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Ahhh The Joys Of Ud....


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OK well I've pulled my finger out again and started training - seriously this time :laugh::thumbsup:

But I've decided we're never getting back into the ring because we'll never get all the exercises happening!!!

WHY is it with UD that just when one exercise is going well another falls down the gurgler.... apparently last night, we have NO idea how to scent despite the fact that the other night he did a full mat with not even a blink of the eye... last night, he would find the right one... kept picking it up and coming towards me, then spitting it out and searching again, or just nudging it coz he hates picking up metal....

argh! back to playing 'fun' games with metal articles.....


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In the end LP you just take a jump (or get pushed) into the ring and make the best of what happens :thumbsup: . Just don't decide to make the jump under the watchful eye of Ptolomy or Sue H as you will never hear the end of it :laugh: . Especially if you later start thinking the amount the dog actually completed in the ring at her first trial was a complete and utter fluke :thumbsup: .

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I've got my first trial in under 3 weeks, can I bail out now before we embarrass ourselves? :thumbsup: And embarrass we will, it's only CCD and little miss decides when she feels like doing something and when she doesn't :thumbsup:

Good luck with it LP, I've seen your vids and you're good! :laugh:

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well my aim was for April this year, but now it may be never :thumbsup:

On the up side - his directional food bowls are going well (thanks Ptolomy)... haven't graduated to gloves yet :thumbsup:

Good luck RS - let us know how you go! I've started Kinta on UD work and she can't even get out of Novice :laugh:

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well my aim was for April this year, but now it may be never :o

On the up side - his directional food bowls are going well (thanks Ptolomy)... haven't graduated to gloves yet :wave:

Good luck RS - let us know how you go! I've started Kinta on UD work and she can't even get out of Novice :thumbsup:

Ooh directional food bowls, definitely sounds interesting!

I've done a few UD exercises with Ruby and she hasn't even entered her first CCD trial yet :thumbsup: It's the damn heelwork we have trouble with, maintaining enough focus for her to stay with me and see when I give her a signal! I gave the Novice ring a go on the weekend at a practice trial and while it could have been a lot better, we weren't laughed out of the ring either :D The judge said it was good :o It was very hot so considering the conditions I think she did well! AND she nailed her SFE, twice!!! Yippeeeee!! :laugh:

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:laugh: RubyStar - I'll trade you some focus for an SFE with Kenzie. Focus and attention isn't one of our problems.

OK, I'll trade you one of our weekend's SFE's for some focus - can't be trading you both now or else we'll fail that too :thumbsup: If you check out my youtube page you can see our embarrassing heelwork but our kick@ss SFE! Was the highlight of my day :thumbsup:

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Sitting here shaking my head :rofl:

Leopuppy - explain exactly what you did in your last training session. Right up until it went pearshaped and beyond.

Rubystar welcome to the world of trialling where it is an unwritten rule - the moment you post off a trial entry form - everything will turn pearshaped. :rofl:

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I dunno Ptolomy - it only went pearshaped when I posted off my second UD entry. I don't remember things going to pearshaped before my first one. I might clarify that it only goes pearshaped if your expections are set high whereas if your expectations are I know I am not ready lets see just how far we get it doesn't end up quite so pearshaped :rofl: .

Maybe I need to enter my baby in CCD or novice then I might get off my backside and train her :rofl: .

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Rubystar welcome to the world of trialling where it is an unwritten rule - the moment you post off a trial entry form - everything will turn pearshaped. :rofl:

It was pearshaped before the entry was posted :rofl: I know, I know, don't enter til you're ready. But she's been sitting at this level for about a year with me postponing getting my first "over with" this long so I thought what the heck, I could use some embarrassment :cheer: I think we just need to taste a real one and then work from there. That's my story and I'm sticking to it :laugh:

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Guest PixieOfWrath
It was pearshaped before the entry was posted :cheer: I know, I know, don't enter til you're ready. But she's been sitting at this level for about a year with me postponing getting my first "over with" this long so I thought what the heck, I could use some embarrassment :laugh: I think we just need to taste a real one and then work from there. That's my story and I'm sticking to it :rofl:

God, you're like me exactly! Finally did one with Holly and the little cow refused to sit on halts - just stood there with a vacant expression on her face. She has NEVER done that before :laugh:

We still got 19/30 for heeling overall (amazed she got that much even) but then on SFE, she did it beautifully, I walked around her, the Judge said "ex..." and Holly moved every single one of her paws. Poo to her :rofl:

We'll be better next time, my handling and signals were appalling due simply to nerves. Good luck in yours!! :rofl:

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Guest PixieOfWrath

I actually nearly cried :rofl: it's infuriating when they perform so beautifully under every distraction you can think of outside the ring, then get in the ring and put on the worst performance they've ever done in their lives :rofl:

On the up side she did her stays (to make up numbers) and did them perfectly. Typical actually, if she'd just waited another 2 measly seconds to move, we would have had a pass :cheer:

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frustrating isn't it Pixie! Kinta blew a 192 at her last trial as she just lifted her front elbows up enough to have a good scratch.... I nearly *did* cry!!!!

Ptolomy.... the steps before it went pearshaped?!

*Bring out mat

*Place articles on mat

*scent article

*Place scented article down

*send dog to find it

*dog finds it, spits it out, searches again, finds it, spits it out, searches again....looks at me for an answer...


Did it this morning with 3 metals and presto - I *know* how to do that!

Repeat with some woods and leathers..... no problems mum...

last night was the new set - which have now been airing almost since the last time I posted about article trobles....

this morning was with an old set.....

Hey Ptolomy why are you shaking your head?!?!!? We dont' all have really really good red dogs unfortunately :rofl:

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Oh come on LP Ness screwed up a 189 at the Adelaide Royal and third place in Open all because of that bloody *******N drop stay and yes for the record I didn't nearly cry I did CRY :rofl: .

PS LP should know you should have got yourself a good black and white minus the tan points :rofl: .

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:rofl: LP - yeah I am still wondering how I held it together to manage 3 passes in CDX I am not sure I'll ever manage 3 of those UD ones.

Ooops maybe I shouldn't let Ptolomy in on that just yet.

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