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Everything posted by NOCTRL

  1. How awful - i just CAN NOT get my head around how someone could do that to another living thing. Kid needs to assessed and surely put somewhere he can't hurt others.
  2. Arby is named after the Nissan RB series engines :laugh: :laugh:
  3. It is so heartbreaking I read about Devlin this morning before work and just sat on my bed and cried... No animal deserves that, especially not a little pup. I hope they find who is responsible for both of these and treat them with the cruelty THEY deserve
  4. I agree sugary ones every day is probably a bit much. I feed the Jalna natural one - a big dollop mixed in with his brekky (Ok...and maybe a bit on the spoon if he looks at me extra-adoringly :laugh: If he won't the the natural one straight up...maybe you could wean him on to it? Mix 50/50 with the Vanilla that he likes for a few days.. then 2/3 1/3 until it's just the Natural one?
  5. Thanks for the update! Im so glad to hear Oscar is doing better, give him a snuggle from me
  6. That is creepy creepy! Hopefully he was just curious and a little bit strange, stay safe! I was approached by a lady when walking my staffy pup who asked all sorts of questions, how old was he, what was his breeding, do i live around the area etc. Freaked me out too and i walked past our house until i was sure she was gone!
  7. :laugh: :laugh: Don't be too stressed about it, our Staffy does the same thing, for a month it was the left, then we had about two weeks where they were both nice, then the other one went silly. I don't mind though, it's very cute :D
  8. I wonder if greyseas could give us an update on how the little fella is going? I often pop in to see if there's been an update :)
  9. Firstly, I'm sorry about your little dog, i hope he is doing ok. Secondly, what makes you so sure it was a Staffy? Many dogs appear bully-bred. (Don't mean to nitpick, but this is how people get on the BSL bandwagon.
  10. I gave Arby some capsicum the other day, wasn't interested (and he lovvvvves food!) He enjoys his frozen raspberries though... maybe he just has a sweet tooth!
  11. Great that you posted this, i have been wondering the same thing - appreciate the tips on the long line. Horse lunge ropes would be great for this - they're 10m standard usually webbing type, can get them at any saddlery or online fairly cheap :)
  12. There are some gorgeous nicknames here :laugh: Arby gets called 'Arby-Wan' a lot and he respondes to it. When he get in trouble it's "Arby-Wan-Knobi!" (play on Obi-wan-knobi from star wars :laugh: )
  13. Ours is outside during the day (can section backyard off to undercover smaller area, or open a gate for the whole backyard, but mostly its the whole backyard). I can't imagine what would happen if i left him inside alone - im forever telling him "Leave it!" when im there, i think he'd eat every single sock in the house. (He is only 5 months though!)
  14. High Five to the pups with Yeasty Ears! :laugh: Glad that's all it is for you too. The smell is without a doubt not nice... not just generally doggy smell but as soon as you smell it you know somethings not right!
  15. Hi NOCTRL, What is the exact age of your boy and what does he weigh? Cheers He is 21 weeks (or maybe closer to 22). He weighs 14kg, which is on the bigger size for his age, but dad was super stocky too. How old / big is your girl?
  16. Sorry for the not so great pic, quick lunch time photoshoot! (Please excuse the rotten looking coat, he is fighting off mites at the moment!)
  17. He is SUPER cute what ever he is! We also have a 5 month SBT Staffy, also red with black mask, and they look very different. Ill pop a pic up if you like when i get home. Regardless of what he is, it seems like you love him very much and what more could you want than that :)
  18. No help here, Oscar is a cutie, good on you for donig your best to help him! Hope it all works out
  19. Well the diagnosis was yeast based infection for us too. We have some ear drops to use so fingers crossed that sorts it out
  20. I thought revolution would do mites too... Arby is on daily oral Ivermectin for demodex which i thought would stop mites... think they money is on ear infection, but the vet should be able to tell pretty easily :) Hope your vet can sort it out for you too :)
  21. We are off to the vet this afternoon for just the same thing. Except Arby's ears are terribly itchy too Friggen sickly child! Will let you know how we go :)
  22. Sounds as though we're riding the same train! My staffy pup was diagnosed with demodex mites about a month ago. Initially we thought it to be allergic but after elimination with no sucess we inisited on a scraping. He is on daily ivermectin and weekly malaseb baths too (we were doing the baths prior to this anyways). He is a month in now and is starting to look better, there are no new patches (head, two or three spots on back, front legs) and whilst he looks patchy, i can see an improvement. I understand it's a long road but fingers crossed it works for you too! We also added Flaxseed oil to his diet as its great for their skin and coat, and the Malaseb DOES dry the coat out. Those who have mentioned the immune system are spot on. Most dogs and puppies have demodex mites, and it's only when the immune system is compromised that they take over and you see the symptoms you're getting. I'm a big fan of colloidal silver and have been giving him that too. Another natural thing thats meant to be good for immune system support is neem oil, i havent tried it yet but i encourage you to have a bit of a read up on it :) good luck!!!
  23. Westiemum - Our staffy AKA Stink-Eye-Arby has to have twice weekly malaseb baths and has for a few weeks now - it does dry after a few baths and i found feeding him flaxseed oil has softened his coat up quite well (amongst other great benefits!)
  24. Oh bless, that is adorable! Look at her tiny little leggies!!!
  25. If we didn't walk when it was hot we wouldn't walk at all! Though the majority of our walking is on dirt tracks shaded with trees for the most part with a little stretch of footpath with a grass verge. I encourage Arby to walk on the grass verge but sometimes he just wants to walk on the pavement... i guess every dog is different, though i wouldn't put him in a position where he didn't have that choice.
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