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Everything posted by ish

  1. Thats not what I was asking though CTD, thanks anyway
  2. Poor Chili has been suffering from a sore dry nose for a couple of weeks now. She has a cut which I thought may have been from the cat, but if so, it happened a good 2 weeks ago and should be healing by now so I suspect its actually from her nose being too dry. The other nostril looks like it might be on the way to being split too. I've been rubbing Bepanthen into the top dry bit each night and trying to stop her from licking it (which she only does when the cream is on, she's not licking it excessively). Some days it looks fine, other days its very dry and sore. The white area is the dryness, not the camera flash What can I do to help her?
  3. Thanks everyone, thats heaps better!
  4. Are any of you clever people able to lighten up Tfers face in this photo for me? I took it today and the light is in all the wrong places, I think its really cute otherwise If thats as good as it gets, doesn't matter.
  5. I couldn't see where on your site it says about competeing in CCD and Novice CTD?
  6. She got 98/100 last trial so I'm reasonably confident, barring a disaster like a dog approaching her during stays, she'll get her 2 passes. Otherwise, we'll scratch the Novice trial, go home and train some more :p
  7. Are you sure? Doesn't mention this in the rules at all. I know its the case for the higher levels where the level before is a prerequisite, but as Shoey said, thats not the case with CCD to Novice. http://www.geocities.com/vicobedience/ankcobedrules.pdf I guess we'll find out for sure on the day of the trials! Shoey, its the Geelong trials coming up in a few weeks - thanks for the luck, we'll need it!!
  8. See, that would be just too easy! I thrive on stress I'm one of those people the judge tells to have a good stiff drink before my next trial I really don't know why I've done it, seemed like a good idea at the time!
  9. Thanks very much, I am so relieved! Despite advice suggesting otherwise, I've entered 3 CCD and one Novice (she needs 2 CCD passes) and I was gaining confidence that we could do it - until I read the rules. No doubt it won't run that smoothly on the weekend, but we'll live dangerously!! She's either going to blitz them all, or muck up every single one. If she doesn't get her 2 CCD passes, we wont trial in Novice. I'm glad I asked! ETA in my mind, CCD and Novice aren't too far apart. Other than expecting a higher standard in Novice, the exercises are pretty similar, especially seeing as the onlead stuff in CCD is expected on a loose lead. We practise both in training. The other difference is the finish for the recall - step back to the dog in CCD, dog returns to handler in Novice.
  10. Should've read the rules BEFORE I entered the trials, but oh well - does anyone know if this: COMMUNITY COMPANION DOG CLASS: For dogs, six months of age or over, and of either sex which are not eligible for the title of Community Companion Dog (C.C.D.). Under no circumstances except where an application for a C.C.D. Title has been rejected on a technicality, shall a dog, which has gained a qualifying score in a Novice Class, be eligible to compete in the Community Companion Dog Class. A dog is not permitted to compete in the Community Companion Dog Class and a Novice Class at the same trial. means 1) The whole event run by a club - ie. The Geelong Obedience Dog Club trials, AM and PM trials over 2 days, a dog must only be in CCD all 4 trials 2) Trials on one day - AM and PM trials on Saturday can't be one CCD and one Novice (but Sunday could be both Novice?) 3) Both classes during the same trial - ie competing in CCD and then the Novice class in the AM trial Saturday Thanks
  11. I use a springer with my GSDs, I think its fantastic! The worse incident I've had was with my strongest dog, who decide to lunge at a corgi being walked past. She lunged around the front of the bike, but couldn't get far enough due to the lead, and pulled the springer arm right around which pinned my leg against the bike. I still had plenty of time to get my other foot on the ground to balance and grab her lead - if she hadn't been on the springer I hate to think what would've happened. The springers don't fit as well on the current day dual suspension moutain bikes, which I think is a big reason why the spinger moved during this incident. Other than that, I use it most days with several dogs and love it. ETA I gave up biking with the dog mentioned above, she is fear aggressive and just too hard. I tried using a halti on her with an extra lead to control her head, as well as attaching her to the springer with a harness, but I still didn't feel comfortable. My other dogs will happily trot alongside on a loose lead.
  12. I taught this by teaching drop, and then flat - to lay flat/dead by gently laying the dog over and eventually teaching them to hold this position until released. From then, I would say 'Bang!' with the hand signal, followed by 'drop' 'flat' 'stay' and then 'ok' praise and reward. Eventually, just saying 'Bang!' is enough to get it all happening.
  13. Mine always get put on antibiotics by the vets - lots of bacteria in mouths which then get into wounds, but if you keep a really close eye on it and wash it well, you might get away with it.
  14. I use powder (just standard variety people talcum powder, I like Imperial Leather personally!), dust it over the dogs outside, brush it through and then wipe them over with a damp towel. It seems to remove some of the dirt from their coat and makes them smell really nice :p Cheap too! Oh, just saw about her itches - not sure how it would go, might have to be careful not to get it down to her skin? Just a quick dust and wipe maybe.
  15. Just checked with Mum - it is 1 in 30 and for Jas we're supposed to syringe it in, squish around and let her shake it out, once a week.
  16. Our Golden Retriever has had a lifetime of ear dramas and the vets suggested malaseb as a regular ear wash years ago - its kept infections under control really well. They suggested 1 part malaseb to 30 parts water from memory - can check if you like.
  17. I used a prong on my dog secretly at training for about 3 weeks - the difference in her was so amazing that all the instructors asked what I'd been doing differently. I made the mistake of telling a trainer who I respected that the difference was the prong, and I was told not to use it at training anymore - despite it being the turning point for her. I know they're illegal in Vic, but if its being used appropriately and getting results - and no one had noticed it, how hard it is to turn a blind eye? Luckily for me, she'd already clicked that I was the leader, and the occasional use of it at home is enough to keep her going well. She won her last trial :cool: Took a few weeks for me to decide if I wanted to continue training at the club, but theres not many options around here so I did go back. I laugh at the intructors who I hear telling people how to overcome their leadership and pulling dramas with check chains and haltis - I tell people straight out now that I use a prong and it made all the difference to my dog and pity the people who screw their noses up and call it cruel before trying it. Goodluck with your dog ruthless
  18. I feed Advance and raise my pups on it too - I find it excellent for my dogs.
  19. Congrats feralpup and darcy - you must be so happy you did so well in your first trial! Wish I'd been able to see Darcy compete. My 2 ended up behaving and we ended up doing really well!! Tiger was scatty during her heeling in the Novice AM trial, but aside from going a bit wide and missing one drop - she did ok. She did her other exercises really well and this time she managed to stay upright during her sit stay - YAY!! Honestly I was a bit dissapointed with her heeling, so thought we'd be on a low pass - but we ended up scoring 185 and won the ring! She's got one more pass to go. Chili just blew me away in the PM CCD trial though - I was hoping she'd improved on her last efforts (remember those photos from the Geelong trial last year?!) For sure I thought she'd move on her stand for exam and she'd drop during her sit stay - but I thought if she behaved otherwise, I'd be happy. To my utter shock, not only did she behave, she was damn near perfect!! Other than sitting crooked in her recall, she didn't put a paw wrong! She scored 98 and won the ring (on a countback). That was her first pass, and she'll be out of action for awhile now (she's got pups due at the end of this month) We came home with 2 gorgeous ribbons, a couple of bags of Advance, sunburnt faces and big grins!
  20. Hope to see you there Clover - its be Aaaaaaaaaages since we caught up
  21. I am - I've got one in Novice in the morning and one entered in CCD in the afternoon. My Novice girl should do ok (she dropped in her sit stay last trial too, otherwise she would've got a high pass) but I hold no expectations for the CCD dog. She's been in one other trial, about a year ago, and acted like she'd never had an obedience lesson in her life! She's come a long way since, but with the exciting goings on and my nerves, no doubt we'll muck it all up!
  22. Could you all come to Ballarat and train with me? I've got one in CCD and one in Novice and I need someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong! Its hard living by yourself and having a camera that only takes 30 seconds of video!
  23. I've had my greyhound pup since he was about 9 weeks (I think?) and he's always been fine with chicken frames, lamb flaps, brisket bones and the big marrow bones. Recently I've started him on lamb necks to help his teeth and hes had no issues with them. He's also had munched up carcass mince, including lenards mince with no dramas - but I have heard of dogs who have problems with either the high fat content of the lenards mince or too much bone. If my GSDs have a marrow bone, sometimes they get a bit blocked up with bone so I give them a bit extra flaxseed oil and sardines/tuna with their normal meal to help - works for them. I've had a vet recently tell me never to feed the big marrow bones as the marrow is too rich and will cause pancreas problems - I think sometimes you've just got to take on board all the info you get, research it and if it comes up ok then decide what works for you and your dogs.
  24. Exactly my thoughts too You NEED to get to a behaviourist, 5 hours drive away or not, for the dogs sake. Otherwise, desex him and rehome him and go back to a dog that doesn't require as much physical and mental stimulation.
  25. Haha, no it wasn't mentioned - sorry its my fault. SupremeChicken is my sister hence Jassie is 'my' dog too so I know about her ear troubles! She's not supposed to get them wet inside because then they get mucky and warm and then infections come along.
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