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Everything posted by Greyt

  1. ...aaaawwwww There is something special about adult dogs progressing isn't there?
  2. I wonder if he called himself a Douche-bag?
  3. I would have thought that a Golden or a Staffie or a GSD would have been a better choice given that BC's are normally so 1 person focused and never complain about the 1% Shelby might even be a Republican under all of that fur. Sometimes you just can't tell. But given recent Washington events where the two parties again couldn't come to an agreement about deficit cuts and tax increases, I am sure that Shelby much better qualified to lead than most that have been elected to Congress or the Senate.
  4. As discussed in this thread, why not just use the term "energetic"? With sighthounds, the term high prey drive is used to describe a dog that chases small animals down - that term is much more descriptive of the dog's behavior.
  5. Great to hear about your son and his attitude. He sounds like he is a very well balanced individual:-) I hope the neighbor trys to re-home the dog through a rescue if she can't afford the fees or is not willing to have the extra restrictions on her dog. I wonder how many "problem" dogs out there would be wonderful pets, well adjusted and well behaved if their owners knew how to, and were willing to properly care for them?
  6. I sincerely hope for your dogs sake you never have to protect it. Unwanted and undesirable dog behavior *IS* a fact of life at dog parks and off-leash areas. But I choose to take mine there anyway because my judgment is that *for my dogs*, the benefits outweigh the risks involved. I am armed with an arsenal of tactics to make our dog park experiences as fun and safe as possible. These include: Reading other dogs body language Training my dogs in re-call (well try as best I can... they are sighthounds and as fosters, are often new to it all). Introducing my dogs to the regular dogs at the park so that they become accepted quickly Being hyper vigilant at all times while still being relaxed. Being on the look out for and avoiding spots where owners are sitting at benches as their dogs tend to become territorial. Walking more than talking Getting to know the regulars who support each others efforts to create a harmonious environment Explaining breed characteristics to them so as to educate them to become more-proactive around the particular needs of my dogs and allowing me to be pro-active around their dogs eg, Greyhounds skin rips easily and sometimes I have to remove my dog or their dog from potentially harmful situations... and they give me more license to do so due to our conversations. Pro-actively stepping forward towards DA dogs who are rude to my dogs Removing other dogs from each other when things become too heated Time my visits so that there is a good chance I will achieve my objectives for that visit. I can choose not to use off-leash areas and so avoid the risks and should, in my judgment, the risks become too great, that is what I would do. There are so many dogs I see every day, that I would choose not to take to the dog park if they were mine (mostly small dogs that run away from approaching big dogs). And I would *never* take my 2 year old grand daughter because of unacceptable risks. I can all but guarantee my dog's safety by keeping them in the back yard... this is a *choice* we all have. What I can't do is *expect* all dogs in off-leash areas, and dog parks to be well behaved in the same way that I can't expect there to be no crime in our society or bullying in schools. So, if I continue to take my dogs to dog parks and off-leash areas, I do so knowing the risks.
  7. I hope your Whippets are ok Kirislin. Next time you see the K9 chiro, you will have to photograph her wearing her name badge.... I am sure it would be a beautiful photograph :-)
  8. If moron's can't understand basic manners and can't/won't control their dogs then I am being responsible by defending my dogs in any manner I see fit. When you have one of your dogs attacked you may feel differently about whether any dog should be given the benefit of any doubt on it's intentions. My very first loyalty is to MY dogs, no one elses. absolutely spot on And my "responsible dog owner's tool kit" to defend MY dogs, contains a big stick! Well, I genuinely hope that another human does not attack either of you but I fear it will happen if you use the stick or riding crop on other dogs often enough.
  9. clearly some people need to realise how rude they and their bloody dogs are and not let anything off lead that does not have a relaible recall. Why should I be prevented from using a lovely walking track cause people can't control their dogs? Why should my slightly anxious girl be denied a nice walk by the river? Why should I be denied a nice walk by the river with my dog who loved those walks? But we have been denied those pleasures by people who obviuosly think the same as you I have read your website and I applaud you on the lengths you have gone to to care for your dogs. I feel that you are a remarkable person in so many ways. And it is truly a shame that your dogs do not get to walk by the lovely river. But given your judgment that your dogs are at an unacceptable risk, your decision is laudable. But I do not see how using violence against other dogs or being rude to other owners ought to be part of a responsible dog owner's tool kit.
  10. Nobody on this thread is suggesting it is ok for dogs to be rude. Having an understanding of what off leash areas are like, and having successful strategies to deal with common scenarios is the important thing. If we all lived in the land of, "Life should be like this, dog parks should be like this, dogs should be like this, dog owners should be like this", etc, you are in for a life of inevitable and constant disappointment. On the other hand, if you are violent to other dogs, rude to other owners or screaming like a banshee as some have suggested, you can make both you and your dogs a target for violence.
  11. I can't help but feel that there are a bunch of very uptight owners on this thread whose past experiences are contributing to creating an atmosphere of anxiety where they are putting themselves and their dogs at risk. Clearly some people should choose not to use off-lead areas instead of employing tactics which are provocative to dogs and humans.
  12. sorry for quoting it all but the above post is spot on! Well my dog park is acres large and dogs usually greet each other. Dogs greeting each other and dogs getting in each others faces are two entirely different things.
  13. Greyt


    That is amazing. He can come to my place and help me anytime:-)
  14. I was talking to a GSD x 2 owner who love the pool. The GSD's destroyed her filter BUT, when she replaced the filter, she bought special hair catching pouch thingies that catch the dog hair before it gets to the filter and everybody is happy. So a solution can be had....
  15. Puppies are puppies so they certainly get up to mischief. If the owner is out all day then crate training is important or having a baby-gated section of the apartment. Has the owner considered an older dog? I have a fostered small Grey at the moment that would fit the owners requirements perfectly - older dogs are less demanding and intense. Although they like to sleep Whippets and Greys also love to exercise and would happily go for walks multiple times per day.
  16. Well done Saxonpup. The GSD looks sooooo georgeous. It must have been a little bit hard to say goodbye.
  17. The steam mop should be fine. Microfiber mops are ok but be aware that they can leave lint behind from the back and forth motion... they are great for a quick clean, but not so great for a perfect clean. If you have previously used bleach, or bleach based products, the bleach may have taken the top coating of the tiles. Re-sealing them would be your only answer. One key to using any mop is to make sure you wash the mop head thoroughly between cleans and if the water gets too dirty, replace the water and wash the mop head. Vinegar and metho are great. Some people use straight hot water and some use hot water with a little bit if regular dish washing detergent. Pine O Clean should work fine though so if they are really bothering you, maybe the BC Puppy method is for you... to use a scrubber on them... for most people, that is going over the top as scrubbers are normally used in commercial jobs.
  18. I am so glad to see he is not an Apple fan boy.Happy birthday to all of the one year olds today.
  19. Are you sure it is not because she has to wear a pink collar?...lol If you consider the crimsafe approach, do your research as there is a large variation in prices with the Crimsafe brand being the most expensive
  20. Not really. [x] Demeaning her [x] Sullying her reputation [x] Doubting what she feels are her good intentions [x] Calling her a liar [x] Being a bully
  21. That is amazing... the best I have seen:-) To insert video, you just use the far right icon (Insert Media)
  22. Corvus at least has the opportunity to make adjustments given the feedback here. That can only be a good thing if the conclusions in the paper are to be used for anything important. As well, the feedback may assist in framing the objectives and parameters for future papers so that any conclusions become more scientifically defensible and more importantly, useful. So perhaps a little ray of sunshine here.
  23. These things are so unrealistic as that model would never be without a partner. ....and the human probably wouldn't either.
  24. It's kind of complicated. End result: Sighthounds have a lower boldness score as a group than most other groups. I can't really say if the results are right or wrong. I mean, we're talking about pesonality. All I can do is try to interpret the results accurately. TSD: Public-owned dogs. Dogs' origins were not significant. Must be hard to get a decent sample size. As well, unless you are asking K9's, then you a seeking humans opinions yes? So kind of like the difference in asking, "Can you prove with scientific certainty, that E=MC squared", vs, "Which is the best football team, or political party, or car?"
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