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Everything posted by ish

  1. Thanks PF, I'll try a harness and hills
  2. I've got a dam, but I didn't think it would be a good idea with her open pressure sores? I'd have to unwrap her leg too and I guess she's supposed to have it on for support. Theres no dog swimming pools nearby. Once she's unwrapped and the sores have healed, I planned on getting her swimming - she's lost alot of muscle tone in her shoulder
  3. My almost 7 year old GSD bitch broke the smaller bone in one of her front legs 5 weeks ago in a fight. Up until yesterday, her leg was splinted and bandaged up. She's been suffering with it a bit, developing pressure sores from the splint, particularly a big one on the point of her elbow. Her leg now has 2 rolls of cotton, a roll of vet wrap and some elastoplast bandage. The vet said I'm to encourage her to use it for the next week, and if she doesn't use it she'll have to be re-xrayed next week. She has been getting around quite well by holding the broken leg out to the side and using her other 3 legs - so how do I convince her to start using the broken leg again?
  4. So sorry to hear this Abz RIP beautiful Ruby
  5. I was told they're not making Biolac Coat Improver anymore - have you bought it recently Rysup?
  6. Is he getting plenty of exercise? The breeds he's made up of are quite active dogs which means he should be too. Obviously don't over do it for his age, but a tired dog is usually a quiet dog
  7. One of my dogs had a dry sore nose for awhile too - the thread is here with some pics http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=105564&hl= She was also a bit snuffy at the time, but I didn't mention it in the thread I went with the suggestion of putting vitamin E on her nose, and it cleared up. I bought the capsules and snipped the end with scissors and rubbed the oil into her nose.
  8. This is Checa, my 26 month old entire GSD bitch and her rattleball (its some kind of Aussie dog toy - its supposed to hang on a rope but its gets more use this way!) She is obsessed with it. As long as she is outside, she has the rattleball. I'm particularly curious about the tunnelling of the ball between her legs and the squealing at it - what kind of behaviour is this? She will also run around it in big circles for ages while staring at it, as if she's waiting for it to move - she did this for months before she started picking it up and carrying it around. This video is from Chirstmas time This video is from today, as is the hole she's dug. She dug the hole first and then took the rattleball to the hole http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y94/blakn...-01-08_1718.flv
  9. Sorry to be a sticky beak Trisven13 - but was Lucas xrayed before being rehomed or not?
  10. She hasn't had a bath recently has she, or been for a swim? If so, it could be Cold Water Tail http://www.geocities.com/ccrhearts/Tail.html
  11. Heres a short youtube video (no sound) of my GSD puppy Monza being cute!
  12. Do you have contact details for him please?
  13. Can someone recommend a muscle manipulator/greyhound man in the Sunbury area please? I use Neil in Lal Lal but looking for someone a bit more local to Sunbury - thanks
  14. I use Picasa at the moment, a free download - it does the basic stuff
  15. I went to the Moto GP at Phillip Island on Sunday, thought I'd take the camera along (Canon 350D). I knew it would be crowded and the bikes fast (obviously!) so I wasn't expecting anything spectacular photo wise. Out of the 150 or so I took, only a few turned out 'ok'. It was very difficult to get a clear shot through everyones heads and waving arms! Most of these aren't very clear, which I'm aware of, and the glaring sun has washed the colours out? I'd like advice for next time
  16. ;) At peace beautiful Kaeleigh - the most loved dog that ever there was
  17. ish

    Oh My God!

    I'd be keeping a close eye on him for the next few days, just incase he's swallowed a golf ball
  18. Its Neil I think, Neil M something - PM me if you'd like his phone number. I've used him for years and found him great
  19. Thankyou heaps! They're both amazing, I'm so glad I asked! You're both very talented
  20. I have a request please This is Zoe, and I'd like to use this photo to put in the pedigree folders of her puppies. I'm not sure how hard it would be, but I'd ideally like me scrubbed out of the background, because the way I'm standing makes it look like Zoe is about to fall over!! I'm wearing my best trackies and boots too, how stylish! Theres also a black dot on her back left foot, which is something my camera does, and if that could be removed, I'd be very happy also because it makes it look like her foot isn't on the ground! I've a got the original pic if that makes it easier
  21. I've found that with the lines behind my dogs, they are hard to keep weight on until 2 years old - once they turn 2 their weight seems to be much more consistant and if they need a couple of kilos put on, its alot easier to do.
  22. On Saturday night On Monday after seeing the vet, can see the absess starting This is what it looks like tonight, after being cleaned its still weeping heaps Theres also another hole on the other side of her face, which only emptied out once I held her face - so I'm worried thats not draining as freely as it needs. I think we'll go back to the vet tomorrow Daisy, he did say to clean the wounds with salty water which I have been - I can't do it well because she protests so much (and like PW's dog, she's normally really good)
  23. One of my dogs received bite wounds to her mouth and chin on Saturday and saw the vet first thing Monday morning. One of the wounds had begun to absess so she was given a shot of metacam because it was too sore to touch, and I was to clean that out once the metacam took affect. She also had a shot of antibiotics and has tablets she's on now. The 2 main wounds still seem very swollen and lots of discharge - she wont let me near her without holding her down to wipe some of the goobers away (she's also in season which could mean she's being a bit dramatic). We sat on her yesterday, gave everything a good squeeze and clean out with saline. If she touches her chin on anything, she screams. The vet said if the swelling hadn't gone down by tomorrow they'd have to put drains in, but I'm not sure what degree of improvement I should be seeing by now. I have a photo but its got goobers in it and I don't want to gross anyone out
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