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Everything posted by BlaznHotAussies

  1. Awwww he's lovely :) Congratulations! Love the beach photos too Danes are gorgeous!!! Definitely on my bucket list
  2. Chinese crested or Silky terrier? (Although the silky might be fairly similar in spunk to the Aussie terrier...)
  3. My dog is scared of the sliding door and sliding windows in our house (ok, they bug me too - they're freaking loud) and he used to be scared when I'd shake clothes when I hang them out. Also scared of hoses, ropes, horse whips doesn't like the sound of us chopping wood (probably too much like a whip cracking/thunder/etc.) When I was living in the city for a little while and took him for walks he'd nearly crap himself every time a car drove past.....so yeah with cars driving past constantly that was pretty frustrating
  4. My dog does this funny little leap when he sees us get home. Then he "rounds up" the car and seems to be herding it into the garage then he'll stand at the door whining for us as we get ourselves organised to get out of the car. Then when he's done his "greeting duties" (usually involves being hugged and patted and talked to by me) he wanders off to his kennel
  5. Good point. :) I will give them that - they love their pets. Sounded like they were there for a while and she needed lots of drugs.
  6. I love it!!!!!! Felt kinda sad when I closed it off the music is fun :p Oh dear...
  7. That is so sad Saw similar on FB. I know a family who have this dog. (When I knew the poor thing she was obese...Labrador so I guess they're renowned for being "Good doers" ) She's ALWAYS getting pregnant and having puppies... They're "purebred" but definitely not tested or anything. And he was saying the vet was unfair in charging them $3500 for the caesar for getting the pups out.. (btw is that normal?) You get your dog pregnant, you learn the risk and I would imagine they're lucky only having to spend that much on the whole process? I know they're ignorant but it's so sad
  8. I know some people who would fit that They reckon she's "solid" But she's FAT. She's a BC/cattle dog - she should be at least some kind of "sleek"
  9. Remember the Michael Jackson song "Ben" ,when he was still a child? It was about a street kid and his pet sewer rat. Love is where you can find it. That song made me cry!!!!
  10. So...is she the trained one? Wonder where I go to become a good trained dog keeper.... Line up everyone :D
  11. She should do this. And be honest with the breeder. /problem Ditto.
  12. I hate the "small dogs aren't real dogs" thing too I mentioned that I wanted a silky terrier and people were like "Why would you want a yip yip?" and "Pfft that's not even a real dog" Wait...so my little dog Poco wasn't a real dog? Hmmm...all these years I lied to myself... I want a purebred because I like the breed... And don't want something mangy from a BYB that hasn't been cared for, hence the registered, ethical breeder - research! And $1000 for a dog that'll last at least 10 years (probably 15) works out to less than $75 a year :p if we want to get really pedantic! If you compare that to an iPad the new version comes out in 6 months!
  13. YES!!!! Chuck a blanket over the top, a few books and a torch - won't hear a peep for hours (hopefully!) :D
  14. Well seeing I spend a lot of time with my horse as well as my dog...(separately actually, because my dog thinks horses are superscary) I usually "click" to my husband like I do to my horse when he's walking too slow. Or I tap him repeatedly to get him to step aside (and stop when he moves - release/reward!). Sometimes I do the same to my dog as well. Then I forget that my dog knows to come behind when I whistle, so I do that. Then get back to my horse and I'm whistling at him to come. He hasn't really picked up on that yet :D
  15. Oh gosh I hope she's ok! Fingers crossed for you!!!! (((hugs!)))
  16. I find females are prettier (usually. not all the time, but they're generally feminine-looking) :) And I just gravitate to them for some reason :p
  17. Hehe Mackiemad you might like my BC :p He doesn't even have an on switch!!!! :)
  18. This sums up how I feel too Ellz. I can appreciate the good in many breeds, though there are many that wouldn't suit my lifestyle/ family. I wouldn't dismiss a breed as my 'least favourite' because of a few badly behaved/ tempered individuals. I can understand though, that some people might be traumatized by bad experiences (eg. dog bite) that make them wary of a particular breed. I'm not saying it was your intent Blackdogs, but this sort of thread can become quite divisive. The poor old terriers and bull breeds usually come out the worst. Just saying..... That said, they're probably the most popular dogs in Australia. I can't source it for you, but I'm sure I read recently that statistically, Staffords, Labs and JRTs are the most popular breeds, so regardless of how they come out in threads like this, they're doing well enough :) Most popular in pounds too Not so much labs, but definitely Staffies and JRTs... Quite a few Kelpies and maltshitz in there too. Flavour of the month
  19. this is true - but when I say I don't like bull breeds it's pretty much not based on much more than looks and my parents never letting me near them as a kid (I was also one of those kids who had to be held back from 'strange/unknown' dogs because I was so used to friendly sheep dogs on the farm). I don't mean to offend with my ignorance :S I do love terriers though :p I had a half terrier (she's Silky terrier X Maltese) and she was super biddable, quiet, scruffy and could keep up with me riding my horse. So yeah - that's my super duper good experience with "small, fluffy *not-so* yappy" breeds (dad wouldn't have kept her long if she barked - she's real quiet).
  20. Golden retriever Really pretty fluffy "real" (not farm-bred :p ) Border Collie German Shepherd Rottweiler Weimeraner Whippet Chinese Crested Dalmation Saluki (I think they're gorgeous too :D ) Greyhound (they look like fun!) Afghan hound Silky Terrier Papillon Chihuahua (maybe...) Better stop there... I think if I have about 2-3 dogs at a time for my entire life, I could almost get through all these breeds :p oh, and save relentlessly for them. And feeding them..
  21. Favourite..... Today it's Golden Retriever. Friendly, fun, biddable, people-orientated, beautiful... Last week it was German Shepherd (saw one in town and had to use all my strength to not go up and cuddle it's brains out because it might not appreciate that...). When I'm watching TV it's Yorkie or Chihuahua or Pap or Silky terrier or something with some spunk that I can cuddle... I love BCs too because I own one and don't want him feeling unloved :p Or a Cairns terrier! Such fun little guys! Least favourite.... I don't like bull breeds. Bull dogs, Pitbull/AmStaff, Staffies, Bull Terriers, that kind of thing - probably just because every flipping thing in the pound is a staffy of some sort and I don't find them attractive at all. I also don't like Jack Russels...they're just too bossy for me and unless they're trained well (and kept on top of! Like Shetlands - they're always testing you; everything is a test). And that probably goes back to what suits me - I don't like dogs that I have to keep on top of constantly. Same with horses :p I like my cruisy QH who has a bit of bluff in him but he doesn't constantly test me. And I just don't feel any attraction to staffies or the like so that wouldn't suit me either :p
  22. Me too, far easier to keep happy! According to that study, my breed came in at a whopping no.48 out of 69. Bah, intelligence is over-rated! :laugh: I think the study is bollocks. Even if it's not bollocks, I wouldn't use it as the basis for choosing a family dog. Intelligence being only one aspect of a dog breed. In fact, not denigrating any of the breeds higher on the list, but some of the loveliest family dogs aren't near the top of that intelligence list (CKCS to name but one). The amenable nature of a "less intelligent" breed should rate highly when choosing a family pet. I think Allerziet only posted it to answer an earlier question in the thread re. the most intelligent breed anyway. :) I agree - Golden Retrievers aren't exactly renowned for their intelligence...but they are great family pets!! They're so biddable and friendly (in my fairly limited experience unfortunately!! I LOVE them)... Just as an example :) Well, they're no.4 on that list! :D Really!? After the GSDs you mean? That's awesome!! Man I'm proud :D hehe I've just always been told they're "dopey" or something... Well there you go, they're probably just calm and content. :) Hehe :) except the one we had when I was about 7! Got her as a pup and she was a tad too boisterous for us kids (my little sister was 5 and my little brother and other sister were 3 and 2) so she'd always knock us over! I loved her though - did my best not to cry when we sold her. Oh yeah and she wasn't really suited to the farm...she liked chasing the sheep. I would get another one in a second.
  23. Me too, far easier to keep happy! According to that study, my breed came in at a whopping no.48 out of 69. Bah, intelligence is over-rated! :laugh: I think the study is bollocks. Even if it's not bollocks, I wouldn't use it as the basis for choosing a family dog. Intelligence being only one aspect of a dog breed. In fact, not denigrating any of the breeds higher on the list, but some of the loveliest family dogs aren't near the top of that intelligence list (CKCS to name but one). The amenable nature of a "less intelligent" breed should rate highly when choosing a family pet. I think Allerziet only posted it to answer an earlier question in the thread re. the most intelligent breed anyway. :) I agree - Golden Retrievers aren't exactly renowned for their intelligence...but they are great family pets!! They're so biddable and friendly (in my fairly limited experience unfortunately!! I LOVE them)... Just as an example :) Well, they're no.4 on that list! :D Really!? After the GSDs you mean? That's awesome!! Man I'm proud :D hehe I've just always been told they're "dopey" or something...
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