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:rainbowbridge: ....

My 7 year old Coolie was diagnosed 16 days ago with Tetanus. Whilst he has undergone treatment with my local vet (who are wonderful) and is now on 2 lots of antibiotics, pain killers and sedatives… and is at home… I think I have hit a wall as he just is not getting better. 4 days ago he seemed to be on the up hill mend… only for the last couple of days he has been so miserable and in a lot of pain.

The tetanus, we think entered his body through some insiwincy tiny cuts on his back left paw (pad). This is where it is localised! They were so small that I totally missed them and trust me… my dogs (another Coolie and a Great Dane) are much loved and looked after as well as my horse!

I don’t know anyone here in Sydney – who has dealt with tetanus and my vet has only seen 1 case 30+ years ago.

I am rolling Otto, every 4 hours, and i am keeping him quite... snuggled in his bed where he lies 24/7… being a working dog - watching him go through this is just so sad... He is eating well but not drinking, so I am syringing water into his mouth. He wags his tail when he sees me… I just love him so much and just don’t want him to suffer.

… any more information on any experience with tetanus will be of help.

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Dansdogs ... really sorry to here of your dog's woes. I don't know anything of tetanus to be able to give you any helpful hints, advice or tips. But I wonder, as your dog is eating but not drinking, perhaps adding some honey (preferably Active Manuka Honey) to his drinking water will help. The honey quite often encourages them to drink (they usually love it) and of course in turn helps to keep them hydrated. The AMH boosts the immune system.

Hang in there. It is awful seeing our dogs in pain and feeling helpless to fix it. I am sorry to say that I can empathise with that feeling. :p

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So sorry to hear about your dog, Dansdogs.

Often homeopathic treatments can help substantially in severe diseases. I would suggest that you contact Diana Hayes at Holistic Animal Medicines, and she can advise you on exactly the right treatments to use. The link to her site is :


I have had great success using her remedies on my dogs. Also the homeopathic treatments will not cause any side-effects.

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Normally you would give an animal the tetanus toxoid but this needs to be done within the first 48hrs.

Now at 16days it probably would not do much but I would give it to him anyway just incase! (unless he has already had this)

I would roll him every hour and massage him.

Also ensure he can wee and poo otherwise he will need this done for him.

I assume he is eating/drinking or is he tubed as obviously a drip will no longer suffice.

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Hi Daniela

Have sent you a PM. I'm sorry you're going through this with your boy. As I suggested, get the anti-toxin (the toxoid described above) into him. IV is fastest acting but can be administered under the skin to avoid allergic reactions. This will attach to the radical bacteria floating around and kill it but will NOT undo the damage already done. My boy was given two lots of toxoid - one IV and one under the skin. Regarding fighting the bacteria, procane penicillin is what worked most effectively on my boy (after switching him from Metrogyl tablets). Twice daily injections under the skin for 2-3 weeks. Then he was changed to tablets. I would also suggest the vaccine as well with a booster one month later.

Things to look for: you say that you are syringing fluids into him. Pinch his skin regularly to check for hydration. Also be VERY careful when administering fluids as it can go down the oesophagus into his lungs creating a very nasty situation (asphixiation). Really, if he is not drinking by himself then I believe it best for him to be on a drip in hospital. If he is not going to the toilet by himself then he will need a catheter. Just watch his heartrate as well. Sometimes the sedatives given to keep them quiet can in fact drop the heartrate too low, requiring a stimulant to be given. Just don't take a chance. If ever you feel he is getting worse, get him to the vets.

This is a horrible time and I know what you're going through. It's almost a silent condition because they just can't do anything but I know that both of you are suffering and I really wish you all the very best of luck. The consensus is, all being well, you're looking at one month's recovery at the very least.

I think the worst of this was the feeling of guilt, like I could have prevented it happening to my boy, especially because most vets will say they've hardly ever (or never in my first vet's case) seen a case of tetanus in dogs. The fact that it seems so uncommon makes it feel like a harder battle to be won. But it can be won. There will be days of plateau and days of getting better but hold onto the fact that he doesn't get worse and take it as a good sign. Your boy is older, stronger with a better immune system than my Davey. Take comfort in that fact.

Good luck and I really wish you and your boy all the very best.


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