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Everything posted by paddles

  1. keep an eye on the sibe club page, and also the northern Victorian sled dog club (facebook and webpage) for more training days and races.
  2. Hello one and all, for all those who have ever considered having a go at sled dog racing, and you have a dog (breed open) the Siberian club of Victoria is running it's first training day of the season this weekend at wellsford (near Bendigo) sled dog racing is a wonderful sport for all, many breeds race, as long as it is of a size to pull you (and a whippet wins many races, so don't think that bordercollie etc, couldn't do it)
  3. I have been trying to improve milo's "focus" in paying attention to what I am signalling. I am doing k9 pro's triangle of temptation with his meals etc (have been for a while) and he focus's well in the yard particularly when food etc is involved. however the moment we leave the yard, it all goes out the window. attempts to play games with him are ignored, his attention is obviously elsewhere. at the same time he is displaying? lip licking? anxiety behaviour. (this is appearing to get worse to, it is a new thing that has began to occur) Suggestions on where to go from this? I have plans to go to Geelong for a training session with Nekhbet, but would really like to get his "focus" going before then.
  4. you made the right decision, I have had to do the same thing as you, return a dog that didn't fit into our family (3 times, I've had to do it) but I've also successfully brought 3 adult dogs in. there are many dogs looking for good homes out there, and you will find one that will fit with you. contact your local rescue group, and in the meantime, offer to foster, there are many 'failed" fosters out there, dogs that the foster carer decides to keep. it reduces the stress of trying to work out if things are going to settle.
  5. I have to agree with the above statements, take him back, there are just too many dogs looking for homes, and whilst he might come good, it's not a good start. if you have taken to carrying a crop, you obviously fear for your first dogs life, if not your own safety. return the dog today. don't listen to the pound if they say things like, he'll be put down. think about how you will feel if he kills your dog. if you want a second dog, there are plenty looking for homes out there.
  6. who is going to the obedience trial at albury this month??
  7. a deep and philosophical question.... milo has done scent work, to some extent, and I was keeping it up in a lacklustre way... mainly with seeking treats around the lounge, a little "hide the toy" no tracking (might have a go at that during sledding season) but I'm wondering, going with our developing issues of ground sniffing, wonder if I should "drop" the scent work entirely for a while?? I've used it mainly as a way of stimulating all the dogs during the summer, it's just been to hot for much else. opinions and thoughts??
  8. Hi, I don't know about shep, there is a puppy school in Echuca (I'm assuming it is still running) that is purely rewards based. (roses vet practice) the woman who runs it is a good trainer, but one of the things I didn't like, was she really didn't let the pups play together. it was all training knowledge, all food rewards. it depends I guess on weather the buyer wants to travel. having said that, there is a dog obedience school in shep.
  9. Megan, Can you give me the name of the dvd? please. Oh, Staff and Toller, I'd love to do k9 distance, apparently they MIGHT be up and going again in June, but I think they are getting sick of me enquiring all the time.... lol... I've had such issues with training, and really, although I know some people can work stuff out on their own, I am not one of those people. Mind you it would help if I could even find one person in Echuca interested in training with me...
  10. Foo's is 4 hrs away... really unlikely to happen. I had the same thought, about a physical issue, but no he's clear. I use jackpots, play etc, and am getting there. he HATES to drop on most surfaces, he's getting better at the drop, but yes I know what you mean. we're working on bits and pieces at all times, so I might do say 3 sits? or 2 sits and a drop... then that's it... we always finish on a good note (even if I go back a step to do so) when he came here, we've been working to increase drive, but there are no trainers here to learn from, I attend Bendigo dog obedience when I can, but family/money stops most things. I have to work stuff out myself in a lot of ways. I have some very good friends who watch my videos and pick up what I need to walk on (like the double signal on the recall) and my footwork. but mostly I'm trying to figure stuff out myself these days. I have always had an issue with his drive, when he came here he didn't "play" at all, and now is only just starting to play...
  11. all cool sue... I originally trained it with food lure/clicker, but then working under a different trainer, I was told to use "corrections" if he didn't do the requested activity, "a pop" on the collar. I am now working on being fully positive, but fading the food. I am working that we "play" if activity is correct, have also being trying a "oops" as a "non-reward" word. for failure to comply. I made several mistakes on the day of the trial, including being at kcc park all day, without letting him have a "run" down the back, and also (although I don't know if this was a mistake) but an hr ? less? before we ran milo through the drill, played etc.. then stood around waiting to go in the ring. I knew he was "flat" before I entered, I was trying to work him up prior to entering and couldn't get him working.
  12. yes, it is one of my main faults that I don't walk fast enough...
  13. Hi Sue and Waldo... I live 4 hrs away from kcc park... so any regular training is impossible. Bendigo dog obedience club is great, but expensive, and I know that through term 2&3, I wouldn't be able to attend regularly, so having to work it out mostly on my own. lots of reading, posting videos and listening to others replys (and I read every post) and then trying them, some things work, some things don't. at the moment, I'm thinking I need to work on his focus?? on me, so I'm going to concentrate on that. face it, we know he knows, and I know the basics, but I didn't have his attention/focus at all. Heidi
  14. How did you insert the video like that??
  15. Ok, it's not brilliant video, but gives an idea... we've had issues trying to turn this, into the really smart, fast moves, sit to sit.. due to lack of knowledge on my behalf, I don't know how to.. I did a little without the block, but it looked even crappier (is that a word) but you get the idea. It took a LOT of work to get milo to swing his rear end at all.
  16. Hmmm, I'll try to telegraph my moves more, he's focused on my hands cause there is food in them.. lol. a question, (particularly if someone can link a video???) when we do a tight left turn (not an about turn) should his hindquarters swing? or should he "walk" the turn???
  17. Hi, I have problems with the figure 8, milo tends to not swing on the left turns, let alone when we are swinging left around the "pole" can anyone give advice on training the figure 8, and what the judges look for, what I'm going to lose points on the figure 8? thanks.
  18. this is a short clip of a workout/training session, no treats, no rewards (other than the odd pat) this is to give an idea how we are going atm.. believe it or not, he did better drops in our "warm up" than he did here... but since I was no doubt stressing over his performance for the camera, it should give an indication of how we will work for the trial
  19. in sled dogging, we learn very quickly to "warm up" and cool down the dog, or you get injuries. a short 5-10 min walk is usually enough, this also gives the dog a chance to empty his bowels/bladder.
  20. I bought the 10 mtre ? long line from k9pro, the syntec? one. I love it, it's heavier than nylon (I won't lie) but it doesn't seem to tangle, is easy to grip, and clean. I find he knows by the weight? when he's getting near the end of it. I use mine down the bush tho, not the beach.. it is heavier than nylon or rope, but since I've had it, I haven't had rope burn, and I found when I was using rope (nylon sailing sort) I had to wear gloves and even then I'd sometimes get ropeburn.
  21. Oh, I should have a friend there who can do all the videoing... lol.. hopefully
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