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Everything posted by paddles

  1. is this any good for an older dog?
  2. hmmm.... no.... I'll have a play, but not holding my breath.
  3. I have a couple of games I play with my dogs to teach focus, which work well, however they quickly learn the game, and we all find it a little boring. one is to hold a treat in either hand, palms up, and only praise and treat when they ignore the treat and focus on me. However, I'd like some more "similar" games, so quiet, requesting focus, without command, to use when out on a walk, and periodically stop and "play" a focus game.
  4. I'm very new to showing, and I have gsp's, I've been told that I should take the whiskers off, and told it doesn't matter.. I chose to leave them. whiskers serve a function, so fail to see why we should remove them (if there were many, I might "thin" them out tho.)
  5. whippets do well, Saluki's would be awesome. (make certain you get video.)
  6. I can't really talk, cause I'm failing at obedience, but does he stay with you for normal heel pace? maybe try going slightly faster for fast pace (still in a walk, but really fast) and see if he stays with you? and so on, until he realises he's supposed to stay with you?
  7. I've done this... you send the signed papers, along with the transfer paperwork (usually downloadable from the site) in with your membership papers, and they transfer it at the same time. a word of advice tho, if you are moving the dog out of state from where originally registered, if you later want to upgrade the dogs papers, you are in for a pile of trouble. I had both dogs vic/ and dogs nsw, telling me the other group did the upgrade. it took a lot of phone calls to do it.
  8. I'd like to add a minor bit of trivia to this thread.. I have now strapped an e collar around my thigh, I have zapped myself. it hurts on the high levels. anyone who has brushed against an electric fence has had more of a zap. on the lower levels.. well here we call it physical therapy... anyone nay saying e collars, have you ever seen one? have you ever used one? have you ever seen one used?
  9. hmmm in my understanding you either transfer her to your name, or you need their signature to enter the dog. assuming you have her papers, you can have her transferred into your name once you join dogs sa..
  10. to my dogs, come means come to me... and preferably stay with me. we teach recall by having family members around the house (and later yard) and they call the dog, the dog comes, get given a treat, then someone else calls the dog... and so on... we call it doggy ball....
  11. hmmm, so how to describe this... Milo came to me as a 12mth old, and we have had him now for 2 yrs. we have never really been able to play fetch with him, because, although he will chase the ball, and pick it up, he won't return with it. he'll come partway back, then stand off, if you walk towards him, he says "game on, chase me!" obviously I'm not that daft. with lots of work/treats etc, I've got him to return to me with the ball when on his own (provided I have treats to exchange for the ball, miss once, and then go back to stand off. I've tried walking away and ignoring him, and he tends to then just drop the ball/toy and wander off. so, this is fine, but now, my youngster and I (10 mth old gsp) are happily playing fetch, and Milo likes to take the ball and stand off. I've tried throwing different toys, but milo will just drop the one he's got and go for the new toy, and flash doesn't seem to understand that he can pick up the previous item. if Flash gets the item, he'll happily bring it back to me, but milo will get quite ?rough? in his attempts to gain the object. so, short of only having one dog in the yard with me when playing, any suggestions?
  12. as far as I know, it's illegal everywhere, one of those laws that isn't enforced. for instance here, it's illegal to use a dog as a draft animal, ranger isn't going to worry about me sledding (might if he saw dogs hooked to a plow) with the running a dog beside a bike, they are not going to worry, unless you are doing something stupid (racing through busy pedestrian areas etc) I've biked with dogs in 3 states ( vic, nsw, and sa), past rangers and police, and never had a word said.
  13. what sort of dog do you have and does it pull on the lead?
  14. My dog milo DID get me off, luckily for me, and unluckily for him, I landed on him. he lunged out sidewards and even with the brakes locked, he dragged the bike out from under me, and the way it works it is connected at approx. rear axel. so down lower than the seat. however I must say, that until then it had been reasonable. he is a bad puller, and this only encouraged him to pull harder. we've now broken it to some extent (the walker thing) I know others who have bought it, and love it, but like you, their dogs already ran beside the bike. I note that the price roar kingdom is quoting is higher than sport4dogs. I think, if you are going to purchase something to run your dogs beside the bike, this is one of the better products, although, I must admit I would like to try the "springer" dog walker, although I was told at the time that the "tow leash" was the better option. http://www.topdogs.com.au/categories/Bike-Attachment/
  15. there is already an Australian supplier for this, sport4dogs, or something like that. I have one. I don't like it. and my dog has had me off with it. however if your dog is better behaved than mine, it works well. https://www.sport4dogs.com/index.php/cPath/12
  16. 12 mths minimum, you can do training prior, but don't race
  17. Where are you? but most of us do drive distance, 3 hrs is nothing. I'm assuming you are in melb? eastern suburbs? lots come from there.
  18. Cause we all start somewhere, and it happens to us all....
  19. half the photos of them, have them facing the wrong way... two poor babies not understanding, one thinking, come on, lets go... one thinking... BUT MUMMY"S THAT WAY! and flash being goofy
  20. I know someone with the invisible fence and the collars, she swears by it, but the important thing with that is the training, they can burst through it. we use hotwire (electric fence) and I like it. if they stop working, the dogs know, BUT in my experience (and my dogs are not escape artists,) one zap, and they do not go near it again. ours is a standard "stock" electric fence unit, it delivers a decent belt (I've touched it a time or two) IMO, the electric wire is safer, on the grounds that if it malfunctions, it's not attached to the dog. we only run the unit occasionally, and as a rule it is turned off. BUT it is worth spending money to buy a quality unit (which ever way you go)
  21. Victorians looking to get into weightpull, contact the Malamute Club.
  22. go for it... I just thought I'd put it out there that the season is starting... as other events come up, post them, so often people realise at the end of the season, then forget about it by the next season...
  23. Clover, people tend not to worry about an in season bitch, bring her, just keep her away from any entire males. makes the boys run faster if she's gone round in front of them... lol
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