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Hyperthyroidism- I Think Bondi Has It


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Noroclav is the same as Augmentin- just different brand names. That's good. Best wishes for her, she looks just gorgeous. I think the Bisolven is supposed to help loosen up the mucous a bit, making it easier to cough up. THe antibiotics are the most important and making sure she drinks enough water.

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Taking her back to the Vets tommorrow morning :rofl: Her glands are even bigger and shes still heaving. They'll probably think I'm worrying to much :thumbsup: But atleast it will give me piece of mind.

Edited by boxagirl
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Hypotyroistic dogs are thin, fussy, like warmth, dont excercise much and usually have very little fur on the insides of the thighs and underarms.

What you describe doesnt sound like hypothyroism.

You can do a blood test for the T4levels, might as well do her liver enzymes at the same time.

Lots of times liver and thyroid deseases are realted, and dogs benefit from natural diet and natural supplements.

Sorry to hear that Bondi is sick, I hope she is better soon!

Possibly OT, but for everyone who replied saying it didn't sound like Hypothyroidism, be wary of falling into the trap of expecting all of the specific symptoms or discounting the possibility. Like all illnesses it can affect dogs differently and what may be present in one dog might be absent in another. My girl has Hypothyroidism, she is a healthy weight, not fussy, not bothered by the cold, has plenty of energy (although is more than happy to play couch potato) and has no coat issues.

Just using your post as an example of what was said by a few people Myszka, not picking on you specifically :thumbsup:

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Took Bon back to the vet this morning. Her chest is sounding abit better :laugh: (still not completely better though), and her glands should go down in time. She has been prescribed another drug- Tribrissen 80, so she is now getting 11 tablets a day :rofl: (2 X Bisolvon 3 times a day, 2 Tribrissen tabs once a day, and 1.5 clavulox 2 twice a day) So hopefully it clears up soon and i can cut down the bisolven to two times a day! But the vet said it could go on for up to a month :laugh: Have to take Bondi back on Wednesday for a check up again

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