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Everything posted by NOCTRL

  1. Thumbs up to Lucky Pet for sorting out my shipping cost problem, I really appreciate it! Sherel - let me know if there's anything i can do on my end to help get Black Hawk to the NT - very good at nagging shops etc :laugh:
  2. Never used on dogs - but i use Ungivita - it's a human Vitamin A cream - on one of my ponies, it's great for dry skin and encouraging hair growth :)
  3. These names are awesome!!! People at work are looking at me a little strange as i'm laughing!
  4. Can it be used? Sure. Should it be used with out advice from a Vet? No. Especialy as all ready stated it's off label use. It's very potent stuff, and the are plenty of other more suitable options out there. IMO the cost saving doesn't outweight the risks.
  5. Thanks for the info everyone, it seems as though Interceptor Spectrum is the way to go for worms / heatworm combined. I've checked out VetStop thanks krystal&coco - very good prices :) Sandra, i hadn't thought of doing a fecal count (i dont know why as that's what i do with my horses!). He is in the suburbs, no kids. I will definately keep it in mind, thank you :)
  6. Aboslutely. I took two days off work when i had to have my heart horse PTS, there are days i still cry about her and it was 3.5 years ago. When my dad had my old dog PTS it broke my heart too; i was in Melbourne and hadn't seen him for months and didn't get to say goodbye. Generally, i like animals a lot more than most people, beautiful sweet honest things they are.
  7. Should also add - he has been treated for Heartworm at 11 weeks, and the oral ivermectic covers this too i believe.. My question probably isn't clear.. Is there a wormer that covers worms + heartworms? Or if not, what is the best combination of two to use?
  8. Up until this month i have been using Drontal All-Wormer for my 8mth old Stafford. He was also on oral ivermectin in this time for mange (yuck!) thats all better now thankfully (not used at the same time as the Drontal, used instead of for a period of about 6-8 weeks). I'm now due to buy some more worming supplies and i want to make sure i cover all the worms. Fleas and ticks aren't so much of a problem, so the product doesn't HAVE to cover those). What is the best wormer that will cover all worms? I don't think Drontal does heartworm? Or am i wrong? I guess i could google...but i'm sure plenty of you have this sussed :) Also, where's the cheapest place to buy worming products? Thanks :)
  9. All these pics are adorable... and that pic of Jorja is hillarious! Arby is a water baby too, loves his clam pool, loves the hose, loves the sprinker! Never been to the beach or river as it's too risky up here in Darwin... but I reckon he would love the beach. (Arby at about 11 weeks discoverting the joy that is sprinklers on a stinking hot darwin day)
  10. Ok scrap that, Lucky Pet have sent me an email saying they can;t post to me for that price, i guess Darwin doesn't count as "Australia Wide". Who has the best price on shipping BH? It looks like i'm going to run out before i'll be able to get any more up here
  11. I was buying the 3kg packs through Aussie Agility, but have found LuckyPet will post the 20kg at a very reasonable cost of $19.95, so that is where i have ordered the big bag from. I would love to be able to buy it locally eventually! :thumbsup:
  12. Arby has been on BH Puppy since 12 weeks.. he is almost 8 months now and I just ordered him a full size bag of "Big boy black hawk" :laugh: :laugh: He's a chubby little munchkin! I love Black Hawk, i just wish there was a distributor up here in the NT
  13. I feel bad for the poor bluddy dogs that are stuck with morons for owners But at the end of the day you have to do what's right for your dogs... and id rather the owners get a wrap over the knuckles and learn to keep their dogs on their property than have them out and get him by a car.
  14. 13 weeks is still very young, i wouldn't expect a pup to be reliably toileting and not having any accidents inside until at least 6 months. Also just leaving the door open and having him take him self out isn't really training - i know it's hard when you work full time (been there, done that in the last 6 months!). When you are home, do you take him out regularly and praise when he goes? Does he do this consistently? Is there any reason you couldn't keep him outside during the day when you're not there (secure yard, shade, water, can get out of the weather etc?) I found it was much easier to teach our pup not to toilet inside if he was only inside when we were there to take him out, and give him his command "go wees" when we wanted him to (and at 13 weeks it was after he ate, after he played, before bed, every 2 or so hours during the rest of the time).
  15. You poor thing, that is awful and just a downright scum bag thing to do. I hope your fur kids stay safe. I will pass this on to my sister who lives in Devonport as she has a dog (not a small, but ill tell her anyways) Hope they get caught
  16. I watched this this morning and was almost in tears of laughter, what a gorgeous boxer!
  17. :rofl: safely say that Maui approves of the new moves!
  18. Jim1 - i think you're being a smidge rude - just because sheena sells BH doesn't mean she's not entitled to an opinion on it! Interestingly, my SBT is on BH too, and isn't a big drinker either (and we live in DARWIN!)
  19. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thanks for the laugh on an otherwise crappy day.
  20. I would think myseslf blessed if i had a puppy that appears to be toilet trained at 5 months! She obviously doesn't like going inside. Take your self home at lunch to take her out for a wee and count your lucky stars she is so clever ;)
  21. Everyone's friends who have left are beautiful.. and all waiting at Rainbow Bridge i'm sure. Kane, Labrador, PTS at 13.5 due to multiple cancers, i too like to remember him in his younger days, not at at the end.
  22. :D Adorable!!! I've been meaning to say for a while - i LOVE your Avatar, has me in stitches ever time i see you post
  23. :laugh: :laugh: I'm so glad i'm not the only one!! I have full on conversations with Arby, all the time, like he's a person. We actually do have conversations where he talks back to me - usually while i'm getting his dinner... He'll look at me and do a little staffy scream then i'll be "Oh really is that right?" *staffy scream* "and then what happened?" *staffy scream* "wow that's amazing Arby!" *staffy scream* Our neighbours must think we're both a bit weird :laugh: It's pretty funny to see though, and he only does it with me, not my OH
  24. Just an update - i have been using the paw paw for a few days and it seems to be doing the job! Thank you very much for all the suggestions!
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