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Very Worried About Grumpy


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Grumpy has been full of beans all day. He had a bone around 5.30, just half a lamb's neck. Normally from around 5.45 onwards he comes to harass me about dinner and this steadily grows to constant whinging around 6.00. Nothing like that tonight. He came out around 6.15 and sat on the couch. Then he moved to sit on next to the heater. I checked him and said do you want your dinner, which would normally be a little song and dance. He got up and went to the bedroom. His tail was completely flat and didn't wag when I gave him a cuddle. He's been on the bed for a while. He didn't wake up when I put some Ziwipeak on the bed next to him, not until I clapped my hands. He's very down but doesn't seem to be in any pain. His tummy is a little noisy but this is normal when he has a bone. His breathing is normal; he's just quiet and withdrawn. Any ideas?

Edited by Sheridan
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No- sorry - it could be anything, from pain, to onset of illness... if you know what his pulse does normally- check that .. what is his capillary refill like? (press a finger firmly on a gum.. leave for a couple of seconds..then count how long til gum turns pink again.... )

it should only take a second or two to go back to pink.If it takes ages- call the vet...

does his skin feel hot/cold?

Hopefully he just has a bit of a tummy ache.

Will he drink some milk/water?

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He's asleep at the moment and I don't want to wake him (given he's why the phrase 'let sleeping dogs like' was invented). He hasn't drunk anything since coming in from having his bone. He woke up when Mini told a car off for driving down the street but he didn't get up. He doesn't seem to be in pain (don't know what his normal pulse is) and he doesn't seem to be sick, just down and quiet.

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If a piece of bone got caught and was blocking something, what would the symptoms be?

probably more restlessness... maybe trying to vomit? Not 100%certain, but I doubt he would just go off to sleep...

I probably would have phoned a vet by now.... if he is acting so much out of character...

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I just phoned the emergency vet as you were posting. They were all 'If you think he's not well ...' which wasn't helpful. He's not trying to vomit, he's asleep again. He seemed more uncomfortable with me on the bed so I got off. It's not obviously anything wrong, it's just out of character, you know?

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not obviously anything wrong,

Ok- however to my mind- anything way out of character/routine signifies a problem.

Sorry the vet wasn't more helpful... but guess they do need to hear more info - like pulse rate- colour, signs of pain, etc...

tricky for you :cheer:

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I took him to the vet (not his, an emergency one). She couldn't find a blockage but said his tummy was upset. She gave him an injection of a drug called Tramal. Avoid it. Big time. It's turned him into a spaceman. He didn't know who I was, still doesn't and is still in the car because he wouldn't/couldn't get out. I rang his own vet this morning and he suggested that we wait until it wears off and if he's still dopey to bring him in this afternoon. I've had an absolutely shiteful night.

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Hi Sheridan,

If he's sleeping that's a good sign that he's recovering and healing. It does seem as though the drug given to him was the cause of his extreme behaviour. But don't blame the emergency vet.s too much. Imagine all the animals they must see at all hours and each with a different medical history and temperament. Ok they said it was mild and it wasn't. Just let them know about the outcome for yourself and Grumpy last night. For your boy it wasn't helpful at all. I feel hopeful that he will be back to his normal self by this evening. His advancing age is always a factor. Love to Miss Minnie and you.

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Hi Sheridan,

If he's sleeping that's a good sign that he's recovering and healing. It does seem as though the drug given to him was the cause of his extreme behaviour. But don't blame the emergency vet.s too much. Imagine all the animals they must see at all hours and each with a different medical history and temperament. Ok they said it was mild and it wasn't. Just let them know about the outcome for yourself and Grumpy last night. For your boy it wasn't helpful at all. I feel hopeful that he will be back to his normal self by this evening. His advancing age is always a factor. Love to Miss Minnie and you.

He's "Grumpy" for a reason, as you know. :cry: Maybe it just brought that to the fore (?). His vet suggested that he had a mild seizure earlier, though of course he's just guessing having not seen him.

Folks, I actually phoned Merijigs at an ungodly hour last night for advice and she was completely brilliant as usual. :( Thanks heaps. Missy Min sends wiggy wags of her tail to her Mummy No. 1.

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