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Everything posted by Seita

  1. Bumping this up because I want to know two things: 1 - are there still places? 2 - are there any QLDers going down who may want to car pool/share accomodation etc?
  2. You wouldn't have expected anything less from us would you?! But yes, definitely a brilliant workshop. Thanks K9! Damn straight! And UD as well while we're at it! :laugh:
  3. Woo Hoo!!! That's awesome news ROM! Well Done! What scores did you get?
  4. This is my girl at her last CCD trail. It was her third trial and her third pass for her title. For those interested she scored 97/100 and lost one point for each exercise (heelwork, stand for exam and recall). Please excuse the noise on the video - the person taking the video was talking to her dog and others for most of the trial!!!
  5. I train there too.... haven't seen Crystal since last year actually, not sure if they're still going I just actually read your questions and thought I should answer them! Training methods: old fashioned paddock bashing, particularly in the lower classes. Some people there use clickers and food and they seem pretty open to let you train how you want to train if you're experienced. For example I actually train in drive and they don't seem to mind my different styles and methods. Tools: they really push the check chain and I've seen a lot of instructors telling people to give nice big firm checks to their dogs where I would have been more inclined to use a more positive method to train that. Advantages: small club, very laid back, not huge numbers of people there at any one time, most of the people are fairly nice and virtually everyone in the highest class trials which is pretty nice. Disadvantages: outdated boring training methods, some instructors don't really have a great deal of enthusiasm, I've heard some pretty terrible advice. Overall: If you have a trained dog and you don't need a lot of extra advice the club is fine but I don't like recommending it to newbies just because I don't think every dog needs to be trained on a check and using such old fashioned 'check and drag' methods. I go because it's the most convenient for me in regards to location and times, not for the training that's on offer unfortunately. Hope to see you around sometime Reddii
  6. Thanks guys! This is only the 4th trial she's ever been in, and the first one in Novice. She is also the first dog I've trialled that has managed a score in the 190's so I'm pretty stoked!!!
  7. Hehe... it bucketed down on this side of the country too!!! There were a lot of wet dogs and handlers out yesterday!!!
  8. My girl passed her novice sweepstakes last night with 195/200 and first place!!! :rolleyes: It rained for most of the trial, not drizzle but full on rain so it was wet and cold and horrid but she worked as beautifully as ever!!
  9. I had my first novice sweepstakes tonight and my very clever girl got 195/200 with first place and a qualify and if there had of been a highest score in trial prize she would have taken that too!!! The judge couldn't stop saying great things about her work which was pretty cool!
  10. I don't go there but I have trialled there and I know someone who trains there as well. Most people that I've spoken to have been pretty happy with the club in general.
  11. LOL, I can soo sympathise with you there! My first obedience dog did that in one of his first trials... he left the ring twice to poo and peed in the ring once plus stuffed up virtually every exercise except the stays. Needless to say I never got anywhere with him... in two/three years of limited trialling his highest novice score was around 145 and his lowest was around 80 and we never did manage a pass!
  12. Thanks guys. She's only ripped the outer layer of the pad and it looks pretty clean underneath. There is no blood or any sort of weeping and she's not limping in a big way. I didn't notice it until yesterday afternoon when I took her to the park and saw her running with a limp. She's barely limping at all when she walks.
  13. My girl has some how managed to tear a pad on one of her front feet. How long do these things tend to take to heal and is there anything I can put on it to speed up the process? Also what do people tend to do with dogs who have done this - just keep them quiet and off the foot as much as possible or still give some exercise (obviously limited to what the dog wants to do)? Sorry if these questions seem a bit silly, I've just never experienced this problem before! Thanks in advance for your responses.
  14. Hey LP, I know exactly how you feel. My last obedience dog did some very similar things when I got her to open. She did maybe about 8-10 trials before I lost her and in each of those she blew something different every time and every time it cost us a qualify of at least mid 180's! If it wasn't her failing to drop on the recall it would be her dropping during the sit stay or if it wasn't a refusal to come entirely it was a go out pick up the dumbell and just stand there looking silly and not bringing the thing back to me!!! We never did manage a pass but like every trial was SOOO CLOSE!!! I have no disasters as yet with my new girl but I thought I should share my experiences!!!
  15. ...and the vaccinations are the same. I have had this confirmed by the Qld uni and also two vets. Same vaccine, same everything. The only thing I can think of is that vets are charging more to cover their 'loss' for two years. I have heard of one vet who charges almost $150 for the "new" 3 year vaccine! Yeah my vet wouldn't agree that the vaccine last given was a three year one, so I looked up the vaccine company and their website said that the vaccine that my girl was given would last up to three years. Slightly off topic - does anyone know of any boarding kennels in/near Brissy that accept titre tests as well as vaccination certificates? Obviously I'd have to do kennel cough as an extra vaccine to please them.
  16. laffi could you tell me who your usual vet is? I have an almost 2 year old who will be due for her booster soon and wasn't planning on revaccinating just yet either.
  17. My girl will work for anything that she can catch! I am known to do training in the kitchen while cooking dinner and throwing her little bits of the various veggies that I am chopping up at the time! As long as the pieces are small enough to catch and pretty much swallow immediately she'll take anything that she's given! Now trying to get her to eat her veggie mash on the otherhand is a total nightmare!!!
  18. My friends contacted awesome pawsome but they only take dogs over 12 months so they're going to have to wait a few months till their dog is old enough. Perhaps later this year or early next year you'll see them with a dobe/cattle dog named Barney!
  19. Hey thanks for the comments guys! Glad you like my little girl!! Miss maddy - contact k9force about training in drive, he'll take you through all the basics to the training and help you with any probs you or your dog encounter. He's really awesome and I'd probably have an average working dog if he hadn't helped me along the way, but due to his help I have a brilliant working dog!!! Dogdude- you're talking about a herding instinct test aren't you? Unfortunately I haven't really got the time to do herding at this stage, she already competes in two rings! We do conformation showing as well sometimes (when it fits in with the obedience of course) and I'm looking at getting into agility with her once I have her CDX out the way while I train her up for UD. Herding may have to wait for that gap between CDX and UD!!!
  20. Hey Shekhina, You definitely can't use the collar during the test and it will depend on the club that you train at as to whether you're allowed to use it in training. For example I currently use a prong collar on my obedience dog when training but it doesn't even come to trials with me as they are banned by the state cainine council. I think with a good training plan you'll be able to train the dogs with the e-collar on and they will still behave once you remove them/stop using them. Denis gave some good advice there about the dogs not connecting the collar to the stim!
  21. Thanks K9! Missmaddy - I hope you enjoy the workshop, but be warned training in drive is very physical... it's taken me about 18months to get Ella to this level and it's probably only been the last maybe 4-6 months where the bruises have finally started disappearing! Up until then I was regularly getting jumped at and nipped and launched into!!! :rolleyes: It hurts but when you have a dog that lives to work like mine does the bruises are kind of worth it!
  22. I was going to reply the other day but got sidetracked. I would say it is a reward based exercise as well.
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