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Can Dogs Be Intolerant To Eggs?


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I give all of my dogs a couple of whole eggs a week They are all fine with them apart from Angel. You can bet the next day she will have extremely loose bowel motions. It doesn't matter what else she has for dinner, if she has an egg, she will be very loose. Can dogs be allergic to eggs?

Edited by Norskgra
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its always possible. humans have alleries to everything.

it could be possible that her stomach just isnt quite strong enough to handle the bacteria in the egg. i've had dogs who can eat absolutly any kind of buiscut they want, but i have a feeling my pup has a weaker belly atm, and i have to give her the more expensive brand, since she has loose bowel movement with the still dencent and expensive ones, but the real expensive ones (which i am not going to keep her on) firm it all up again.

(the expensive one is science diet if your curious. i got a free bag with the pup)

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When I used to feed dry food I tried cracking a raw egg into it a couple of times but the pugs would throw up from it. I then would scramble the eggs if it was egg day and they were fine.

Now I feed a BARF diet I add raw eggs and their shells to the veggie/fruit slops that I make. I put them through the blender with the other stuff. The pugs are fine with the raw eggs this way.

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Now I feed a BARF diet I add raw eggs and their shells to the veggie/fruit slops that I make. I put them through the blender with the other stuff. The pugs are fine with the raw eggs this way.

Angel who is 12 1/2 months old is fed a raw diet and I mix the whole egg, including shell into her mix. None of my others have any problems at all with eggs, just Angel.

When my daughter was younger, she used to be allergic to eggs but she seems to have grown out of it.

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It may not be an allergy- but an inability to digest, or an intolerance... how about if they are cooked?

I haven't tried them cooked mainly because I am trying to feed her a totally raw diet. I might have to try on the weekend when I am home to clean up after her just in case.

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I have always been told never to feed dogs raw eggs. This is why

Raw eggs Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella.

Dogs can however eat cooked eeg. which I feed mine on occasion.

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I have always been told never to feed dogs raw eggs. This is why

Raw eggs Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella.

Dogs can however eat cooked eeg. which I feed mine on occasion.

If you feed the whole egg (whites, yolk and shell), it is correctly balanced and you don't have a problem.

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I have always been told never to feed dogs raw eggs. This is why

Raw eggs Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella.

Dogs can however eat cooked eeg. which I feed mine on occasion.

If you feed the whole egg (whites, yolk and shell), it is correctly balanced and you don't have a problem.

A correction.....you SHOULDN'T have a problem, UNLESS your dog has an inability to digest the egg which is quite possibly the issue you are having.

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A correction.....you SHOULDN'T have a problem, UNLESS your dog has an inability to digest the egg which is quite possibly the issue you are having.

I meant shouldn't have a problem. :thumbsup: It is only Angel that has a problem out of my dogs. It might just be the egg shell which I am testing tonight.

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Agree with what Elkie said. In the gastro information the vet gave me when the dog was sick Egg was mentioned as something to no feed as it stop absorption and does not make a shiny coat etc. It was probably the most surprising thing to see on the list.

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Raw egg used to be a no-no and I personally prefer not to feed egg white (unless the egg is cooked) because of the biotin issue. But I think that the current thinking is that like cows milk, provided it is introduced at a young age, there shouldn't be any issues with it in adulthood.

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Raw egg whites contain avidin, an enzyme that destroys biotin within the body. Egg yolks are very high in biotin so feeding a whole egg counteracts the biotin problem and is safe to feed to dogs. They are a well balanced food for both protein and calcium.

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Not trying to start a debate or argument here, but I'm just totally against raw eggs being fed to dogs. I myself wouldn't eat a whole egg.

I found this on the net and just wanted to add it.

Eggs: Raw eggs can be the cause of some health problems for your dog and although it would take a large amount of raw eggs eaten over a long period of time to do but it is better to be safe than sorry. So it is recommended that

 all eggs be cooked. Eggs though, are a wonderful source of protein for your dog and should in no way be minimized from any good menu. Dogs like eggs prepared in numerous ways so don't get stuck on just one type of preparation.

A whole cooked egg (including the shell) has the same nutrients of a raw whole egg, and is safer.

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Elkie, you can find plenty on the net for both sides. Even the post you copied from the net said it takes a large amount of raw egg eaten over a long period of time.

You are free to believe what you like and I will believe what all of my research on nutrition has shown.

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As I said, I'm not going to start a debate or argument about it.

Good, we will agree to disagree. Anyway, lets get back on topic. I wasn't asking whether it was okay to feed eggs. I asked whether a dog could be intolerant to eggs.

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As I said, I'm not going to start a debate or argument about it.

Good, we will agree to disagree. Anyway, lets get back on topic. I wasn't asking whether it was okay to feed eggs. I asked whether a dog could be intolerant to eggs.

Ok, this may answer your question. Odin one of our October puppies is intolerant to chicken, Taz (Adele's brother) is intolerant to beef. so yes, it is possible for a dog to be intolerant to egg.

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