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Lady Flying Furball

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Everything posted by Lady Flying Furball

  1. Yes, sometimes the harshness of life confronts us...poor little bear never had a chance
  2. I know and he wants us to believe the dog likes it
  3. Oh my goodness! How terrible for you and your poor dog I know accidents can happen but how on earth could that happen in a kennel. So sorry for you. I have not boarded my dog for a few years now but I always go with a big one in Sydney because I think they have a reputation to look after...now I am not sure at all.
  4. Yes, if the first dog has issues and the second dog is meant to help you may end up with two dogs with issues instead. I'm a bit of a novice though so hopefully some more experienced ones come along to add their voice.
  5. Finished watching it and have to say once it got going it is quite interesting. The use of music makes it seems a bit flippant but actually it does have some substance and is interesting because it takes a global look at things...
  6. Sydney Morning Herald has free to watch tv. Here is a link to dog poo documentary for those interested Doggy Do Doco Just watching now so cannot say whether good or not but does look at dog ownership around the world...so that is interesting :)
  7. I met a couple of them last year! Gorgeous. The ones I met were pups but huge and my little Pap was running with them and teaching them some manners :laugh:
  8. Wow Daisy! Both of you that is :laugh: She has been a loved little dog even if through a few homes. How good that the ex's ex phoned you to help out :)
  9. Gosh, I am around the Zetland area a lot at the moment and know that there is a big dog owner community there which they have no doubt let know. Get them to put up signs locally and check a number of local councils as a previous poster is correct, the dog could have crossed over from Sydney Council to another. Hoping he is found very soon :)
  10. Tonka, my papillon, was especially chosen for apartment living. Papillons are highly suited and I go an ex-showdog off the mature dog section on here. My breeder recomended him as a dog who would LOVE apartment living and indeeed he has worked out fantastically. I got him at 3 years of age :) I think adult dogs can be suited temperament wise to the living conditions as even within breeds there maybe some variation. Tonka also came from a rural area with the run of the paddock before coming to me, so he really adapted well.
  11. Just found this on Facebook...cartoons of doggie olympic events...like our thread :laugh: Enjoy Off the Leash cartoons
  12. There are 8 on Mature Dogs on here and breeders often have adults needing homes so I would investigate from here. I got my dog from on here and thought what a great way to get a breed of your choice if you are happy to have an adult.
  13. PP will mever reveal the source/origins of their pups so a consumer is never able to do due diligence on the ethics of what they are actually supporting through their puppy purchase...plus as others have said there is an obvious lack of breed knowledge...high maintenance, challenging breeds. I found a papillon on gumtree for free from PP originally. I called the lady and she said that the dog was currently outside 24/7 (Paps are not outside breeds!) and they were getting rid of it because they were moving to a unit (Paps are ultimate apartment breed!). I was horrified at this example of what can happen through well-intentioned but impulsive pet shop buying
  14. It is funny to read the events that once were in the Olympics. I read about the underwater obstacle course Apparently, not a success!
  15. No news ?? I see your ads on lots of sites so that is great!
  16. Bark-a-thon, individual and medley :laugh:
  17. Gosh, jump on this poor poster before they can respond... Bloody typical...so glad there have been supportive posts too. Sorry to hear your situation Clydalelover
  18. Synchronized zoomies Track and romp Zoomies relay
  19. Esky what a beautiful end to her life you gave her. I feel so pleased you were with her, what a lucky little dog and that she had you near her. Take care of yourself and RIP little Penny
  20. Prydenjoy I would like to offer $50 towards the reward. Advertise the reward and get the greedy so and sos to return her. Say no questions asked and publicize reward money.
  21. Esky, sending you lots of love and cyber hug for you and Penny and the other oldies in your care. It is wonderful that you take them in but stressful at times like this. Take care of yourself and hoping Penny responds to treatment
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