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Everything posted by coogie

  1. Thanks so much Anne, I agree re the MCTs if they are low grade, OH and I have been talking and I think if it comes back in the same place a third time we won't cut her again. It is on her carpus and the margins are always going to be, well marginal I guess is the only word. There simply isn't enough skin/flesh there to take wide areas. The only place a Shar Pei doesn't have more than enough skin and rolls to spare . It is just not a great sign that it is back in just six months. She is only rising five, but has had a number of surgeries for her back end issues - so can't afford for her front end to be sore/lame as well. We will know more next week once we get the grading back. They seemed to be leaning towards radiation over chemo because it is more targeted and the tumour is in the same spot. I just worry about the burning aspect with their mucin issues, but can't find anyone else yet who has had the radiation. I will probably drive them mad with questions. I was saying to someone who called this morning to commiserate that it is all about us wanting to find the "cure", Issy is oblivious, much more interested in chivvying us to get her eggs ready and take her to hydrotherapy this morning. I just don't want her to be in a lot of pain if it won't make any difference in the end.
  2. He is absolutely gorgeous, you must be so excited. Can't wait to see all the updates.
  3. So six months down the track and I spent yesterday afternoon back at the oncologist, Issy's MCT is back, same leg, looks like the same location although maybe fractionally higher up. She is having surgery again on Tuesday and once we have a grading for this tumour we will decide on next steps. One option is radiation, just wondered if anyone here has had any experience of it? Things I am wondering are: Was the burn significant? Did it take a long time to heal? Did the tumour return, and if so how long after the radiation? If you had chemo as well, did you find other tumours elsewhere after the chemo and did your dog have any bad reactions to the chemo? I know people say that it does not affect dogs like humans but I was wondering about things like nausea, lethargy etc. Thanks in advance for any information.
  4. Very sorry Huski, hoping your Mum is going okay. RIP Micha.
  5. It is in the title, 02dogs names it in the other thread as well and it is the kennel they said they were going to visit when they were looking for a sitter who could keep their dogs apart back in January but then decided to go for a kennel.
  6. I find this really, really surprising. I am sorry your dog was injured and don't know the full story obviously, but I and family members have used Border Rivers often, both the kennels and the fitness centre. It always appears super safe, the kennel was purpose built AFAIK so the dogs don't see each other and to reduce stress on them. My sister's GSD and several friends' Shar Pei (notoriously difficult in kennels) have all stayed there with no issues at all,everything is very sturdy colour bond and secure. Issy my girl has gone there every single week for the last three years to have hydrotherapy, and they are super particular about separation of the dogs, always know which ones need more space, ask people to wait outside, move away etc. They are very cautious and ask the owners to be careful crossing over from the parking area through the house yard, every dog to be leashed at all times etc. I understand none of this helps you as it was your dog that got injured, but I just want to say they are really not lazy or uncaring, quite the opposite.In fact they are one of the very few people I would leave my dogs with. I hope your dogs recovers soon.
  7. They are looking good. Give Smooshy chops a pat and a noseboof from Issy and Alf. Pats for Jesse too. Hope you are going ok.
  8. So pleased he has come through ok DDD. I bought my soft cone from Waggle, they were lovely and sent it express post but it probably would not be with you any quicker now. Give Danny a pat for us.
  9. Very sad to see this Dave73, Jazz won the owner lottery well and truly with you and your wife, you did so much for her. Sorry for your loss, RIP Jazz. Wishing you strength and peace until you can remember her with a smile instead of tears.
  10. Just popping in check on Danny and you DDD,I have been offline a fair bit but still sending good vibes for you handsome fella. Hope you are being kind to yourself too.
  11. What a roller coaster for you, DDD. Hope he takes to the broth again, he is lucky to have you trying so many good things for him. Thanks for the photo of your gorgeous little man, I know it is stupid but it is easier to send good thoughts when you have a mental image of who they are going to. Really hoping he picks up again soon.
  12. Genuine question from the peanut gallery - could a huntsman not bite the dog if he is playing around with it/carrying it in his mouth. I have been bitten and it hurt like mad, do they not bite dogs? Or does the bite not bother dogs? I know they are not venomous but my bite festered and was gross for ages. I would have a fit if the dogs grabbed one - am I worrying about nothing?
  13. Would any of these do? Friendly Dog Collars Australia
  14. So very sorry to see this Ness, wishing you strength and peace. Such a beautiful girl.
  15. Petplan do pay for dog bites/fights, they have paid for my girl when she was attacked,they have also paid for skin issues and ear issues despite her being a Shar Pei, so unless they don't cover any Bull Terriers for the skin/ear thing it won't be breed based, what does the pds actually say? Does it state it is a breed based exclusion? I just had to fill in an additional form when Issy was attacked. Check your original policy documents against the new ones to see if there re differences on the renewal, then you can ask about any changes you weren't informed about. There is an insurance (Financial) ombudsman as well if you feel anything has been misrepresented. Link to Ombudsman
  16. I had a long think but decided to stick with Petplan, even with the increased premium I think we are still well ahead and Issy's other hip could go at any time and at least I know they will cover it under her lifetime cover arrangement. I will do some further research if we get a pup down the track but for these two I think it is better the devil we know. They have been very good and we have only had the one glitch over the dog fight, which they paid after I had asked them not to - because we had tracked down the other owner and they had paid up after we submitted the claim.I just returned the cheque.
  17. Also reccomend Border Rivers, they are very good.
  18. I would query the time too, in fact if I didn't get confirmation of my order in a day or two I would either call or email to ensure they had received the order and to let them know I had made the deposit - but I wouldn't wait 18 days and definitely would not wait until a time they clearly state they are out of touch, and then start a post saying they seem "dodgy" on a public forum without giving them a chance to explain the delay first. Each to their own though, I just think it is a bit unfair while they are out of touch, for example as someone else said they have no internet connection then they have no chance to explain or defend themselves. They are not a friend of mine in any way just to be clear, I commented because I thought it was a bit of a harsh approach that's all.
  19. This is hilarious and pretty much what one of our Shar Pei does, brings a teddy/shoe/stick/anything to show you what you cannot have. Unless you just happen have something better like a baby bocconcini, in which case she will look at you pointedly until you say "would you like to swap?" at which point she will spit out her trophy to relieve you of the better prize.
  20. The owner is a member here, it clearly states on her website that no emails will be answered between the 24th of December and the 5th of January so if you emailed a week ago, you might need to wait until after the 5th. AFAIK lots of people have ordered and received everything from whelping supplies to deer antlers with no issues at all. If you waited from the 6th of December until a week ago without making any contact when you had no receipt/confirmation of purchase, then I think it is a bit harsh suggesting a business is dodgy when they have posted on their site they won't be able to respond between certain dates. Just my opinion, but I think you should have followed up sooner or heeded the dates on the site before bad mouthing here.
  21. Agree Jed, despite the dog management plans here, there are a huge number of wild/feral dogs in this area.
  22. Thanks, I was looking into the breeder option just before, and you are still limited to the max number, which is 4. I then had a look at being a registered foster carer, but the limit is still the same - 4. You are not limited to 4 if you get an affiliated breeder permit quote from website below 2. Affiliated Animal Breeding Applicants must be a member of an affiliated/recognised breeder association. Approved affiliated animal breeders will be allowed to keep above the number of animals described in number of animals allowed by property size tool. Applicants must complete the affiliated animal breeder permit application and submit it to council by mail or at any council customer service centre with the prescribed fee. Applicants who are granted an affiliated animal breeder permit may also be eligible for a concession on their animal registration fees. For more information on animal breeder permits, please contact Council.
  23. If you are a member of an official animal association e.g. Dogs Qld or I guess the feline equivalent than you can apply for an affiliated animal breeder permit which allows you to go over the numbers but MBRC still cap the numbers depending on the property. You need to be able to supply your prefix and registration number for the association when you apply. Link to breeder info is here MBRC Breeder Permits
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