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Insect Repellant On Open Wounds?


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A friend said theres a purple spray or liquid she uses on her horses to keep insects off that is safe on wounds.

Vet said its safe for dogs if its ok for horses but I dont know what its called...

Anyone reccommend a product that a horse/livestock supplier may carry?

I need to keep the bugs off my dogs ear while it heals and it needs to be ok for wounds..

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Hi..the product you're after is CETRIGEN.it is both an anti-bacterial and insect repellent.

It is brilliant stuff...but beware..it is a BRIGHT pink/purple , and stains like billio!! Do not use inside :laugh:

your local horse feed/goods supplier should have it...some pharmacies in country areas also stock it.

(pics of boris with a pink ear are mandatory :o )

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Wrote them down, will see what they have and if theres one without coloring I will go with that one.

I went to the supplier and got a 500ml spray of Cetrigen.. plesantly suprised it was only $20 also..

Now his ear and lovely white chest is pinky purple!!

I didnt think to ask how often it should be re-applied?

Edited by saintlysusan
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These two products sound exactly what I need, I have a lab x golden retriever that the flies just love and they have bitten her ears to bits!!!!! Would a normal pet supply place carry these products or would I have to go to a horse supply place?

And while we are talking flies, does anyone know of a fly repellent that works? Once my dog's ears are healed up I would be wanting just a fly repellent to prevent the damage happening again. Any advice appreciated please!!!!

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