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Everything posted by Horsegal98

  1. Hopefully nothing too sad :) hachi is pretty depressing IMO
  2. Thanks- the only one of those I have seen is white fang. Will see what others are available. I asked the same Q on a different forum and someone recommended Cujo!
  3. My little ones haves asked me to stick more dog movies in my quickflix queue, but I'm racking my brain and can't remember any more. The ones I liked as a kid were: Turner and hooch (my kids are too young for the violence in the though) Beethoven Homeward bound/ the incredible journey Milo and Otis (this is too sad, it still makes me bawl) 101 dalmatians No animated ones, they want live action-- that rules out the usual culprits like lady and the tramp. Anyone have any more G/PG rated ideas?
  4. Some of those old style GSDs are stunning-- thanks for the links!
  5. Yeah that's because this is a dog forum. It isn't appropriate to talk about whether people should have children or not in here. And it is extremely controversial to discuss such a thing. The World Health Organisation considers the rate of c-sections in Australia and the United States to be far above the level of necessity. Many are being performed for a number of reasons, including convenience, perceived risk and psychological issues rather than strict physical necessity. These women do then go out into the community and will often justify it as having a medical reason-- I have heard one cite having a cord around the neck being seen on an ultrasound as a reason. Nearly half of babies are born with cords around their neck, including two of mine both born safely in a home birth. Better nutrition is making bigger (human) babies making birth harder, no one is specifically trying to genetically engineer them that way. Breeders of British bulldogs are not intentionally trying to create dogs that can't reproduce or birth, but it seems like it is an unfortunate side effect.
  6. Money doesn't really have much, if any, motivation in my decision making process. I don't think you can any more name a price for a 'perfect' dog any more than you could on your partner or children. If I thought the best fit for our family was a $400 rescue bitza I wouldn't be snobbish, nor would I hesitate to spend $2000 on a well bred, mains registered dog. That being said I think the $4000 'rare blue English staffys' are a complete rip off! There have been many, many wonderful contributions to this thread. I will certainly spend time reflecting upon this! The bad news is that the breeder's bitch still hasn't come in heat, so she has contacted me and said ETA March for pups and obviously from there a 12 week wait to get said pup home. Fingers crossed all goes well. I know several people have commented on me to 'wanting to wait' for a pup. Fair enough comment, just wanting to rationalize it further. My thoughts were by getting an older juvenile or adult now, I wold have something to be able to start training and campaigning in my areas of interest straight away. Certainly with agility you can't start competing before 12 months, and I personally don't think you would want to expect too much from them before 18 months. Too much work too soon is just no good for a young dog's developing joints.
  7. I think this is just it-- I don't want to roll the dice and take a chance when there are children and potentially, another dog, involved as well.
  8. We've always owned dogs in pairs, we had been thinking about getting two pups from the same litter but the breeder didn't recommend it- she said it was twice as difficult and we would be better off starting off with another slightly more mature dog that already had the ground work put in (ex show dog). Do others think it is better to start with the pup, and then add the adult dog?
  9. Thanks guys. I had always planned on getting a second dog from a breeder so that we could do breed club activities. I think that several people have tried to influence me away from this path and basically given me the guilts for not wanting to 'save' a dog. I think the issue is if I end up with a dog that compromises what I am looking for, I might spend the next 10+ years regretting it.
  10. I'm fairly open to fostering, because if the dog is a perfect fit for the family we could adopt in the future. I have looked at the collie rescues, no one has anything on the books at the moment but that could change in the future and there is no
  11. My reasons for selecting a collie after owning terriers for many years: - interest in competition, specifically agility and junior handler -wanting a larger sized dog who will give voice if unfamiliar people on property and be a visual deterrent -calm disposition known to be good with children -generally less restless than other herding breeds, and generally less nippy - love the look of the dog, the long muzzle really works for me.
  12. I am wanting a doggy addition to our family while we are waiting for our rough collie pup (take home eta circa march 13) I had selected a smooth collie from the same breeder as my rough, but unfortunately that hasn't worked out. I have the opportunity to purchase a dog from a registered breeder, and I am leaning to another rough or else a smooth collie, preferably something that is a young adult or older juvenile and not made the cut on the show circuit. My other option is to purchase a mix through a shelter, rescue or pound. At this point in time, with no other dog in the house, I can be flexible with what I get, but I really don't want something dog agressive and most importantly, I have 5 children that whilst they are always supervised with dogs, I want to feel safe having the dog in my home. Can you ever have this peace of mind with a pound pet? I have spoken to some rescues who make me feel horrible for even considering getting an animal from a registered breeder, but I have always owned papered dogs from them in the past.
  13. Sorry, I think I phrased my comment re hair poorly. I do not think it is an issue breeding dogs for the show ring with extra hair, but I don't agree with the major conformational differences between working and show lines. Of course working animals are hampered by hair, like in the horse world working horses are braided and were formerly docked.
  14. I found it interesting, but only really agree with the bone structure inferences- I don't think extra hair is a real issue.
  15. I think this whole experience has made me think anyone, anyone, anyone who tells me they are interested in rescue (and there are lots of 'save the doggy people' out there), I will tell either to A) donate to a reputable, established rescue B) if they have the facility and inclination, foster for the aforementioned type of rescue This saga has really demonstrated to someone not involved in rescue how much planning and forethought is required, both from a business admin perspective and for the dog's best interests.
  16. Had me in tears. Thanks for sharing.
  17. I used to work for a male vet, he owned the single vet practice. He often told me that he loathed animals, but he liked solving the 'puzzle' of finding out what was wrong with an animal. He was overseas trained and became a vet after not making the grade for medicine. He was in his 50s when I was there in the 90s.
  18. I think if you are fundamentally opposed to a 'kill' policy, you wouldn't work in such a facility to begin with. No one forced shelter workers to take their jobs. I have never surrendered an animal to a pound. I have never held an animal down to be PTS for anything but a medical reason, undertaken by a vet. Seems to me people who have done either of those things are a lot more responsible than I am.
  19. I might be biased but I think Beddies are super dogs, easily biddable enough for a junior handler but tenacious enough for the Dobes.
  20. I'd love to get a greyhound, I've always thought they were beautiful dogs. Faces full of expression.
  21. What an awful sItiation. Have those people never heard of tolerance?
  22. I've just signed with bow wow meow, I hope they aren't dodgy.
  23. Like someone else, mine would also primarily be a horse setup. Would like between 700 and 1200 acres of decent grazing land with a bit of natural bush Must have a creek running through it Multiple dams with pumps for water Indoor and outdoor arenas Stabling for 20, all with day yards attached Massive secure run for the dogs
  24. Geez, how sickening. Hope they lock him up.
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