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Can Dogs Get Colds?


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Hi guys,

The reason I ask is that for the past two days Jak has been doing a cough of sorts, and last night she started up with some sneezing as well.

It's been very wet and cold in Brisbane this week and she has been outside during the day. When I've gotten home from work she's been completely saturated and shivering. I don't think she's quite figured out yet that her kennel will keep her warm and dry!!??

The 'cough' started as a bit of a retch, almost like she had something lodged. She is fine in all other respects and is still very much an energizer bunny.

Any thoughts??


Rhi & Jak

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my pups did this too after a cold snap-diagnosed as upper respiratory infection.turns out to be kennel cough.the only sign they had was mild coughing after excercise,morning and night.they also did the retch thing.none were off food,all bright and active.take her into the vets,they normally put them on antibiotics and mucolytics.recovery is 14-21 days.

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What you describe sounds a lot like kennel cough (KC)? But you'd have to see a vet for a diagnosis.

Also, have a good look in her mouth. Anything stuck in the roof of her mouth? e.g. bit of stick/ bone?

KC's a virus, like a bad cold, but like a bad cold it can get worse.

Antibiotics do NOT kill viruses, but you can get a bacterial infection on top of the KC and so many vets prescribe antibiotics if the cough is nasty.

Cough medicines are also prescribed- a lot of people say their dogs seem more comfortable- but cough medicines in humans have not been shown to help you get better sooner (i.e. to me they're an optional extra.). If they suggest doggie cough medicine, the same stuff can be bought at the chemist for cheaper- ask your vet for the right dosage.

Hope she's OK.

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My pap had a bit of a slight cough ( like a throat clearing kinda) when he was a pup, and he had tonsillitus. The vet said that the cold virus in humans can be passed onto dogs, and usually they get tonsillitus out of it, rather than a cold as such. Hubby had a pretty bad cold at the time, so maybe he was right.

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In my experience, "kennel cough" might better be called a "doggie cold". It's a virus, and while you can ameliorate the symptoms with various concoctions to soothe the throat and make phlem come up easier, the infection doesn't respond to treatment. It may open the way for bacterial infections -- which respond to antibiotics (Vibravet preferred, except for puppies).

In many cases it isn't serious, and if symptoms remain mild, I wouldn't bother with the vets (but I've got nine dogs and a boarding kennel, and am in regular communication with a vet who often advises me that treatment is not necessary and "let me know if it gets much worse").

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Hi guys,

Firstly thank you for your responses - I have spoken with the vet and he said that there seems to be a lot of Kennel Cough going around at the moment and that that's what it sounds like.

He said as long as she's eating and seems like herself then I don't need to take her in... for now. Just keep an eye on her, which I will do :-)

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I think you will find that Kennel Cough is now called "Canine Cough" - which is a much better name for it and doesn't infer that you only catch it from kennelling your dog. :rolleyes:

Treatment - well people in WA went through a run of giving antibiotics - surprisingly with vets prescribing them. Others let the virus run its course - with both resulting in it taking the same amount of time for the dog to recover. Dogs who have had the CC vaccination or nasal spray can still catch it. We have a current outbreak in the metro area at the moment.

Dogs are contagious prior to showing symptoms and I know according to our canine regulations are suppose to be kept at home for a while after the symptoms have cleared. :(

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ARgh, Kaos had the sneezes when we first moved her, drove me MAD - Snot hanging out everywhere :rolleyes:

Just heard that where I am moving to is heaps cold at the moment, so can see it happen again in 2 weeks when we are back there!!

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I think you will find that Kennel Cough is now called "Canine Cough" - which is a much better name for it and doesn't infer that you only catch it from kennelling your dog. :laugh:

its actually called Infectious Tracheobronchitis and is caused by the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica.

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