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Unwell Rotties


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Wonderful news,what a miracle sophie is. :laugh: Great news Anne.

Again I'm very sorry to hear of Z passing on.

BP, Sorry for your loss of Miss Keisha,I remember her frolicking around the yard,a photo from a while back with Diesel when he was much younger.I don't doubt she is doing the same frolicking in the next plain.She led a great life with you by the sounds of it.

I do read your posts and again I do feel for each and everyone of you all whatever breed or type your mate is.

Edited by Delkerabo
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Thanks to all who are thinking of Sophie and wishing her well.

We've had a bit of a set back. A test result came through on Friday night showing Sophie's liver is not functioning as it was. There are changes happening. The oncologist doesn't know whether it's because of the one chemo drug Sophie is taking or that the cancer has metastasised to her liver. She thinks it's probably due to the chemo drug so we will need to stop that drug.

I've started her on milk thistle for her liver and she is booked for an ultrasound on our next visit.

This isn't good news because once that drug is stopped the cancer will rapidly and aggressively progress. I have a suspicion this drug is not very effective anymore in any case because of the rapid growth of the mouth tumour.

She's having a bit of an off day today. Only ate half her breakfast and didn't even try to eat it on her own but she did eat some with me spoon feeding her. She's not her usually happy self and she doesn't look well.

I increased her pain meds last night and I'll keep her on the higher dose from now on. I hope her unusually quiet state today is due to the effect of the increased pain meds and not a sign that she is going downhill.

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Thinking of you and Sophie CnR.

Just thought I would come and check and see how she was going. I am sorry to hear that her liver tests were not the best - Ollie had this a couple of times during chemo and we stopped the protocol for a couple of weeks and then restarted it. It did make a difference - we never changed the drugs, just the timing. As Sophie's cancer is so different and more aggressive than Ollie's was, it is hard to say if this would work in her case, but you can always ask - it gives the liver time to 'detox' as such.

Big hugs to both of you

Jodie and Ollie dog

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not meaning to hassle you or hound you,

but i have been thinking of Sophie all day and wondering how she has been today?

Is she feeling any better?

how are you as well?

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not meaning to hassle you or hound you,

but i have been thinking of Sophie all day and wondering how she has been today?

Is she feeling any better?

how are you as well?

Oonga you never hassle or hound me. I'm so pleased you think of Sophie.

My ISP was down for about 15 hours and I just found your message.

She's had a couple of quiet days but she's brighter today. Due to her liver issue I was told not to walk her so she's confined to barracks again. I play fetch with her and Faith, they take it in turns to return the ball. Sophie holds the ball on the left side of her mouth, well away from her tumour.

It's pretty clear to me the cancer is progressing so I'll continue with the increased pain meds. She's still her happy, delightful self and enjoying life. I'm watching her closely for any changes or signs of depression in her.

I'm fairly certain she's not in pain because she is not shaking her head or showing any other sign of pain apart from her difficulty with eating so I'm spoon feeding her all meals now. She happily accepts eating from a spoon.

I'm ok, just a bit stressed.

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Thank goodness for your message!!

i hate to admit it but seeing as there was no response from you i started to get a bit frantic today!!!

i was going to sms Dannii tonight and see if she could contact you and check up on you!!!

NOT that i am a worry wart or anything!! :laugh:

I just kept coming to quickly check for posts and my heart kept sinking as i saw the last post was from me!!

WHAT a relief to read of the update on the precious treasure Sophie!! :eek:

Fetch sounds like fun, i am thrilled to hear Sophie still has energy and drive to play :rofl:

you just take care of yourself as well..... a tad stressed!! i would be beside myself in your situation!!

You really are doing an incredibly amazing job of not only looking after Sophie and your other puppies,

but keeping it together!! :eek:

BIG hugs to you ALL!!

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Thanks for the vote of confidence Oonga.

I'm not so sure I'm holding it all together very well at all but Sophie gets anxious if she sees me cry so I have to pretend every thing is normal for her sake. She puffs and pants and fusses around me so I try not to stress her out.

The other puppers are doing well. Only Dana seems to know there's something wrong.

She doesn't play fetch for hours like she used to. The ball was always my friend. I could do anything with her and get a perfect recall just by saying 'ball'. Now she'll fetch it about 5 times and that's it.

Pretty good considering how ill she is.

She's lively tonight after a fairly quiet day. I'd love to take her out for a walk but since I was specifically told not to I guess we'll stay home.

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CavNrott, you are doing great under the circumstances. You are doing exactly what Sophie needs, loving her, caring for her, she knows there is something wrong and you dont even need to cry for her to feel your emotions. If you do have a cry well that is no biggy, let her have a fuss and that way she knows she is still capable of giving you comfort too.

Hugs to you and Sophie.

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Hi CnR still following Sophie and glad she's still managing to enjoy life, regarding taking her out, is there somewhere you could take her in the car perhaps to sit by a river or in the park without actually having to walk her, just for her to sit quiety with you for special time together and then fetch her home in the car, some people do that at our dog park with their sick doggies, just down to the park, a little sit down and then home again. Regarding the Essiac Tea, I google searched yesterday and came up with www.blessedherbs.com, this is the original recipe devised by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse, you can also put in a google search for the story of how she came to develop Essiac tea for cancer, Ingredients: Burdock root certified organic, Sheep Sorrel wild harvested, slippery elm wild harvested, turkey rhubarb root wild harvested, I think you can also buy it on line, if you feel you would like to try it on Sophie at some time, it just may help, hugs to Sophie and yourself, hang in there it's your love and devotion that's keeping her going and helping Sophie fight this. Also not forgetting all the other Rottiy babies who are battling at the moment and their owners, a prayer for you all that your 'babies' get well again very soon. :laugh:

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Thanks to all again who are thinking of Sophie and sending her best wishes.

She's about the same today, fairly quiet but comfortable. I wish I could drive her somewhere to sit quietly with me but she's an inquisitive dog an sitting quietly is not in her repertoire. She'd be off, sniffing and running around. She loves new smells and new places and she still feels well enough to explore. Keeping her anchored to me would frustrate her.

Her immune system is compromised so she'd pick up any bug going around. Oncologist has told me to keep her home but I want her to have some fun. I'll take the advice until we find out what the problem is with her liver. She's pain free but there's more to quality of life, surely. I'd walk her if I wasn't afraid she'd pick up a bug and feel sicker than she already is.

Thanks dandydog. I'll have a look at the website. I have to run everything that Sophie has past the oncologist. She wants a list of everything and doesn't want me to introduce anything new unless she approves it. I guess it has to do with all the medication. She's always contactable by phone which is great.

Chell thanks for your comments. I have doubts...often, that I'm doing what she needs. I do what I think she needs and just hope I get it right. Now that natural meds have been added, her medication routine is different and I second guess myself all the time.

This is about Sophie, not me, but I'm feeling really depressed this week. I'm so lucky to still have her but my sadness is overwhelming me in the last few days.

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