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Litters Due In December 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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Great news partipaws. Glad she is home and recovering.

Chopperslodge- your pups are gorgeous. The mum does look very relaxed in the photo.

So glad for you both after your ordeals that the outcome has been a happy one.

Now like me you probably won't get much sleep for the next few nights!!!!

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Shellbyville, relaxed isn't the word, she really is in her element and has not moved since she went in there. I was worried as she is a first time mum, how she would get on, but I am pleased to say she is almost smiling. She isn't up to speed with the toileting as yet but I don't have a problem with doing that.

Sleep, ha ha yeah that is going to be a novelty for awhile but I love babies and really don't mind at all, at least I know I am not the only one going without.. :laugh:

Good luck to those who are still expecting, hope things go a little more smoothly for you (partipaws and I missed out of the whelping fairy :D

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hello again!

thank you everyone for thinking of me and my girl and of course the little blobs!

Everyone is doing great - mum is feeding bubs and they seem to be doing fine! Mum has not got much milk so having to do regular feeds and possibly try bottle feeding a little bit depending on if they don't seem to settle - they are crying every now and then, but they seem to stay feeding on her for a while so hopefully they are getting something.

I would love to know everyones thoughts on these colours.

I know there is definitely an orange and white there - but as for the two darker pups, I am wondering if they are chocs?? they also have tan markings so may be tri-colours choc & tan parti's - Chocs are pretty rare in OZ so I am inexperience to know whether these are chocs right now until they get their pigment as right now they are pink. Both mum and dad carry choc and father was black & tan and mum also carries the & tan gene???

hope you enjoy :)


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just a couple of quick snaps....was planning on changing the bedding first but Indy was fast asleep..

ooohh look at all the little bubba's - looks like some of mine got lost and mingled with yours - lol

well done again on your beautiful litter - you must be such a proud mum!!!

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Congrats. PP and CL. Hope you have both recovered after your traumatic weekends.

It's amazing that both your girls did the same things.

The babies are gorgeous.

I thought a few of my babies were Bull Terriers when they were born (almost white) but now they are turning into something more like Goldies!

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Huge congrats Partipaws and Dhana, so glad it all worked out well in the end and mum and babies are doing well ;) :)

Both of you have lovely colours in your litters, sorry partipaws can't help you with your colours as I have no idea.

Yarrowfell your poor girls look like they are ready to burst :scared:

Scarlet was back at the vets again yesterday, this time she had fluid coming out of her stiches, her stiches are fine bit there is a loy of fluid in her abdomen that is seaping through. She now has this lovely sling/bra thing on that I stuff with padding to soak up the fluid. Vet has put her onto stronger AB and hopefully it will clear up in a couple days. I cut holes in the sling/bra for the teats to come through so that the pups can still feed but now they are having problems finding them :eek: Another sleepless night plugging babies into mum, wish they would all feed at once instead of taking it in turns. I am so over this litter and can't wait till they are older. Thankfully Storms litter (now 2 weeks old) is going really well and doesn't need much attention from me.

Wasn't planning on keeping from this litter as I have 2 pups going to show homes but might keep a girl as I don't know if I will mate Scarlet again after all that keeps going wrong :mad


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OOOH what a nightmare, you would nearly be ready to pull your hair out....

The biggest problem??(not really a problem) is that Indy won't toilet them, but apart from that

we had a very pleasant first night, Indy has been out for a toilet break this morning and has had

breaky, but the best part was when she was nearly breaking her neck to get back in with her

babies, so was really pleased that she kinda likes 'em.. :)

Hope things get a little better for you Ozstar, but poor Scarlet, she hasn't had the greatest of first time

experiences has she, but wow what gorgeous babies she has given you..

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Leanne, I am so sorry to hear of all the trouble you are having! I hope Scarlet improves very quickly and you can relax a little. I am still getting up to sit with my girl for her 2 hourly or so feeds, so feeling a bit tired, but she is doing a wonderful job of feeding and cleaning. I get up and make sure all get a teat, so they all feed at once and then sleep at once, better for me!

I also have one little girl who keeps spurting a bit of milk out of her nose (not every feed, but quite often). Have checked to make sure she doesn't have a cleft palate and she doesn't. So keeping a close eye on her.

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More action here! Congratulations Rascal, Chopperlodge & Partipaws - and sorry to hear of your foal, Chopperlodge. All of the puppies are so beautiful.

There has been mention on here of noisy pups - ours had a very noisy day yesterday, too. Vivi has been out of the box a bit so I'm not sure if she is a bit hot, or sore from feeding, or just over motherhood altogether! She is eating and drinking so she seems fine, and the pups are all making good gains. At least 2 of our boys will pass the 1kg mark on their 7 day birthday tomorrow. They put on 103g and 106g yesterday.

We have had a very easy time of it with our very first litter - Viviane just seems to be a natural mum and is doing an awesome job of fattening the puppies and cleaning them (haven't seen any poo on them since the very first day).

Is there some "rule of thumb" with pups about doubling birthweight by a certain time, or any other clues to weight gains? As long as they are gaining I guess that's okay.

Deb :)

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I think I read somewhere that it is good if pups double their birth weight by 10 days. I have found that most of mine do this, with the occasional slow one taking a bit longer up to 14 days. My last litter had all doubled their birth weight by 6 - 8 days. I don't worry too much about that, just make sure they are all gaining weight, and all seem vigorous and strong.

It is nice to see that number on the scales though!

My pups had a few noisy periods during a few days, I am pretty sure it was the heat, as they would all quiet & settle as it got cooler.

Yesterday was a good day, they were very settled. They are 5 days old today!

Edited by shellbyville
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I also have one little girl who keeps spurting a bit of milk out of her nose (not every feed, but quite often). Have checked to make sure she doesn't have a cleft palate and she doesn't. So keeping a close eye on her.

If mum is producing alot of milk, and she is a little bit of a piggy, maybe she is ''overfull'' ????

Just a thought...

Thanks The Ark, it was a bit of a bitter/sweet day yesterday that's for sure...

I have always weighed them at birth, but this time round I haven't.....a bit naughty of me, but they

haven't hardly made a sound and all have nice rounded bellies, so must be getting enough??

Will weigh them as of today and at least then at the weekly weigh ins, I can see the proof that they are happy & gaining..

Partipaws.....how is your girl this morning, hope she is feeling better after her rough day yesterday...

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Gucci is fantastic - eating well, doing everything well - would not know she had a c-section!

She was a little groggy when we got her home, I had to assist with 3 or so feeds, but started to accept me making her lay and allowing them to feed, she would not clean them so would not stimulate them to go - so I have been doing most and so far all has gone well.

I had the pups in a separate box with heat pad as obviously I wanted to give Gucci some time to rest and recover and I was worried about leaving them with her until I knew she was going t accept them.

went to bed - but had alarm to get up to fed and check on everything - Gucci kept me awake most of the night crying! She wants her pups...

So early this morning I have re-arranged everything and now mum and pups are together - what bliss I can have a little break now :laugh:

She is the most fantastic mother! considering she is a first time mum and had to have a c-section so would not know where these little bubs came from!! hehe!

all is good, just need to get the milk bar happening, as gucci does not have much, we thought this before hand but still not much, they are feeding off her, but they are on there a fair while so I assume there is not much coming out - thank you BB for your suggestions, will give it a go! :laugh:

My little ones weighed 145grms for the big one, and 119 and 110 - lol

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Partipaws - Fantastic news that Gucci is a good mum. It does make things so much easier if they are naturals!!!

Chopperlodge - I think you may be right about the little girl with milk coming out her nose. The mum does have lots of milk, and that little girl in particular does suck really hard, and when others come to steal her nipple she hangs on for dear life and sucks even harder! Have been keeping a close eye on her breathing and it is clear, no rattle in her chest, she is a bit snuffly straight after feeds though!

My littlies are 5 days old today and they are all only 50 - 125g off doubling their birth weight! So mum is definitely a good producer! So I would think most by tomorrow will have doubled as they are gaining on average between 75 - 100 grams a day!

They are definitely little piglets!

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Well, I just weighed my crew, (still haven't figured out why I didn't do this yesterday......blonde moment???)

4 are between 320 & 330g

2 are 400/420

and the bossiest one is a wee little girl of 240g (but at the rate she is going, she will catch up in no time but keeping an extra eye on her)

Indy has realised that she now knows what to do and is toileting them herself (and making up for lost time much to their disgust..lol) they have all gained since coming home yesterday, it is easy to see and she has settled into the mummy role verrrrry well.

Partipaws, so glad to hear all is well with Gucci, and she sounds like a perfect mummy....

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Thanks BB. I am pretty sure there is no palate issue. I have had a good look and feel and other than a little milk coming out of the nose she is perfect. She is settled and is putting on as much weight as the other pups. The mum does have a very good supply, although pups are feeding very frequently today, but it is very hot here!

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Beautiful babies Kelpsierule.

Glad to hear that everyone else's babies are doing so well.

Well Scarlet managed to stay away fromthe vets yesterday so that must be a good sign. She is not leaking as much fluid as she was so hopefully the ABs are doing there job and I can take this sling of her in a couple days.

Babies are all gaining weight nicely, between 40-70 grams a day.

Can't wait to be able to sleep a solid 4 hours again though :laugh:


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