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Everything posted by FreyaJade

  1. omg choppa, I'm so sorry!!! :D ;) RIP Choppa Dog.
  2. Hubb Hubba!!! I am soooo in love with Daegon. ;) It's great to see him in a vid. And Kovu too.
  3. You should not use oils on open wounds. But apart from that it's great. I can also recommend Calendula. Best recipe is 200 ml boiling water, add 1 tblspoon of seasalt and 1tblsspoon of Calendula essence. As soon as it is cooled down you can use it on wounds and itching skin. I alway keep some of the above mixture ready to go in a glass spray bottle. This one sounds like a great home remedy.
  4. The salt water has stopped the irritation. She isn't licking anymore & it doesn't look as red. I'll still do a shop around & check out some of the above mentioned products.
  5. Howdy doody Dolers, I was just wondering if anyone has some sort of home made herbal alternative for a wound cleanser? Poor ol Tess has a small cut right in between the pads on her front paw, bleeding a little but not much. She keeps licking & biting at it making it worse. I checked for grass seeds but only found a small cut. She probably broke the skin on a stick whilst doing zoomies around the yard. Anyway I got out the wound cleanser I've had stored away & discovered it was out of date. I've hardly used it as the girls haven't had alot of injuries so the bloody bottle was basically still full. Such a waste of money really. Insted of going out to buy another bottle, I thought an alternative might be better. That way I can make up small portions when needed. If anyone has a home remedy for a wound cleanser I would love to use it. Feel free to post any other home remedies too for our loving furbabies.
  6. Oooooh I'll have to try this focus stuff out on the girls. They know 'yes' already from dinner time training so it should be easy. GirlDog will excell at this I think.
  7. I was just browsing through this great forum & found this excellent clip & thought I'd bump it up.
  8. Our old family beagle used to do that too. Funny how beagles all sound the same. Gotta love em!!
  9. I am loving these vids to death, they're excellent!!! I'm going to my first lure coursing event on Sunday so please please please post some more vids to get me all hyped up.
  10. I'm here at work trying to eat my lunch whilst cracking up laughing at that excellent vid. That's the funniest vid I've ever seen!!! :D Seriously you should send it in the Australia's Funniest Home Videos. aussiegoldenlily, would you mind if I emailed your vid to a couple of my friends?
  11. Yeeaahh, I was really happy when I saw it, then when it came to picking it up it wasn't so great She looked mighty impressed with herself though Betcha this is the first (& last) time you'll ever be so happy to see a dog do a poopy!! ;) :D
  12. Houston...we have poo poo!! So glad to hear she has finally laid a sloppy slab for ya shek.
  13. Saw her pics & used one of them in my siggie. Thanks shek for the siggie compliment, but I don't have alot of fonts unfortunately. So plain is the go for me. Jaida's coat look so shiny & soft. Good ol Aloveen. It did alot for Bob's skin & coat too. He had very thin fur on his back & his skin was so dry & flaky. Aloveen leave in conditioner helped Bob grow back a new coat. Jaida is such a gorgeous girl , awww I wuv my fatty boombah!
  14. She's such a bossy boots. Looking forward to seeing the vid.
  15. Oh poor fatty boombah, I hope she is better soon. She's a tough cookie. Sounds like you have it all under control shek.
  16. RIP Pyro. Warley, Xcel...I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. Oh I hope Atlas is OK. He's my favourite BT in the whole wide world!!
  18. Sorry but the head butt cracked me up!!!! Your right TB, she is a crazy dog!!
  19. Any pics of the poor girl? BTW your doing a great job kamuzz!!
  20. Spencer is sooooo beautiful!!! Oh i just LOVE him!!!! Great work westie.
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