump? Lost a few points on her first article as she returned to the steward behind me before realizing Hang on your not my mum and coming to me. And she sat near the end of the group stand. Not sure if that was due to the cold or the people loudly telling their dog to SIT just outside the ring. Possibly need more distraction training for that. It was freezing last night and when you are a shorthair you notice these things. Poor baby was literally shivering with blocks of ice for ears when I came back from the long down. I am pleased with her though all things considered and there is another attempt next weekend. Might as well strike while the iron is hot. This UD thing is a little frustrating but heaps of fun isnt it?
  15. Dont do what I did the other day. Used her rolled up gloves as the start point. I can be an idiot sometimes she tracked back of course found the gloves and brought them to me. I found it helpful to train quite regularly with ropes up. The dog learns the limit of the search area and is less likely to back track out the gate in a trial. (Not that I've trialled much)
  16. Is it a different time of day that you are running her? If it was night time is the lighting up to scratch? Perhaps she struggles to see well enough to judge heights in the dark or half-dark.
  17. Bg congrats smisch.. Wow State Champion that would be a trophy to leave out in view and not shove in a cupboard somewhere... Rubystar well done. Good feeling isnt it. Edit cause I cant type..
  18. My question is "Who picks the teams?" and "Will they have to be nominated before the trials start?" They really need to explain things better dont they.
  19. Congrats guys, not only obedience stars but agility wonders as well. ;)
  20. Done it once here in Brissie and not again. The left over cow pats in the ring was enough to put anyone off let alone where they have you jammed in. YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Having said that things are supposed to be being revamped so will wait and see. I know some people who thrive on that sort of challenge but I am to much of a coward.
  21. Dont listen to them huski. Get to the higher levels and it is the up dogs that are working/scoring well. They have learnt to channel the enthusiasm. Coco goes nuts between exercises but settles and focuses for the work. I now have judges saying "Isnt it wonderful to see such an enthusiastic dog?" As for Sunday those grounds are fairly heavy on the distractions as it is so Daisy did great for her first trial - and so did her handler. I've been trialling for over 20 years and I still get nervous so the fact that you were nervous at your first is nothing. Its really just the adrenaline having its way with you ;) ;)
  22. Yep we do it all again at Caboolture in 2 weeks time huski. Are we a little crazy or what?
  23. Well done Coco and Kathq - doing both open and UD at the one trial is not easy for a baby UD dog Not sure we'll do it again in a hurry either Ptolomy. Too much tooing and froing between rings really didnt help my nerves at all. Didnt seem to bother the baby girl at all though. Always knew she was better at this stuff than I am.
  24. Both Ella and Daisy were great today. Coco was in just before Ella and managed to get only two zeroes today - different to last week. This time we got the seek back and gloves right but skidded over the back edge of the box on her first send out, trying to go too fast so that was one and this time she mucked up the last article not the first. Oh well I guess she is working down the list. On the up side she managed a second place in that ring and a second place with a quallie in her first Open trial since her title late last year. I am pretty happy with my pocket rocket tonight.
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