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Everything posted by mona

  1. Thank you so much for the updates Toohey - this is indeed a heartening way to start the day Rest up Jed
  2. Cockerlover , that a lovely poem too Wow - just shows how special Jed is that she has poems written for her ... Just like all the great fugures in history ..... Liking the waiting room - very tru harminee ... there is certainly an abundance of love in here ... Sure Jed is feeling it... have to pop back to work now unfortunately..... See you all later ...
  3. Just popping in to drop off a potato bake dish for lunch ( I know its a tad early , but it magically stays hot and yummy !! ) Also penned another little poem for Jed - thinking of you and willing you back to goood health Time slowly moves on And we all wait to hear Hoping only for good news The alternative we fear In our virtual waiting room Food and stories are shared For when it comes to our Jed There's always a fond word Right now she is resting And starting to heal All the love and good wishes She'll most certainly feel So lets all light a new candle And send a good vibe From all your true friends At the Dogz Online tribe
  4. Sorry to hear about your setback ... but keep on fighting and taking baby steps. You WILL get there - we are all behind you . Thought I would pop some homemade shortbreads and Tea Cake in the waiting room - nice and buttery and just out of the oven ... Off to light another candle.....
  5. Oh wow - havent been online for a coupld of days and this is such amazing news Being a tad shy I just quickly popped in to the waiting room and left some party poppers ( I know .. I know ... they make a mess , but these one magically self clean up ) , some home made sausage rolls, and also the card game UNO .... a great way to pass the time !! Keep going Jed - you're on the right path .. you can do it !!
  6. Thanks for posting the pics Steve - it is so lovely to see all the poochies looking well and enjoying some sun . Little Chi chi is super cute in the coat They will all be so instrumental in Jed's recovery once she is out of hospital - one of the best tonics i'm sure she will have.
  7. Thank you for the update Toohey It will be a slow road ahead - but sometimes ' the same' with burns can be a good thing ie Jed is holding her own . My thoughts are with you - hang in there Jed
  8. As Bilbo said , with burns there are lots of ups and downs with recovery. Small steps Jed - stay strong and you can do it .... Candle relit this morning
  9. So sorry to hear that Di - RIP little Bobby
  10. So very sorry to hear about Magnus and all the other dogs....a terrible tragedy.... Hoping all goes well with Jed's surgery today .... This is a little poem I penned .... We cannot find the words to say Exactly how we feel today our hearts are heavy - filled with sorrow we hope and pray for a brighter tomorrow Candles are lit with a shaking hand what you 've been through too hard to understand But united we all shall stand strong for you crossing our fingers, willing you through In time the pain will fade away Yet memories of happier times will eternally stay With those that have passed you'll be reunited one day But that time is not now and we need you to stay The road ahead may be one that is tough But the support you have here will be more than enough To all those with four legs and to those with two You , dear Jane, are a friend loyal and true Thinking of you Jed.....
  11. Rip Ashke.. Run free at the bridge
  12. Like others, the first thought I had when I awaoke this morning was of Jed - hoping she had made it through the night. Burns injuries are horrendous ( my mum wne throught them many years ago ) ... and every hour that you get through is an hour closer to recovery. Hang in there Jed Keeping fingers crossed for Magnus - hurry home precious one I told my husband about this terrible event last night and he logged on and read through all the comments ( he nevers logs in to any forums etc ) . He had a tear in his eye and said what special people the DOL group are - so very true
  13. Lovely idea Wolfgirl Will definitely be lighting a candle at our house tonight Such a devastating day , but as so many others have said , the DOL community is truly an amazing one .... To MDBA Pacers
  14. I agree Tianakaesha The love Jed had for her dogs always shone through in each and every post. Come on Jed - we're all behind you ... Keep fighting
  15. I do no know you Jed , but like others, have always enjoyed your posts Will make donation at lunch time Jed - Please hang in there Sending you healing vibes
  16. That poor poor woman and her dogs ;) Fire is a terrifying thing and everyones worst nightmare Praying for her and her dogs and sending them healing vibes and strength
  17. Filthy low life.... has no right to be termed a human being Hopefully karma will find him
  18. Thanks Sway Well done to all the Malt winners !!!
  19. Any chance of posting the Maltese results ... Pretty please
  20. mona


    Thanks for the heads up Cody - Will keep an eye on the guide
  21. So very sorry Carlibud RIP Brydee
  22. mona


    I'm so very sorry J You did your very best for Occy and he would have known and loved you for that Giving him his wings was a couragious decision based on the love and respect you had for him Run free Occy
  23. Another piece of quality ' journalism ' - dont worry checking those facts , or spelling ..... Scary thing is the general public out there just lap it up .. and there starts more breed confusion .......
  24. Have just read this thread and am sending you big hugs Pepi Hoping your little man is holding his own and getting stronger Let us know how you get on
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