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Everything posted by chuckandsteve

  1. I'm going Staffy, both mine and my Mum's are fantastic with kids and so good when the kids are being bad. ie my 4 year old nephew trying to ride them Neither myself or my parents are good trainers but both are fantasticly behaved from the training they have got
  2. Got me inspired. Going to try making one friday. Although I dont think they are over priced at Tods once you add in time making them and cotton. Cotton is expensive
  3. Dont fret pet and there are a few other websites that link you to people who look after dogs in their home. Think they are about $50 to join and then whoever looks after them sets their price. I know some people who have used it and has worked well.
  4. We had the same problem with our staffy. Didn't like kongs or anything like that only squeakers which he could destroy in under 2 seconds. We gave him a squeaky tennis ball which he loved and we finally got him addicted to tennis balls. So long as he has had say 15 throws a day (which is about 5 minutes) he leaves everything else alone, he also gets walked everyday. If one week we are a bit slack he will go back to destroying things but we only have ourselves to blame. He also really likes putting the ball under a blanket hiding it from himself and then he trys to find it again, that keeps him really busy and an old blanket last about a month or 2
  5. Should not have read this thread. Desparately want a wheaten but i'm strictly a rescue girl. My boy acts a lot like a wheaten which I love but he keeps me on my toes.
  6. If it makes you feel better, my boy if he feels i have negelated him or gone away for too long (on holidays) will pee on me! I try to dodge i hold him facing away from me for ages he just waits till he gets his aim.
  7. I am pleased to hear it happens to other people. Thought it was just my bad training that led to me face down at the park.
  8. Which shop the one at studfield? I can probably offer a few weeks temp care if this helps anyone take him
  9. I can also state against good teeth. 19 year old pom.... no teeth. Gum diease got them. Maybe it was more the fact she thought she was a person that made her live so long because on all accounts she shouldn't have. lol
  10. My Pom X that was 19 got hit by a car at about age 8. Was never vaccinated or taken to the vet. (except when she got hit by the car) All our animals lived a long time youngest was 17 and given cheap food and not taken to the vets. They were well loved inside when they wanted to be. I think you will find most animals live a long time so long as they dont get cancer or another diease (ie one that is not old age related)
  11. My 19 year old pom X was feed cat food from the supermarket. lol Wouldn't eat dog food. She did get gum diease and lost her teeth but I think it was more her breed are prone to it and she was 17 at the time
  12. My Mum's house is split level so if her dog stands on the upper level she can see herself in the mirror below. She goes crazy when she spots herself and comes charging down the stairs ready to take on that dog that has dared to enter her house. Takes several trips up and down the stairs before she gives up. lol
  13. You could always keep a look out for an Australian Shepard rescue, but so long as your dog isn't from a puppy mill or byb i wouldn't feel bad about it
  14. How easily do they break? My Staffy is pretty good at killing things but I am sure he would love one.
  15. Hi, I need a little help. We got given my Grandma's cat at the end of Jan, spent a long time on the dogs making sure they wouldn't hurt her..... turns out thats not the problem. The cat has now built up her confidence and chases my Staffy who is scared of her around the house trying to stratch him. Any ideas how we can stop this?
  16. My very difficult dog uses it. The trainer couldn't stop him pulling either, he still does pull but with nowhere near the force he use to. Just be careful sometimes they can rub his armpits. Grey-fasting where did you get yours?
  17. My dogs can get really muudy when we go camping, so i take something to clean their feet off before i let them in the tent or my bed gets covered in mud. Also thick blankets over the inflatable mattress and dogs claws aren't the best for them
  18. I believe it cost me $145 to have my 2 dogs vaccinated last year, and the vet did a quick check of skin, eyes, joints etc. How much does the titer test cost? Can't imagine it would be any cheaper?
  19. No is just the occasional "choking". As i said we will probably do nothing but we will ask the vet what he thinks
  20. He has had a full check up 3 times since it started and is full vac. So I am certain it is not kennel cough as neither my other dog or my Mum's dog have got it either over the 18 month period its been happening. Plus its about once or twice a month He is certainly not pure breed anything but... he was sold to me as maltese and his vet work said jack russell, the rescue said they really had no clue :)lol . So yes you can use it against your friend who doesn't like pure breeds. lol Sorry I wont close his mouth or open it, i'll just do the strokes. Next vet check i'll ask them about fixing it but I doubt it's worth it. Google says its not life threatening or anything and it shouldn't bother them but some get stressed and my boy gets stressed so i'll see what the vet thinks
  21. Thanks, having watched the you tube video of reverse sneezing thats if definately what it is. I have spoken to the vet about it but as he has never seen it and my description is pretty bad he wasn't really sure what I was talking about (I think he also thinks I'm a bit dramatic and over reacting). I'll try the homeopathic product as he gets quite stressed when its happening I don't think he would like me holding his mouth shut. Thanks for all the help
  22. Fair enough. I do get it alot even when I walk him on lead so I was just wondering what other people thought. Just comparing the 2 dogs I find it strange they always worry about him when the other is so obviously worse.
  23. The question is mostly because they were on the oppersite side of the road and there was no way for them to know the fluffy one was tied up, as he was sitting next to the tree with the rope out of site. Also the laugh I got when I told them it was the little one they needed to worry about which is true. All were quite suprised when I asked him to come and sit next to me and he did and didn't even look as they passed. He does indeed have the skill to take you out at knee level. He did it to me last week.
  24. I have read recently that the type of dog everyone is scared of changes about every ten years (just a weird theory) That its been dobermans, german sheps, rotties and now pit bulls. I was wondering if with the bad press Staffords have had lately if people are noticing people scared of them? However on the weekend I was working on the front yard with my dogs, my jack/pom/malt tied to a tree and my Stafford loose as the jack has dog excitement and is not well behaved and the staffy is a model dog. We had 4 people walk past and get quite upset the Stafford wasn't tied up even though he never left the property one he was actually walking away from, but all were scared and asked me to hold on to him so they could walk past. These were dog people too... I also have a lady we she at the park who will pick her Sheltie up and carry past him at a wide berth. Does anyone else find people are scared of their Stafford? Apart from being heavy if they jump on you I have never meet a mean natured Stafford
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