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Hefs Sick..


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ok he threw up lasts nights food in whole, but ate a massive lamb flab during the day (not thrown up)....today hes not so bright, wont touch any food at all (have offered mince etc) and feels quiet war. He was bright up until late this afternoon, now just wants to be cuddled.

I went up to the vet at 4pm but it was shut.

Will take him first thing Monday, but until then any ideas of what I can do with him? I shall syringe water into his mouth if he gets dehydrated at all, I am keeping an eye on it. I am keeping him quiet in a crate as well.

I bought some puppy milk too to try later.

My guess is he has picked up an infection somewhere...I was a t Spring Fair so I am keeping eye out for anthing 'parvo like' as he is only 6 months... :o

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Gosh I hope so, hes all curled up on his bean bag, so sad and sorry for himself...I want to cry, i hate watching him...I will make sure he gets water intake (squirt into his mouth if I have too) Monash opens at 10am so I will be there at 9.45!

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If he is even throwing water I would be getting him to one of the animal emergency centres now.

Dogs can dehydrate very quickly.

Does you Vet have an after hours service? Southern Animal Referral and Emergency Centre is open 24/7 and is in highett

Ph 9532 5261- give them a ring and at least speak to a Vet and get some advice as tomorrow might be too late if it is anything serious.

From what I have heard a few dogs that were at Spring Fair have parvo or parvo like symptons- this has been discussed on another list I am on

Edited by InspectorRex
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Could be just a tummy bug.

My boy had the same thing a month or so ago. Refused to eat anything other then his dinner, for a pug this is very unnormal as they are pigs, was not his usual bring self, just wanted to snuggle and sleep, would drink water and then throw bit up, poo was a bit runny. I kept and eye on him, to make sure he wasn't constantly throwing up or constantly pooing, and fed him cooked chicke breast for a few days. Took him at least 3 to 4 days to get over but after that he was fine. The vet wouldn't have been able to do much more for him then I did.

So watch your boy. If he starts to constantly throwing up or pooing then straight to the vet. Otherwise it's probably a bug that will pass.

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