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Everything posted by Snowball

  1. Another new addicted dol dog lover here. Our goldie is our first dog, and we are learning so much on here , plus having fun reading about all the other dogs, and love love the photos. Snowball
  2. wow, lots to read and think about. But I enjoy research so will get stuck in. Thanks for all the tips and links. I will look at the expat forum as well as contact the dol who it was suggested I talk to. Still cant image how hard it will be for my goofy goldie to be away from us for 30 days. But if the opportunity arises I suppose we will just have to deal with it. thanks, keep any more information or personal expriences comming, really apprciated Snowball
  3. Thanks thats good to know but what about when we return to australia, does that mean she will have to be in qurantine for months?? anyone know what happens now? That just seems cruel for a goldie to be away from family that long (proper vaccinations, health check etc etc) snowball
  4. HI Having travelled a bit before we had our gorgeous dog, we are open to the suggestion of one day moving to the United States for a year or two. Does anyoen know what will happen if we want to take our family pet, de-sexed golden retriever with us. Cost? Quarantine? what is the process, will she have to be locked up for months or are restrictions eased now. I know in Europe you can travel around the main countries with your pet if they have all their vaccinations etc and have the equivalent of their own passport. Is it doable? Fair to the dog? thanks Snowball
  5. So irresposible, and gives the rest of us dog owners a bad name. I certainly would not want dogs loose in my street with other pets and small children leaving in the houses around me. no excuses. they should be contained and looked after.
  6. Not working me me either cant wait to have a look though
  7. That is just wonderful. Lovely to read such positive dog stories.
  8. Thanks. I had better get a move on.... our goldie is nearly 7 months, for some reason I thought I rememered the vet saying 12months , lucky I asked.... thanks Snowball
  9. AS the title says, I am a bit confused about Heartworm. Vets seem to be telling me different things. What are you doing with your dog, if it makes a difference we have a goldie, and what age do they start treatment against heartworm. Thanks heaps Snowball
  10. Hmmm, my reply dissapeard but... oh dear you poor thing. Have you thought of a dog run ( if you are renting, you can get portable ones which you could undoe and take with you. There is no way I wouldleave my goldie alone all day in our huge backyard, I would have no plants, no watering system and who knows what else missing or chewed up. She is only a puppy, but we are building a dog run for her for when I am not able to be at home. good luck
  11. OH how horrible, dont know what to say, but your poor dog should have been locked properly in the crate, how distressing for her. I cant believe they will still charge you full rate after that.
  12. The crate is a great idea for longer trips, but I will try the bedding etc for short trips so I can just get her to hop in the back without all the hassle of shifting her crate just to go to the park for a walk etc... Snowball
  13. Thanks poodelfan, will do - I will really slow down - watch out for the annoying slow driver in melbourne this weekend with a goldie in the back of the 4 WD , vut I do hope she gets used to it, it was one of the reasons we bought a 4 WD originally to have the space for our dog when we go on drives.
  14. hmmm what dry food are you feeding him? The only thing with lots of chicken stock is that I would worry about th ehigh level of salt if you do it daily. Salt reduced definately and the natural stuff, with less artificial enhancers in them
  15. Thanks, Yep, I do slow down - she just cant seem to get her car legs if that makes sense. I will get something to put on the floor to give her a better grip. There is a sort of rubber plastic matt there now, which came in handy as the first 2 times she was in the back for a drive, she weed in anxiety/fear? She had been lots in the backseat of the little car and never had an accidental wee, would hold on until we came to a stop, so I assume it is fear/anxiety from the stress of trying to get a grip. Wish she would just lie down But good to know I am not making a mistake or doing somehting wrong in tyring to cart her around in the back. Snowball
  16. Our goldie used to happily sit in the backseat of our little car, but now she is too big and our 4 WD seems logical for transporting her around. The boot area has a cargo/pet barrier, so I assumed it would be perfect for her to be in there. Now, she really doesnt like it, she doesnt seem to understand that she should lie there, or how to get her balance when driving and will slide around a bit and just not look comfortable. I am worried about her hips/elbows dont want to strain them. Is there something we should be doing? Is there a proper way to have the dog in the back of the 4WD boot area saftley? As I mentioned there is a pet barrier there so she cant jump /fall into the backseat part. How do you travel with your larger dog in the back of a 4wd, will she just learn, or is it not safe for her to be in the back - she is a 7 month old goldie. Thanks again Snowball
  17. Thanks for your replies. It it beautiful. She is sooo happy when she does it. I guess we are worried in case she gets into the habit and does it with a small child or as mentioned an old person, or just scares someone. The idea to give her a toy with my husbands scent on it was a great one, will do that. She is a bundle of gorgeous mischief and it is sweet to watch. thanks Snowball
  18. Our goldie (7 months) eagerly waits for my husband to come home at night. When he finally comes home she races out to the garage to greet him and will then gently grab his hand in her mouth and trot along beside him, tail wagging all excited. She doesnt bite or nip, just sort of holds hands with him with her mouth. If he pulls his hand away, she just waits until he puts his hands by his side again, and will "hold" his hand again and trots along beside him as he walks to the house and around the house getting changed etc. She wags her tail and trots eagerly beside him, with his hand gently in her mouth. We are trying to stop it, but were wondering if anyone can tell me what in doggy language does this mean? Is she exerting her dominance? Is it a puppy behaviour she would do with fellow puppies, or mum because she is excited to see him? Good / bad or just a phase? It is cute, but we are aware she cant really keep on doing it. Thanks in advance Snowball
  19. It really makes me sad when I think of when we lived in europe and all the dogs were out and about with their owners, in coffee shops, at tourist attractions and in department stores. How I would love to have that opportunity to take my goldie out with us as a family..... The laws here are stupid.
  20. Beyone belief, how much force did they use and for how long.... I mean seriously, how can this really happen..... beyond belief
  21. Our goldie has a collar with her name, and our mobile number on it, she is of course also microchipped. Never really thought about the risk of strangulation. I suppose it is all a matter of risk v likelyhood v impact..... During her goofy puppy stage, the collar at home is great as we can get hold of her, or put the lead on quickly for training, distracting etc... Snowball
  22. Love all the puppy photos . I really need to work out how to post photos. As a first time puppy owner I have been surprised at how hard the first few weeks were, reading about it is certainly diffferent than experiencing it, but she is such an adorable goofy dog that I am enjoying every minute as she grows. Although there was a stage where I could have given her away to the first caller.......(well, not really, but I certainly felt at the end of my wits)
  23. Absolutely beautiful - stunning Snowball
  24. At least she came back and you can find her a home that can handle her spirit, she looks cheeky in the photos
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