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Everything posted by ReXy

  1. i read the first few lines and got all teary.. will read some other time it looks so beautifull tho... just 2 days untill my boy would have turned 2 years old.. life is so unfair sometimes 2 years young , not enough time with him it hurts so bad each and every day.... ;) i love you my darling boy will never forget you sleep well and run free..
  2. my thoughts are with you.. your dear old lady is in a specialmplace.. my lab boy is there for her and will give her lots of licky kisses she will never be alone...
  3. great to hear glamachic... cute pup... there are many different types of crates... so hard to say.. i am using the airline approved crate where ists all plasic has breathing holes in top half bottom half is solid.. and has wire door on front.. also i have a larger all wire crate and have a cover for it as well.. crates are invaluable IMO.. i have a 12 week old stafford pup, and it has been the best thing ever to have him crate trained if u cant find the link do a search on here on crate traininga nd u will find loads of great threads,, i wish i had of had it for my 10 month old toby, altho he goes in and outt he crates now as well.. some people who are new to crates se them as a cage or that it is cruel.. its quiet the opposite.. it provides the pup with a secure cosy safe little place to sleep and rest and , at time to give u time out fromt he pup as well.. i beleive it also helps when toilet training your pup.. as it is their bed they usually wont wee in there , having said that my pup did,, only twice tho so far.lol here is a pic of both my crates... to give u an idea.. lol even my daughter loves it.. the smaller crate pic isnt a good one sorry i thought i had better than that..
  4. firstly congrats on you puppy and welcome to the forum of wonderfull knowledgable people.. you will get loads of great advise here..... you have already got some very good advise so i wont add to that.. the only thing i would be concerned about is.. that u please look into getting a fence ont he property.. dogs need to explore thier yard safely.. yours can not do this,, livining on a main road.???asking for trouble.. what happens is the pup accidently runs outt he door when u open it or someone comes to the door? sorry this just rang alarm bells and had me concerned,,..
  5. Remy is off for his second c5 vac today and its costing me $75.00.. this is the 12 week vaccs and he wont need another till next year other local vet was 72.00 and that was for 12 week vaccs and he would of had to have another at 16 weeks mornington peninsula vic.. going to check out desex andf microchip prices too
  6. awww shes a little cutie.. great to hear shes back to her normal self... pics would be great too.... :p
  7. just wanted to say good luck and well done on doing a lot of research , it certainly pays off.. and is well worth the wait
  8. i agree as soon as he walks in your door the training starts,, weather it be toilet training manners around people,, or basic obed commands.. also dont forget to sociaslise the pup,, a huge thing and very important for them.. good luck keep us posted..
  9. how did you go with the pup any news update please//??
  10. wow congrats clover dog... big acheivement... very clever..
  11. poor little thing.. how could anyone.... id go witht he natural yoghurt to start with and maybe get her checked out..
  12. why would you NOT want to feed her raw meat.? just curious..
  13. awww get well soon ollie and make mummy smile again.. hugs and thoughts are with you all..
  14. its a bit of a shame that the breeder hasnt given you any advice or help at all.. not very responsible IMO.. anyway.. she sounds lovely all you can do is take her to vet when u can and get it checked just to make sure.. does she have any trouble seing or focusing on you at all? what breed is she would love to see pics..
  15. ohhh a new puppy how exciting , can also be worrying times tho cant it... i would speak to the breeder se what they say... ( what breed have u got) piccies pleaseeee then if you are still concerned speak to the vet.. pup will be almost due for second needle..maybe you could ask then.. how is pup in every other way.. sleeping and being destructive yet..lol i have an 11 weekold stafford pup..
  16. i agree with all above, i have an 11 weeks old little staffy boy as well.. i took him to vet just for check altho i know he came from a good breeder and had no problems, also just to familiarise him with vets,, more a social visit than anything for him, because his next visit will be a needle..lol im sure he wont appreciate that , because he too is a sooky boy im sure all staffys are , my previous staffy was too..they are such sensative little souls and just love to be with you. he is most likely as other have said freaking out for the past 8 weeks he has had mum and littermates for him now all he has is a big open room and a few people around. i imagine that would be quiet daunting to a little pup make his space warm cosy, staffys feel the cold.!! with an old shirt or toy that is yours so he has the scent on it..t he clock also works..ihavent had to use it.. my guy settled in really well there is always someone he for him he is hardly alone as i have 4 kids .. he does have alone times when he is in his crate if i have to go out or for his sleeps.. he does cry for about 2 mins and then settles. he will have a raw hide chew or a kong or something nice in there.. pictures are a must!!!!!! whats the little guys name. where is he from.. we need all the details.. can never have enough baby pics on here... good luck with him and enjoy.. keep us updated
  17. Easy...look at the waist next! I gotta say though, I don't quite get the "can't say no" thing when it is just not in the pooch's interest for you to give in. YOU are the one to decide how much they eat - they are no indicator of their hunger at all! Pets in Stone - DON'T give in to those pleading eyes! It is too sad to see a beagle, or any dog for that matter, overweight and unfit. Go to a good puppy preschool and get some good training advice. Depending on how long the poor little guy was in the pet shop, he may not have had enough interaction with his littermates to know what is and isn't acceptable with biting. To a large extent, it is part of play, but he has to know how much is too much - and YOU have to tell him that. Be firm and consistent. More pics please! i knw you are right caff... just sooooo cute .. i agree 100% tho... i have a friend with a black cocker and he is a little on the tubby side.. i keep telling them to cut back on his food, treats... more pics pleasee
  18. aww loo at those big beautifull puppy eyes how can u say no to that... sweeettttt
  19. great that you found the reason makes sence.... hi bruiser... tell mummy we neeeeedddd pics... i have a 10 week old staffy pup hes my little shaddow and i love it... the best thing i ever thought about was crate training..lol gives both him and me some time without him under my feet... lol altho i love it.. sometimes i need to do things without him stuck to me..lol ,
  20. (slightly OT) excellent advice.... i have a 10 week old pup and altho i have no food feedining issues i still like to read everyones replies give u little tips hints and info that you may not have known,, i have learnt soooooo much from DOl and find it invaluable.. love it thanks guys..
  21. ReXy

    Jumping Staffys

    aww your little guy is beautifull. welcome to the forum and we need lots of pics..lol i dont have any tips as yet other than what shoemonster sugested is what i would normaly do.. good luck with him and have fun
  22. thanks guys will add some yoghurt today,, never had a problem on supercoat and have been feeding it for ages... its just recently and they havent been having anothing else different .. will try the yoghurt and look at switching to possibly eagle pack as well but will have to introduce slowly as remy is only 10 weeks old and has always been on supercoat.....
  23. for dogs to have such bad gas,, eating chicken necks and wings.. and vegies with supercoat... is what they had for dinner.. pupp had necks for lunch and they also get lamb off cuts and vegies and pasta or rice as well... both dogs are sitting under my feet. the smells are :rolleyes: and making my eyes water... any sugestions of a good non smelling diet...lol
  24. have you tried a head collar as well.. black dogs infin8 is awsome i know it doesnt soleve the problem totally.. and there have been many many discussions here on head collars and different methods to stop pulling, i had a lb boy who nearly pulled me over had trouble walking him as i also have a bad shoulder and back... it stopped him immediately and my 6 year old daughter could even walk him,, supoervised of course.. we had great results with it.. and in the end i was clipping lead to flat collar and just had the head collar on him was working to taking it off.. he was having great results with it.. could just be also , you said u have moved to a smaller yard.. is it a different place to where u used to walk...? there are so many interesting sights sounds and smalls out there for doggies.. he may just be excited and checking it all out.. dont give up,, good luck and you will get loads of great advice here..
  25. well done bel... shes such a cutie,,, i taught my old staffy and my old border colie the same way.. toby hasnt yet masterd it yet,, hes a bit slower..lol
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