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Everything posted by becks

  1. I've never had a bitch get to 63 days from mating, until the end of last year when both girls went 3 days past their last mating date + 63 days. They were happy enough so i was happy to wait with them
  2. if they are like oakways link, then i would be sending them back for a refund, they are nothing like dental scrapers - you can buy safety version now so you won't catch the gum
  3. http://theutonagansociety.com/gallery/dogs-by-affix/engrish I was talking to someone yesterday who has 2 of these Utonagans, they are said to be really intelligent and are the best behaved, easiest to train of this persons dogs. Interesting new breed if you like the wolf look.
  4. Mystiqview i presume you hadn't microchipped the puppy before she went to your then friend? It is something I do and the chip details are listed on the puppy contract along with all the KC reg details so we both know exactly who this puppy is. Althought, with those people being so difficult in the end, I don't suppose it would have helped without going there to check her chip?!
  5. This is my litter announcement which shows both parents.
  6. At what age do people add things like chicken wings? Mine tend to be about 6 weeks old and it is basically a good suck and play with them at that age, by another week they have got the idea to eat it!
  7. How many litters would be fair for this agreement? and would it depend on if the bitch had an average size litter first time, or a litter of just one sex (that the breeder didn't want) or a small number of pups? I'm thinking about looking for my next giant on breeding terms, simply as I want a good quality bitch to show and have never wanted to have a litter of this breed.
  8. There are 4 recognised colours in mini schnauzers - black, black & silver, pepper & salt and white. White has been recognised for a few years now in the UK and Australia has finally updated their breed standard more recently to recognise the colour and the first white litter has now been born in Aus from import parents. The white pups are born white with pink extremities, the nose, lips, ears, pads turning black in the first week of life.
  9. I think you know your own girls and how they get along normally. My lot I keep together, pups are in a puppy pen or crate so they can be covered over in the early days. Once in the pen the older girls will go in for a visit (2 of them now have the knack to open the gate on the pen!). The adults are all very respectful, have a look and see pups are OK then leave mum to it. I have had one litter where a girl was having a phantom, so at weaning time when I was keeping mum out for a couple of hours, the other girl would jump into the pen and feed the pups instead!
  10. over here we can buy small packs of dog mince, so I got a selection to try out, last night the mince was rabbit with some chicken. Mushed it with some goats milk, as the pups are only just 3 weeks old - you can see in the april thread how it went down! Bit wary of getting cheap supermarket mince as that is often half pork mince here and very fatty - i don't feed pork or fatty foods to my dogs as a breed they can be prone to problems with a high fat diet. thanks for all your comments, interesting to hear how different breeds are weaned!
  11. 3 weeks old, puppy cuddles first time with food
  12. Ask a groomer to use the high velocity dryer on him (doesn't need to be bathed, but that will help to loosen the hairs), this will get out all that is ready to come out at that time.
  13. Thanks. Would anyone use green tripe with young pups?
  14. I asked in the April topic but got no answers. This is my first litter to wean onto raw (I normally start with kibble and then bring in meat at 6 weeks or so). Is it OK to start with mince with bone in (I have a supply of minced chicken carcasses) or is it best to start bone free mince. Does anyone have a preference for meat type to start with? I have some goats milk to make it more slushy
  15. Take her out on lead until she has toileted in the right spot
  16. Sounds fairly typical for minis whose play has just got a bit out of hand, someone gets accidentally hurt and they go to get other back. Just distract them earlier in the games when it is starting to get over excited
  17. I've always weaned onto complete puppy food before but this time my adults are all on raw, so i am thinking about starting with a mince and goats milk slushy - would it be best to get mince without bone or is it ok to start off with my chicken mince with bone in it?
  18. Wow you have started them early, i'm not going to offer my lot food until next week. I've never tried them with food before 3 weeks old
  19. Pups at one week old - excuse the poop, didn't realise it was on the pic when i took it!
  20. becks


    I have a piece that must be 10 years old and still is stiff as a board, other bits have really softened up. I tend now to buy the none green back ones.
  21. I'm sorry to hear this. My little pup has passed on too.
  22. I have the little boy down my jumper, Donna keeps leaving him to one side and he got cold. I'm thinking she knows best but will see about giving him a bottle once he feels warmer.
  23. Yes, it was a worry and as you can see (on the 2nd photo) Donna is green as were the couple of placentas I saw.
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