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Is This Dominance?

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Gizmo sleeps on my bed (He'll be in a crate soon but he is on my bed for now.)

Anyway, he'll grab my arm/hand with his paw when I am reading so it goes out across the bed then lie down on top of it and wiggle his head till it is on top of my hand.

Just having trouble trying to figure out why he is doing this particular behaviour? He isn't a very dominant dog to me, but he gets a bit dominant to Lily.

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Gizmo sleeps on my bed (He'll be in a crate soon but he is on my bed for now.)

Anyway, he'll grab my arm/hand with his paw when I am reading so it goes out across the bed then lie down on top of it and wiggle his head till it is on top of my hand.

Just having trouble trying to figure out why he is doing this particular behaviour? He isn't a very dominant dog to me, but he gets a bit dominant to Lily.

I don't think it really matters why - the point is he's getting to choose. It sounds similar to nosing at your hand to demand a pat.

I wouldn't allow it but then again, I wouldn't let him sleep on the bed either :cool:

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How old is he Midol ?

Sorry , you've probably said but I don't know alot about Gismo .

I don't see this as particularly dominant behaviour.

Yes he may be getting to choose ,but choose what exactly?

Just that he wishes to now feel a little closer and sleep with his head in your hand ?

I think he's fine.

All of our dogs are allowed to sleep on the bed , the youngest must be up with her head between ours . It's a security thing for her , it's certainly not dominance.

Edited by Choppa Chop
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Maybe he just wants the reassurance of your touch, it may be comforting for him, the nearness thing. I wouldn't worry too much unless he is really raking your hand with his paw and it is a DEMAND! If you feel uncomfortable about it don't let him do it - don't let your hand be near enough for him to do it. Dogs often sleep curled up together so touch/proximity is important to them.

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If I refuse to he doesn't really care, he just goes to sleep. Same as if I pull it away, he might look at me with his stupid "wtf" look but then just goes to sleep.

ETA: He does always sleep close. Usually touching me.

Chop, he is a rescue dog. I estimated 3-5 and the vet estimated 18months-2years and her estimate is probably better.

Edited by Lord Midol
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wouldn't allow it but then again, I wouldn't let him sleep on the bed either

especially as now he DOES sleep with you, and accepts that this is how things are... you are going to crate him ? :cool:

I think that's sad. Why didn't you crate him from the first?

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No, I just don't care if he sleeps in a crate.

He WILL be crate trained, but I am not crate training him for sleeping. I am crate training him for car trips, when he is injured and when I go on holidays. He will have a CHOICE on whether he sleeps in my bed or in the crate.

Edited by Lord Midol
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Difference between what?

If I tell him to go in the crate he will go in. But if it's quite obvious that he prefers sleeping on my bed then why would I force him to sleep in the crate?

I'm not on some power trip...

Edited by Lord Midol
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Difference between what?

If I tell him to go in the crate he will go in. But if it's quite obvious that he prefers sleeping on my bed then why would I force him to sleep in the crate?

I'm not on some power trip...

My dogs prefer to pull on the lead, should I let them after all I am not on some power trip????

Midol, get real.

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Dear Midol,

I am a +R trainer but I am not permissive, my dogs do not get to choose where they sleep or how they behave. I will also admit that I have all or most of my dogs since puppys so they don't get to form bad habits.

My dogs know the difference between if I invite them to sleep on my bed or if I don't, they don't need to be injured or have a car trip or accident, it is the same every day, where I say is where they sleep, they don't make the choice, I do.

I really hope (seeing you are so vocal about it) that you go to some of the top +R trainers as well as the others before you continue to sprout your training knowledge. There are plent of +R seminars in QLD that you could attend to truely have have a broad knowledge of most training types.

That's great, my dog does chose where to sleep. It's my choice, makes no difference to him.

I have no issue with any style of dog training. I do have an issue with people like you telling me how I should train my dogs. My dog WILL be trained to go into the crate. He WILL be trained that if he is told to go into the crate he shuts up and goes in it.

I WILL NOT force him to sleep in it unless there is a good reason. If he was getting dominant, or it was causing problems in other areas of his training then he would be off the bed. He is trained that he can get on my bed when he wants but if I ask him to get off, then he gets off and will stay off till I invite him back up. This is how I wanted to train him, I am happy with him being trained like this. You clearly were not content with answering the question, if it happens again then don't bother replying. You answered the initial question (and thank you for doing so) but why did you then feel the need to start telling me I am training Gizmo incorrectly?

Difference between what?

If I tell him to go in the crate he will go in. But if it's quite obvious that he prefers sleeping on my bed then why would I force him to sleep in the crate?

I'm not on some power trip...

My dogs prefer to pull on the lead, should I let them after all I am not on some power trip????

Midol, get real.

Pulling on a lead has negative consequences. Gizmo sleeping on my bed has NO negative consequences so if he prefers to sleep on my bed there is no logical reason to restrict him from doing so.

If it was causing problems then I would stop it.

Not all of us chose to treat our dogs like you. That doesn't make me wrong, and it doesn't make you right. I do what works for MY dog. If you can't respect that then I have no time for you at all. I know what works for my dogs, you don't. If he prefers sleeping on my bed and it causes no complications then he can damn well sleep on my bed. Like I said, power trip.

Edited by Lord Midol
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I don't know why I am wasting my time replying to you but I quess it's your age that I cut you some slack.

I actually don't give a toss how you train your dog or what you do with it. I know how well my dogs are trained and I know I haven't used harsh methods to acheive it (I am only saying this as I know your favour for E-collars and prongs which I don't have a problem with if you have done your research).

I just hope you explore all methods of training before you totally close your little tiny mind for your dogs and future dogs sake. God help the dogs.

If you have anything else to say may I add that you might not like my reply.

I don't favor any training method. I look at my dog without bias and decide which method will obtain the best results with the least amount of stress. If it is +ve, then fine. If I need to use my prong collar, great. If after I've been trained in the correct use of an e-collar I decide that an e-collar is the best tool for the job then I will use the e-collar. If a problem can not be fixed without resorting to corrections then I will use them.

My primary reason for seeing Steve (yes, I am getting a training session with him at the same time that I get my e-collar) is because I need an e-collar for when I start protection work (unless you are the first person I've come across to use only +ve methods to protection train a dog) and I figured since I am in Sydney it is a perfect time to obtain one.

I also believe the only way to get a reliable off leash long distance recall is with an e-collar. A view many of the top trainers share, but that's a discussion for another day. So getting the e-collar now works out for everyone.

If you chose to believe I am narrow minded (or I have a little tiny mind) then that is your right, but I don't really care. I am happy with my training methods.

Can I ask what qualifications you have in dog training (no real reason, plenty of people have no formal qualifications and are fantastic trainers)?

ETA: I am heading to bed now - so if you reply I won't see it till tomorrow.

Edited by Lord Midol
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Pax what the hell is your problem with Midol in this thread :cool:

So he doesn't care if his dog wants to sleep in his crate, there's no problem with that and what's it to you anyway? It certainly doesn't make Midol a bad trainer or not inclined to use positive reinforcement in his training.

Am I missing something here?

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