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Everything posted by minimiss

  1. Benny at 10 weeks Benny at around 5-6months (Going through the 'uglies' ... Looks like a short haired dog and naked :laugh: ) and now 9ish months... The fur is coming through.. :)
  2. Appollo Archie Armand Arminius Asher Aussie x2 Axl Bailey x 4 Balou Bandit Banjo x2 Bardigrub Barkly Bart x 2 Barton Baxter Basil Bear x2 Benji Benny x2 Benson x2 Beowulf Bertie Billy Bing Bluey Boss Boxer Brady x 2 Brock x 2 Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Bud Buddy Bundy Buster Caleb Caramel Carl Carter Cash Casper Cedar Champ Charlie x 4 Chester Chevy Chip Chisel Coco x 2 Cobber Connor x2 Cooper x 4 Cowan x 2 Cruise Cuba D'Artagnan Dakota Dalton a joke from the road house movie "I thought he'd be bigger" he is a big boy Damit Danny Darcy x 3 Dashx2 Deakin Deek Dean Declan Delgado Denver Denzal Dennys Dog Deputy Dexter Diablo Diesel Digby Digger Dinky Disco Doc Dog Douglas Dozer Dragon Drifter Drogo Dumas Dylan x2 Ebon Eddie EJ Elijah Elliott Elvis Edge Enuff Esky Fender Fergus FEZ Fido Fionneaghan (Fionn) FlashBazil Flash Harry Fox Frank Franky J Holden Fred Gandor Gimmick Granger Greedy Griffin Gus x 2 Guiness McGuinness Gypsy Hail Hamish Harley Harrison Harry Hemi Henry x2 Hiram Hudson Hugo x 2 Ivan Jack x 3 Jacques Jake x 3 Jasper x 2 JayDee Jethro Jett Jingles Jock Joe Jonty Jordan x 2 Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kobe Kyle Kyojin Kyzer Leo Leroy x2 Lestat Link Logan Louie Louis Luca Lucky Lughie Lukas MacKenzie Magnus Manny Mars Maui Maverick Max x 4 Maxey Maxie Mel Merlin x 2 Merlot Merry Micah Midge Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mogwai Mokha Morrison Morris Moses Mr Darcy Mungo Murphy Murray Nammu Napoleon x2 Ned Nelson Nicky Nigel Nikolai Nipper Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Nutnut Oberon Odin Ollie Oliver Onslow Oscar x 2 Oso Oz x 2 Payton Percy Piikki Porsha Porthos Punch Quick Rafe Raffy Ralph Rambo Randy Rasta Rauri Reeve Remy Rex x 2 Rhaegar Rhino Rico Riku Riley Ripley River Roary Rocks Rocky x 2 Rolly Rommi Rookie Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Ruff Ryan Rupert Rusty x2 Sam Samurai (Sam) SARGE Scout Scrap Scratch Sebastion Shadow x2 Silas Skeeter Snitch Snoopy Sonny sox Speed Spencer x 2 Spike x 2 Sport Spud Stanley Sterling Storm Sully Swanky Tango Tazz x 2 Ted Teddy Tey Dog Theo Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x 2 Toffee Tonka Trojan Trusty Tub Tusca Tye Tyrant Tyson Ulf Valentino Viserys Vulcan Wade Wags Walker Walter Watson x 2 Weave Will Willow Willy Winston Woody Wolf Xander Yelka Zac Zander Zedley Zep Zephyr Zero Zeus Ziggy Zontie
  3. Hey everyone! My little Pomeranian has finally grown in enough adult fur to warrant his first real groom (not just me giving him a quick wash, blowdry etc :laugh: ).. I'm a bit nervous about this as I know many people have had very hit and miss experiences with groomers and I want to try avoiding potential disaster! So, does anyone know of a wonderful groomer in the western suburbs who can manage little wriggly furballs? (preferably close to Sydenham) Thank you in advance :) x
  4. Pomeranians REALLY go through a devil stage! It started last month.. He seems to be following in Lucy's footsteps Donatella It didn't seem like the usual squirt 'marking' , it was actual wee... If that makes any difference.. Looks like it's back to some strict parenting. I keep telling him he's lucky he's cute!
  5. Ha! The little bugger! Well that explains it.. Damn teenagers, I'm never having real children! :laugh:
  6. My little 9 month old Pomeranian is wonderfully toilet trained (99% of the time). Today I was undressed and was standing in the middle of the bathroom untying my hair and I felt warm liquid on my leg/foot... As I looked down I saw a little furball cocking his leg and weeing on my leg :laugh: He's never done this before, and he's pretty toilet trained so what could be the reason for this?
  7. Haha!! This has made me laugh so hard.. I have a 9 month old desexed Pomeranian boy and he humps all his toys, his bed, cushions... And really goes for it too.. Closes his eyes, grunts, the works! He isn't shy either.. Doesn't matter if people are over or if we are alone... :laugh:
  8. If hatchi and red dog are not in the list it's not a legit list!! They're so lovely
  9. This sounds like Benny right down to the very last detail. He's perfectly fine for me to leave the house - doesn't cry, whinge etc.. As soon as I'm home I have to be with him or he'll crack the shits and whine... :laugh: He's getting better though, I have baby gates at the bottom of the stairs and he'll try to fight them and get through but he does eventually quieten down. Patience and consistency - You'll get there :)
  10. My little Pomeranian misses me I'm sure.. I leave him at home during the day as I work full time and I'll come home to him sitting on the arm of the couch nearest to the front door. When he sees me he usually jumps down and does excited wees and rolls on his back for belly rubs :laugh: Seeing a 2.5kg wriggly dog trying to wag his tail wildly whilst on his back is a sight to see
  11. Haha.. This sounds like my Pomeranian. If he wants eye contact he will fidget and grunt/woof until he gets it :laugh:
  12. My little pomeranian often gets long haired chihuahua :laugh:
  13. Benny always goes crazy and licks my face when I'm crying.. He's such a little darling and it definitely cheers me up!! Dogs huh? :) definitely better company than some humans!
  14. Ow God she is beautiful! I love iggys faces.. They always look guilty :D Butter wouldn't melt though. Gorgeous..
  15. I'd love to come and I'm not that far away realistically, but I need to try and convince my dear OH to drive me and come along as I need him to get there :laugh: I'll know closer to the date :)
  16. lol! Um is he in a pair of dropped pants?! Very cute boy, I bet he will love having another body to curl up with, someone I know with Iggys and whippets has lots of photos of them in a pile in one bed Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh he is gorgeous! :D and yes.. dropped pants.. :laugh: what's going on there? haha
  17. I purchase from them, for Holistic Select :) It's always next day delivery for me! But then again I am in Melb and they're Melb based. I couldn't fault them at all.
  18. I don't know how anyone could have a healthy dog PTS. It's hard enough having a sick, old dog PTS. I don't know.. I know every dog can't be rehomed, but it's so upsetting knowing the dogs life had been cut short just because they no longer were bringing in the cash
  19. What a gorgeous little face.. I hope for a speedy recovery! It's never nice when things like this happens to our little friends
  20. Looking at Benny's ears from the pictures I received when he was a couple of weeks old, they were pretty much erect then too.. The tips were a little floppy, but otherwise erect. His ears currently look way out of proportion due to the transition from puppy fluff to being an adult fluff ball Pomeranian. He currently looks like a Chihuahua (Around 3 weeks old) (10 weeks old) (Around 12weeks old) (18 weeks old)
  21. Benny isn't really after anyone or anything, I just thought it was a cute little dogs name.. :laugh: Growing up I we had a MinPin named Spud, because he was the colour and size of a little dirty potato
  22. I keep coming back to this thread to look at the photos... Baby puppy paws... :D :D :D loveeee
  23. I do believe this Whippet has more knitting skills than me
  24. Some people just have to get the last word in to feel like they've won..
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