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Everything posted by Snowball

  1. Eagle pack has worked wonderfully with our goldie. But I suppose everydog is different so it will be a case of see how your dog goes with them. Snowball
  2. So glad it is all working out. We need lots more photos - does he have a white spot on his chest? It looks very cute.
  3. Scary stuff - easter chocolate. My goldie will eat anything she can get near, we have had to resuce her from all sorts of things. A lot of people dont seem to take the chocolate warning seriously - extremely annoying ( non dog owners that is!)
  4. love all the photos of lean labs, we see so many podgy ones were we live .... they dont look happy Snowball
  5. Hi Does anyone go, can you please tell me more about it? We have a 7 month old goldie and she needs to learn how to walk on a lead and lots of other basics. We have paid somewhere else, but I am not too happy with it, so looking for something else. Would also like a bit of socialising for me and my dog , as well as training and the option to do some agility or other stuff suitable for my dog later down the track what philosphy do they have, what collars can you use? how do they train? I am after some more information so I can convince my husband to go and have a look if it sounds good. Thanks heaps Snowball
  6. Thanks for everyones replies, will chase it all up. Sorry for the slow reply, I have no idea where the week has gone, time is flying thanks again, Snowball
  7. Hi Our goldie has grown and is definately the large kind , so we need to upsize her crate. We bought the last one on-line from a post I saw on DL, but cant find it anymore... So any recommendations for large crates on-line or in melbourne SE much appreciated Snowball
  8. Hi Our goldie is 6 months old and pulls like crazy, has no problems literally choking herself. It seems a simple concept, but we are having difficulties. She will happily walk with a Halti, but I would like to train her to walk with a normal lead as well. Any hints / tips/ weblinks much appreciated. Snowball
  9. hmm, about to submit a claim to Bow Wow - will fill everyone in how it goes. ... I am starting to worry however from reading stuf on here. - i have a $3,000 medical bill we need to get coverage for - so fingers crossed
  10. Hi Our gorgeouse, if not at times headstrong golden retriver girl, is ready for her next stage of training. She finished puppy school and whilst most places seemed to close down over Christmas we are now ready and looking to join somewhere. She is about 17 /18 weeks old, very friendly and can be headstrong and likes her own way. Any clubs/training you recommend and why? Much appreciated Snowball
  11. Our 18 week old goldie sometimes wees herself when she is over excited. She went through a period of doing it when she was about 4 months old when my husband would come home. She would be all excited and opps, a puddle. She hasnt done it for a while, but yesterday when visitors came, same thing, excited and wee on the floor, this morning my husband let her in, and as soon as she was inside, a rush of drops (a half wee). Is this normal for excited puppies to do this sometimes? Do we need to get her checke out? I have read that early de-sexing can cause bladder problems in females, is this something to be aware of with her, should we wait unitl the 1 year mark, rather then the 6 month mark? Hope I am just over analysing as I havnt had a puppy before. Snowball
  12. I have exactly the same question myself. Just out of intersest is the price for EP large adult much different to the large breed puppy? I just bought another puppy pack and was wondering wether I should as some breeders on here seem to swith to adult food at arond 4 months ( from memory of some earlier posts), but not sure how common this is?
  13. OK After reading the last thread on early de-sexing, I am confused about what is best for my goldie girl, what age is it best to desex a female golden retriever? or dog in general. thanks Snowball
  14. Thanks, I swear it was less stressful getting my son onto solids than feeding this cute goldie correclty
  15. HI As the title says, I have some sprare turkey wings and was wondering if they are OK for my golden retriever to have. She is 15 weeks old and has had chicken necks and carcass. Just worried as the bones are a bit thicker.... so OK or not, answers much appreciated. Thanks Snowball
  16. Hi My goldie puppy loves doing zommies in the garden and will rip through our garden beds, destroying plants left right and center as she races around. She will also go for a lie on top of the plants if she likes the spot . or dig up ones that look interesting , so anything I can do, expect keep on telling her 'off' when I catch her in the beds. Is there anything dogs dont like I can put in my garden beds to make them less attractive to her, temporary screening them off? anything would be appreciated, we have just planted heaps of new plants over winter and she is slowly squashing /digging her way through them, if I dont put a stop to it soon. ah, the joys of a cute puppy
  17. we are trying to toilet train our goldie, but sometimes we will miss the opportunity and a 10 -15 min. after having taken her outside she will wee/poo next to the door. So it seems she tried to go out, but obviously couldnt and we didnt notice. She will end up a big golden retriever (if her mum is anything to go by) so not too sure about a doggy door from the security/saftey aspect, how does your dog let you know he /she needs to go out? Scratch? bark (dont want to go down that route, as I dont want her to start barking) and how did you train her/him to do so? We are investigating a bell, where she can step on it and let us know she wants to go out? any ideas/links hugely appreciated snowball
  18. Thanks, maybey it is worth having a sticky of this sort of topic, or FAQ, as I suppose all us new dog owenrs must ask it all the time. No idea why the breeder and her vet had the 6 week vaccination, I can only take it from there iywkim. Does that mean her second vaccination now, almost counts as her first one? has she any immunity ( or is she likey to have any with this second one). A truly confusing subject for something so important especially as there are so many different views out there. Snowball
  19. Oh, that is interesting, i would have thought chicken wings would be more dangerous, so it is OK to feed them to her. She loves a good chew.
  20. OK,.... Tyra First, I never promised the breeder anything, she was open to her puppies going on either BARF or a good premium pet food. I do not lie, nor mislead people about my intentions. Secondly, you do your cause no good, by your first part of your post. I want to know how to feed my dog bones to supplement his dry food diet. I take offence at being "e-mailed" so vehemently (I am neither lazy nor feeding my dog posion). Again, it wont convert, because if there is a time I may have the option to switch to a BARF diet, you have certainly scared me off from getting help from yourself. I hardly think I even remotely count as being a horrible dog owner. Realistically, we should all eat organic, home grown, pesticide free, low food miles, and local produce, but my family eats healthy budget home cooked meals, and my dog eats the best I can afford time/cost wise at this point in time. Thank you for your reply about bones, that is helpful and I will look at that, had you left your e-mail with the last bit, and your offer to help with a BARF diet, when it is appropriate, I would have been very grateful and happy, but now, I feel unsettled about being accused of lying to the breeder ( not the case), being lazy and feeding my dog poison. Totally uncalled for. Snowball
  21. Thanks for taking the time for the replies. It is all a bit unfair that their socilisation time is now and now is the no go out for pavro virus issue. Hmmm, I suppose a happy medium needs to be reached. Sakret, thanks for the explantion re C5 and C3, I will call the vets and see what they say, I am in the SE, Knox area, so not sure how much pavro is around here. cheers Snowball
  22. thanks for your replies. Aziah, Realistically, a BARF diet was not going to be a working solution for us now for a whole range of reasons, a super premium dry food mixed with some bones/raw food is a working solution for us. Yes, I would love to do the full BARF, but it just wasnt practical. Lamb flaps, are they the rib area, do they have the rib bones in them, I asked for some from my butcher and she said lamb flanks, so I thought maybey I had my pronounciation wrong? First time puppy, drum sticks with meat on them I am assuming? and brisket bones? what animal is that from ? Oh,dear, I am really displaying my bone/raw meat ignorance here. Can cook a mean chicken soup made from raw bones for humans, but all this dog bone stuff I am a complete and utter novice Thanks for your help, this is a wonderful site. The vet today was totally against bones, so that didnt help me at all thanks Snowball
  23. Hi My goldie is on Eagle Pack - puppy, which she happily eats. her breeder was on a BARF diet and I slowly switched her over to dry food. I have kept up with the bones (chicken necks from the breeder) and give her 1 lot of chicken necks (3-5) per day, and the rest dry food. Is this too much chicken necks/bones? What else can a goldie eat at this age bone wise? Is it a good idea to keep on giving her bones daily? I would have thought so, but I am no expert, any help much appreciated. Snowball
  24. Hi OK, I am a bit confused about the whole vaccianations and Pavro thing. Our puppy came to us at 8 weeks and she had a 6 week vaccination (C3), the breeder vet then said she needed C5 at approx 10 weeks. we took her to the vet who gave her C3 plus Kennel cough (I was expecting C5 - is there a difference) and was told to come back in 4 weeks for another dose. Does that mean she wont be immune to Pavro until she is about 16 weeks old? That seem like such a long time given the whole importance of socilisation. I really want to take her to the beach and a few other places, and she is getting a bit heavy to carry around for another month ( a lovley golden retreiver) Does this all sound normal, how do you get out and about and socialise? Does she have a bit of immunity for pavro with 2 vaccinations behind her? thanks heaps, all very confusing. Snowball
  25. corvus, How did you teach your dog to be quiet using cues and rewards? Sorry if it is a dumb question, I am new to dog world , but eager to learn. cheers Snowball
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