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Everything posted by hankdog

  1. Thanks fir offering but I think I'll pass. I have so many gadgets and gear that it takes me 20 minutes to get ready to leave the house. Hope I don't find out later it's the magic one!
  2. Norty fathead making your mommy worry. Dogs really know how to scare us. Hooe you can get some rest tonight
  3. Finally got the photo I wanted. So many paradoxes in Jake but this is what I see. MyValkyrie I think Bryan is good looking enough to skip work. I find real working dogs interesting. Town dogs get so much put into them to stop them being bored and working dogs just get to do real stuff all day long. Such a contrast.
  4. Beautiful, but going to need more pics growing up...!
  5. She's gorgeous, love her colouring. Would you believe this is my third and I've never even seen a real life baby. I think I will have to be one if those evil people that fakes buying a puppy just to get some free cuddles????
  6. Gosh that last picture is heart breaking. Thankyou for the photos. With what she's been through she must be so confused. At least she's eating a bit. Survival first happiness later.
  7. That's so amazing PME. I have set up home agility stuff, very basic but Jake loves it and it's such a shame he will never get to do the real stuff. So even having a go I find pretty awesome. Sounds like you balanced the day pretty well, pulling her out at the right time so you got to do your tunnels later. I know about the over emotional stuff, we had some unwelcome third party input into a training session a few weeks ago. Jake is unfortunately the loudest dog on the planet and I just couldn't stop crying. Made an idiot out of myself and I'm pretty sure didn't inspire anyone with confidence as person in charge of a reactive dog. I do just feel very protective of him and always live in fear of a temperament test as I guess you fear being blacklisted. Good news is I love the you tube DWD clips. Started doing some leg weaves. I'm going to borrow some bits and cobble together a routine. What the heck my neighbours already think I'm daft might as well throw in some music.
  8. Jake in his second favourite spot, couch being his favourite. Love the faces Weibritty, eyes in the second pic are lovely.
  9. Oh no your puppy fell in a puddle of white paint!!!
  10. DWD is dancing with dogs? I've thought that would be fun but I'd just be doing it at home. How does one start PME?
  11. Oh I can see what's going to happen to my gumboots. great!!!
  12. That is sad for you PA but if it keeps the peace then you just have to go with it. Scootie sounds. like a sensitive little soul maybe he's just adjusting to the house reshuffle and will settle with Ru if he doesn't feel Ru is a threat to his mums attention. Just like children sometimes aren't they?
  13. That is sad for you PA but if it keeps the peace then you just have to go with it. Scootie sounds. like a sensitive little soul maybe he's just adjusting to the house reshuffle and will settle with Ru if he doesn't feel Ru is a threat to his mums attention. Just like children sometimes aren't they?
  14. I do tricks with Jake to bring him out of panic, maybe for the mind spinning panic dogs doing tricks gives them a rehearsed behavior to latch onto and start switching over into thinking mode. If he's freaking out I can get him to high five before I can get him to take a treat. Just a thought Staffyluv, the book Corvus recommended a while ago called Fired up frantic and freaked out, is about teaching them to lie on a mat and relax, (one day we are going to whip out the mat in front of a dog and he will chose do that instead of bark)! This may be a trick you could do but it does require some food motivation.
  15. That's so cool, nice to hear happy dog endings!
  16. Hooley Dooley, 60kg of dog. Start friendly now Justice!
  17. Does Amy use huskies because they're especially good for interdog work? I suppose their size would make dogs think twice before having a go and thickish fur might help in case of a bite? Jake seems to find BC's particularly inflammatory so we work with a springer spaniel now. I agree with Jake, spaniels are very friendly looking to me too. Well done on level 3 obedience.
  18. Just had to share an insight into the mind of Jake. We have been training with our mat everywhere and he does pretty much surf it onto the ground. So today during our trick training session he thought why would I ring the bell or squeak the rubber chicken when that's only worth one treat, since lying relaxing on the mat is worth 5 treats then surely it's a much better idea to lie and relax ...on the chicken and the bell? If the definition of intelligence is to get the maximum reward for the least effort then my dog is really smart.
  19. It always looks so sunny and fun wher you are tlc. Love the last pic, party on. Jakes collar is a karma collar, has a matching lead and I feel very smart with it. I dress like a dag but not my dog.
  20. Those are really great looking dogs. Never seen one around are they quite rare?
  21. If your family need a third opinion I'm totally available for a BB cuddling road trip. That would be my ideal holiday. Will definitely need pictures please.
  22. Hey Winston my boy had the throat and nose done it makes so much difference. We only had him for a few months before doing it but he is now able to go jogging, has his own home agility gym that he adores and hardly snores. Best investment.
  23. Nooo they don't work for me????????????
  24. Happy birthday big girl. Thems supermodels legs!
  25. Oh and I do hope we will get to see photos! How exciting! Please!
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