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Postive Park Story


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This evening we decided to go to a local oval [15mins drive from us] to let the dogs run around. When we got there, there was two ladies with a 2 whippets and two westies [found out later one was a westie X] on the other side, so we stuck to one side of the oval. We let our dogs off and started throwing the balls to them and the whippets came over and joined in. After a while the westies joined in too, and I went over to chat to the ladies. As we were talking about our dogs, a few more people came down with their dogs. They all seemed to know each other, and I found out that they have an informal dog meet on every night at 6:30 at this oval.

In the end there was Spot, Peggie, two whippets, a westie, westie X, two cavvies [both beautifully fit and healthy too], a huge miniature schnauzer, fox terrier puppy, and 4 various poodle X's. All the dogs got on so well together and I was so proud of Spot who let the foxy jump all over him while playing. All the people there commented how well our two bigger dogs got on with all the little dogs. They are all very well clued in on good dog ownership and there wasn't any scuffles [a few growls here and there but nothing serious]

I am so happy I've found this group of lovely people and wonderful dogs. :(

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Sounds like my local. Used to be more active but a few of the group moved away, and I don't often get down their during the work week as they gather a bit early. But in it's hey day we could have a Visla, Labrador, several kelpie and acd crosses, a staffie, a couple of pugs, a bull arab type, a ridgeback and a Borzoi all playing or pottering. And as it's a multi-use area there could be kids at one end playing soccer, someone with a kite at the other, etc.

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My mum used to have a local oval like this too. They all used to take their deck chairs :angeldevil:

Unfortunetly the sports people couldnt stick to their times or share so they had it changed from a offlead to an onlead area and the people that used to have lights on at night for them refused to do it anymore!

Oh well wishing you better luck with your group!

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My mum used to have a local oval like this too. They all used to take their deck chairs :angeldevil:

Unfortunetly the sports people couldnt stick to their times or share so they had it changed from a offlead to an onlead area and the people that used to have lights on at night for them refused to do it anymore!

Oh well wishing you better luck with your group!

That sounds like the park in Page? If not, it happened there too. Used to get a huge group there until the cricketers objected, and yep, deckchairs :laugh:

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No one ever shares their good park stories! We have a dog park like this that is local as well. One of the regulars recently had to put her old Collie down. :'( We don't even know her name, but there were lots of hugs and everyone understood how hard it is. They were all there for us when we had Penny PTS last winter as well. They have watched our two boys grow up and all the dogs get on famously. Rarely so much as a growl. Everyone pays attention to their dogs and has pretty good verbal control of them, and they are very speedy when it comes to defusing any potential grumpyness. We sometimes meet some people with dogs we don't trust, but on a weekend afternoon we can often go down there and have a dozen dogs sharing the park without any problems. Except when Kivi tries to play tug with the BCs and is reminded that they don't play with overly friendly Lapphunds. :D

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My mum used to have a local oval like this too. They all used to take their deck chairs :D

Unfortunetly the sports people couldnt stick to their times or share so they had it changed from a offlead to an onlead area and the people that used to have lights on at night for them refused to do it anymore!

Oh well wishing you better luck with your group!

That sounds like the park in Page? If not, it happened there too. Used to get a huge group there until the cricketers objected, and yep, deckchairs ;)

Thats the one! :D

Mum used to go with her little Jap Chin X and my big Czech Shepherd. I went a couple of times with my two GSD bitches. Was such a shame to see that go. Unlike other offlead areas there seemed to be some really nice people with well behaved dogs.

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Some good stories there :thumbsup:

I think from what has been written that 1 of the differences to most dog parks is these areas were unfenced so people had to have their dogs under control.

There is a group not far from here that informally gather to walk each morning at a large park. There are playgrounds, BBQ areas and a creek to swim in. There can be upto 15 dogs there and never a problem. Other people walking, bike riders and joggers as well. But as it is a very open area all under effective verbal control - no way you would run them there otherwise. Due to work I can't get there but the few times I have it has been lovely - none of the dogs have swarmed the "newcomers" and if any did look they were going to they were calmly called away. They haven't been acting as a pack - some just walk next to their person, others go off sniffing the bushes and trees, some in and out of the water etc. It is great.

If only there were more places like it. :thumbsup:

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